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Temat: Ciekawe arty w jêzyku angielskim, które s± warte t³umaczenia

  1. #21
    neverending science experiment Moderator #Doping Osi±gniêcia:
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    when is this going to get done? :)

    Hypothyroidism is a condition where the body produces insufficient amounts of thyroid hormones, the most important of which is Thyroxine. Hypothyroidism produces many complications in the body including fatigue, loss of muscle tone, [link widoczny dla zalogowanych U¿ytkowników] and [link widoczny dla zalogowanych U¿ytkowników], amoung others. Thyroid hormones are necessary for normal growth, muscle development and basic cellular metabolism. A diet that provides insufficient amounts of iodine is a leading cause of Hypothyroidism. Another notable cause is childbirth, a small, but significant number of women develop this condition in the first year after giving birth.

    [link widoczny dla zalogowanych U¿ytkowników] is a condition where a person is constantly awoken by the body because breathing has stopped while sleeping. In many situations, the person suffering from this condition is not even aware that it is happening. These awakenings can happen as frequently as 2-3 times per hour and for obvious reasons almost always result in the person not getting enough rest and waking up in the morning tired. There are many medical conditions which result in a tendency towards Sleep Apnea, but one of the most common is obesity.
    The link between Sleep Apnea and Hypothyroidism comes from the fact that one of the more frequent symptoms of Hypothyroidism is a swelling of the tongue and other tissues that line the mouth and throat. While in a prone position, it is easy for the enlarged tongue to block the path of air into the lungs, especially considering the other tissue surrounding the airway is already partially hindering airflow. Sleeping on your back will greatly increase the chances of Sleep Apnea, but even sleeping on your side will not prevent all instances of apnea.
    It is important to note that the link between Hypothyroidism and Sleep Apnea so far apears to be a one-way street. There is no research that suggests that Sleep Apnea can cause Hypothyroidism. Instead, it is thought that the symptoms of Hypothyroidism ( swollen tongue and soft tissue in the mouth and throat) is responsible for the Sleep Apnea. As stated earlier, another frequent symptom of hypothyroidism is obesity, which can also cause sleep apnea.
    Because of this, a treatment for the symptom of Sleep Apnea is not needed once the patient is diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, since treating the hypothyroidism will decrease the instances of apnea. The treatment for Hypothyroidism is simple in theory. The patient just needs to take a small pill in the morning. The pill is comprised of synthetic Thyroxine. The difficulty in the treatment is that every person is different, and the amount of Thyroxine needed by an individual is poorly understood. It takes many months, and sometimes a year to get the dosage exactly right. During that time, either a shortage or an over abundance of Thyroxine will have drastic effects on energy levels of the individual, which greatly affects their quality of life. Many patients become frustrated with this because their days feels so unpredictable. it is important to note that while the pendulum is swinging back and forth on the patients dosage, it is absolutely imperative that the patient gives accurate and timely information to their doctor so that the dosage can be adjusted quickly and appropriately.
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    jestem trochê zajêty dlatego ¿adnych t³umaczeñ... ale ten.ostatni postaram siê dzisiaj napisaæ
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  3. #23
    neverending science experiment Moderator #Doping Osi±gniêcia:
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    Jedz brokuly!!
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  4. #24
    neverending science experiment Moderator #Doping Osi±gniêcia:
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    The GIFT of Average Genetics

    Most people envy those with freakish genetics, and it can be hard not to. However, being born with world class genetics ends up being a curse that they are never aware of and not a gift. Once you’ve been in, or an observer of, a sport for some time this may become more evident. It’s true that to be truly world class in a sport such as Michael Phelps or Bill Kazmaier you will never reach that by hard work alone. It simply won’t happen without having the genetic potential to achieve that.
    So what exactly is the gift of average genetics? The gift is you always have to work for every inch of progress you have made. You learned early on about incremental gains and hard work. From the first time in the gym or on the sporting field you had to work, sweat, bleed, and then do it all again just to make some measly progress. The same progress that some gifted natural athlete had just walking on the field. These small gains however are consistent and build upon each other. This is a basic psychological system that rewards your hard work, sweat, and blood. With this reward mechanism you stay at it year after year.
    When you reach stalling points you are not deterred, you know that time and work will keep you moving forward. When you injure yourself you know that to get back isn’t going to be an overnight journey to get back. It may be years, but this doesn’t bother you. You have built the psychological support of maintaining the focus during that time as well as the mental discipline to follow through. It is these import psychological factors and discipline that create the majority of the athletes that fill much of the professional ranks. They have worked hard for many years and stay the course with consistent training to stay in the game. They may not be the best in the world, but they are at the top of their game and stay there for a long time.
    The gifted athlete knows nothing of incremental gains. As they grow up they succeed at every sporting activity they try and are better than nearly everyone on the field with little to no effort. Work effort and discipline are not reinforced. They show up and ‘play around’ and everyone says they are the best. After doing any activity a few times they see huge gains. If they do not have the internal discipline born or raised into them via other methods they have nothing that develops it. When they eventually reach that plateau or injury it is devastating. This is when that talent becomes a curse. Having never had to ‘work’ or progress out of a long injury they are suddenly spending time at a suboptimal level or at a stalling point. Something they simply are not prepared for.
    Personally I’ve seen so many people enter strength sports and in their first couple years be billed as the next great. “How can they not be?”, people ask. “Look at their age and the weights they are moving.”, they point out as evidence. And then mysteriously they disappear. They got to the point of hard work or an injury and disappeared to live the rest of their life as has-beens. This is why the majority of the top people in a sport did not come in with an amazing level of strength or talent. What they did is train for 10-15 years getting increment gains. Sure, the top 1% of the sport have that rare talent of being genetically gifted and having incredible work ethic and discipline. But the majority of your top athletes started out no different than you or me.
    The gift of average genetics is a long healthy career of training and not becoming a has-been telling stories of you early career success. You get to maintain doing the sport that you love through the entirety of your life. I would much rather have this as my reality than be a has-been. Vision, Consistency, and Hardwork…LIVE IT!!!

    Posted by Chris Duffin at [link widoczny dla zalogowanych U¿ytkowników]
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    warto dolaczyc!
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  5. #25
    Moderator #Trening Osi±gniêcia:
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    ej to bedzie co s po polsku czy nie? :D
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  6. #26
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    Fallen Ciê naslal? ;d pracuje nad tym
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  7. #27
    neverending science experiment Moderator #Doping Osi±gniêcia:
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    Brah seriously

    Wtf??????? Do smthn bo cie znajde.

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  8. #28
    neverending science experiment Moderator #Doping Osi±gniêcia:
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    Figured I'd start a thread since this medicine is commonly and widely used to treat acne.
    I'm speaking from PERSONAL experience on this subject. Throughout my teenage years I had mild acne, probably what most would consider normal but as I got older is gradually got better. It was NEVER completely gone but got considerably better. After I got diagnosed with low testosterone and was put on Testosterone Replacement Therapy the acne slowly started coming back. It eventually got to the point where professional support was needed. I went to the dermatolgist and asked about Accutane because I heard and read ALOT of good reviews about it. She almost stopped me mid-sentence and told me that Accutane is a LAST resort because of the sides and put me on a topical solution and oral bacteria pill. After about 6 weeks of both of these medications, my acne was not getting any better. I scheduled my follow-up appointment and she reviewed it and my progress and put me on Accutane. I'm now about 8 weeks into an 8 MONTH treatment but 95%-98% of my acne is GONE. I've never seen anything work like this ever. To complete the treatment I have to stay on it and it supposably puts it in "remission" meaning that I might not have to have any type of medication again *fingers crossed*.

    In short, this is my story and the success of it. Below I've listed some facts about the medication.
    Drug Name: Accutane - Isotretinoin (oral) (EYE so TRET i noyn)
    Brand Names: Accutane, Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret

    What is Accutane?
    Accutane is a form of vitamin A. It reduces the amount of oil released by oil glands in your skin, and helps your skin renew itself more quickly.
    Accutane is used to treat severe nodular acne. It is usually given after other acne medicines or antibiotics have been tried without successful treatment of symptoms.

    Accutane Cons:
    It requires blood work every month to keep liver levels in check.
    It causes VERY dry skin and personally for me chapped lips.
    Accutane can cause severe, life-threatening birth defects. Never use Accutane if you are pregnant.

    Women of child-bearing potential must agree in writing to use two specific forms of birth control and have regular pregnancy tests before, during, and after taking isotretinoin.
    Accutane is available only under a special program called iPLEDGE. It is dangerous to try and purchase Accutane on the Internet or from vendors outside of the United States.
    Do not take vitamin supplements containing vitamin A while you are taking isotretinoin. Do not donate blood while taking Accutane and for at least 30 days after you stop taking it.

    - Dry, chapped lips
    - Dry, peeling skin
    - Dry mucous membranes
    - Temporary worsening of acne (initial breakout)

    - Back pain, muscle pain, or joint pain
    - Nosebleeds
    - Nausea
    - Dizziness
    - Drowsiness/fatigue
    - Flushing
    - Sweating
    - Insomnia
    - Restlessness or irrititability
    - Headaches
    - Lightening or darkening of the skin
    - Changes in weight or appetite
    - Difficulty concentrating
    - Changes in sleep pattern
    - Increased skin sensitivity/susceptiblity to sunburn
    - Elevated tryglyceride, cholesterol, and transaminase blood levels

    - Depression; hopelessness; feelings of guilt, worthlessness or helplessness
    - Suicidal thoughts or attempts
    - Acting on dangerous impulses
    - Hallucinations or delusions
    - Birth defects (if taken by pregnant women). Birth defects include skull, ear, eye, facial, central nervous system, cardiovascular, thymus, and parathyroid abnormalities, and also death
    - Rapid breakdown of muscle tissue
    - Hair loss/thinning hair
    - Swollen nymph nodes
    - Voice changes
    - Menstrual changes
    - Bleeding gums
    - Arthiritis
    - Undesired hair growth (such as body or facial hair growth)
    - Ringing of the ears (tinnitus) or hearing loss
    - Vision problems (decreased color vision, permanent loss of night vision, possible permanent dry eyes)
    - High triglycerides, which may be accompanied by pancreatitis (dangerous inflammation of the pancreas)
    - Signs of liver damage: yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice), upper right abdominal pain, and high liver enzymes
    - Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue)
    - Signs of inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease), such as: severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, broken bones (which may be a sign of thinning bones), any vision changes, changes in blood sugar, seizures, a rash with blisters or with sores in the mouth or throat, especially if skin peeling occurs, as this may be a sign of potentially life-threatening problems known as Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis
    - Signs of a stroke, such as: vision or speech changes, weakness or numbness in an arm or leg, severe headache

    Remember, the side effects of Accutane are not always just while you're on the drug. Some people report having long term side effects even years after finishing Accutane, such as permanent back pain, permanent thinning hair, and permanent dry skin.

    What should I discuss with my healthcare provider before taking Accutane?
    Accutane is available only under a special program called iPLEDGE. You must be registered in the program and sign documents stating that you understand the dangers of this medication and that you agree to use birth control as required by the program. Ask your doctor or call the drug maker if you have questions about the program or the written requirements. It is dangerous to try and purchase Accutane on the Internet or from vendors outside of the United States. The sale and distribution of Accutane outside of the iPLEDGE program violates the regulations of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the safe use of this medication. Do not use this medication if you are allergic to isotretinoin or to parabens, or if you are pregnant or may become pregnant.

    If you have any of these other conditions, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely take Accutane:
    A personal or family history of depression or mental illness;
    heart disease, high cholesterol or triglycerides;
    osteoporosis or other bone disorders;
    an eating disorder (anorexia nervosa); or
    liver disease.
    Accutane can cause severe, life-threatening birth defects if the mother takes the medication during pregnancy. Even one dose of Accutane can cause major birth defects of the baby's ears, eyes, face, skull, heart, and brain. Never use Accutane if you are pregnant. For Women: Unless you have had your uterus and ovaries removed (total hysterectomy) or have been in menopause for at least 12 months in a row, you are considered to be of child-bearing potential. Even women who have had their tubes tied are required to use birth control while taking Accutane. You must have a negative pregnancy test 30 days before you start taking Accutane. A pregnancy test is also required before each prescription is refilled, right after you take your last dose of Accutane, and again 30 days later. All pregnancy testing is required by the iPLEDGE program.

    You must agree in writing to use two specific forms of birth control beginning 30 days before you start taking Accutane and ending 30 days after you stop taking it. Both a primary and a secondary form of birth control must be used together.
    Primary forms of birth control include:
    tubal ligation (tubes tied);
    vasectomy of the male sexual partner;
    an IUD (intrauterine device);
    estrogen-containing birth control pills (not mini-pills); and
    hormonal birth control patches, implants, injections, or vaginal ring.
    Secondary forms of birth control include:
    a male latex condom plus spermicidal foam or gel;
    a diaphragm plus spermicidal foam or gel;
    a cervical cap plus spermicidal foam or gel; and
    a vaginal sponge containing spermicide.
    Stop using Accutane and call your doctor at once if you have unprotected sex, if you quit using birth control, if your period is late, or if you think you might be pregnant. If you get pregnant while taking Accutane, call the iPLEDGE pregnancy registry at 1-866-495-0654.

    It is not known whether isotretinoin passes into breast milk. Do not take Accutane without first talking to your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.

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    warto dolaczyc!
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  9. #29
    Sezonowiec Osi±gniêcia:
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    A kto je bêdzie t³umaczy³? Ja mam dwa artyku³y ale nie chcê czytaæ w stylu "on byæ si³a, ona mieæ muskulatura.."
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  10. #30
    Administrator Osi±gniêcia:
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    na offie nie mam weny do tlumaczenia
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