Zobacz pełną wersję : Ciekawe arty w języku angielskim, które są warte tłumaczenia

10-01-12, 19:42
widzę, że niektórych to irytuje, że do działu lądują teksty roboczo wrzucone w języku angielskim. Jako że większość osób nie posługuje się na tyle dobrze tym językiem, aby przeczytać jakieś badania zapraszam do wrzucania tutaj linków do artykułow, bądź samych artykułow, których tłumaczenie chcielibyście/warto poznać.


10-01-12, 21:03
A tłumaczycie też listy od rodziny? xDDD

Nie, no pomysł bdb ! :)

11-01-12, 19:03
Trening a alkohol, interesuje kogos?
First you quit smoking, then think about what you eat and how much you sleep, even after buy a beautiful jars of various sports supplements. All this you do in order to make your body attractive. For the beauty you have to change your lifestyles but from cake are easy to give up, then what about alcohol?

Birthdays, parties … Sometimes you just can not resist and not refuse, and of course, hurts the question – how it affect the results of training? Will it fall endurance or appear fat? How much alcohol can you drink without serious consequences for the organism? To answer these and other questions let us try to understand what alcohol is and how it acts on the body.
Alcohol (ethanol) – does not contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, but has an energy value of 7 calories / g. According to its properties, it is more like carbohydrates, but unlike them, can not be converted into glycogen in the muscles and delayed for later use. For our body alcohol is toxic and at the first ingestion begins to be processed at a speed of about 10 grams / hour. For example, if you drink 200 grams of vodka, then only 8 hours the body gets rid of excess alcohol. During this time, in the body can occur interesting changes, which can not be avoided, but you can try to compensate. You can easily find a lot of information about the dangers of alcohol, but we are more interested in its effects on an athlete.
To say that this influence is negative, then do not say anything!
Alcohol slows down the anabolic processes in the body. This is a consequence of the fact that the gastrointestinal tract absorbs much less nutrients. In the blood appears deficit of amino acids, so necessary for the muscles. Is observed lack of protein and also decreased glycogen reserves. It reflects badly on your endurance, strength and speed.
In one study, 8 men drank two glasses of vodka with an interval of 30 minutes. A few hours after the “experiment”, the level of fat metabolism decreased by an average of 73%! The reason of this effect is the way how our body is processing the alcohol. Through the bowel alcohol quickly enters the bloodstream and then into the liver, where begins the first stage of processing. An enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase converts into acetaldehyde, which is a highly toxic substance. Because of this substance in the morning we feel discomfort … Other enzymes convert the acetaldehyde into acetic acid and then had to carbon dioxide, water and energy. Thus, taking alcohol, you simply make the body to push into the background oxidation of fat. The same thing happens when using a large number of fast carbohydrates (cakes, candy, etc.) As a result of slower metabolism of fats leads to their deposition.
Under the influence of alcohol your body loses a significant amount of fluid. Dehydrated muscles lose elasticity. Is inhibited the transfer of useful and harmful substances. In this state of intensive physical activity will provoke only harm and loss of muscle mass.
Alcohol contributes to the transformation of androgens into estrogens. In one study, after taking alcohol, testosterone dropped by 25%. When the concentration of alcohol in the blood was at maximal level, the level of the main male hormone was minimal. That’s why avid beer drinkers often suffer from gynecomastia, and obesity. If you’re on a course of steroids, about the drink better forget. Otherwise the risk of getting gynecomastia increases significantly.
What regard to insulin and growth hormone, its level is also reduced and almost 2 times.
How can you compensate the influence of alcohol and preserve your athletic achievement?
To avoid dehydration, try to drink after alcohol fluid (water, juice, etc.). Before going to bed drink 1 liter of water or even more if you like.
Also, before going to bed should eat something with high protein content. It may be cheese, chicken breast or a protein shake.
In the morning for about 30 minutes before breakfast, take multivitamins and 10 grams of glutamine, drinking plenty of water.
Have good breakfast, preferring foods high in protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron.
Phil Heath

11-01-12, 20:57

11-01-12, 20:59
Ok, więc max w piątek będzie na forum.

13-01-12, 23:33
This is a basic article to discuss low carbohydrate pre-contest dieting and to explain how to construct an effective approach to peaking for a competition.

We will discuss basic nutrition principles, body composition, the intricacies of a pre-contest diet, as well as utilizing cardio and weight training to properly peak for a physique contest.

Getting started

Before we get too in-depth about pre-contest dieting, it’s important to understand the difference between a healthy fat loss diet, and contest preparation.

A pre-contest diet is constructed in order to help a physique competitor (bodybuilder, fitness, figure) lose as much body fat as possible while holding on to as much lean muscle mass as possible. Often times, the carbohydrates are limited, especially when closing in on the competition date. It is not a long-term fat loss methodology. It is a plan to peak for a certain date.

A healthy diet constructed for long-term fat loss is a balanced diet that puts the individual in a caloric deficit in order to lose body fat. It SHOULD be constructed to allow for a gradual loss of body fat (2 pounds a week being a healthy guideline to follow). Those of you looking to formulate a weight loss plan should not mirror a pre-contest diet.

Body Composition

The first step in formulating a pre-contest diet is assessing body composition, in order to identify lean body and fat mass. You can have a skinfold caliper test done at almost any local fitness facility. Although it is not the most accurate way to calculate body fat percentage, an experienced and qualified trainer can do it and get a relatively close reading.

Hydrostatic weighing is the most accurate form of body fat testing, though it is not as easily accessible as a skinfold caliper test. Some doctor’s offices, sports medicine clinics, and universities with sports programs will have the proper equipment. It is also quite a bit more expensive than a skinfold caliper test.

After getting your body fat percentage identified, you can use it to calculate body composition. For example, a 235 pound male bodybuilder is identified with 15% body fat via skinfold caliper test. In order to calculate body composition, multiply weight (235) by bf (.15). This calculates to 35.25 pounds of body fat, and 199.5 pounds lean body mass.

In order to be competitive in bodybuilding, a male competitor should look to achieve <5% body fat. In order to calculate goal body composition and weight, multiply lean body mass (199.5) by goal body fat percentage in decimal +1 (1.05). This calculates to 209.475. To make things easy, we’ll round down to 209 pounds. So, for a male bodybuilder weighing 235 pounds at 15% body fat, he would have to lose 26 pounds of body fat while maintaining his lean body mass.

For females, the same formulas are used; however, competitive female bodybuilders usually look to come in at a goal body fat of 6%-7%, with fitness and figure competitors at 7%-10%. These are general ranges. Everyone is a little different, and you won’t know what you look best at until you actually peak.

It should also be said that body composition should be monitored through the entire pre-contest phase (weekly or bi-weekly), and small adjustments can and usually have to be made.

Estimating Caloric Needs

BMR: Your BMR is the caloric requirement your body at rest needs to maintain normal function over a 24 hour period. Here is a link to a simple table to estimate BMR based on age, height, and weight. http://www.internetfitness.com/calculators/bmr.htm

Daily Caloric Expenditure: The requirement your body needs to maintain normal function with daily activity factored in. The site referenced above also supplies a chart to estimate caloric requirement based on type and duration of exercise.

With that information, we can use the same example of a male bodybuilder who weighs 235 pounds, is 70 inches tall and is 25 years old. He would have a BMR of approximately 2261 kcal. If you factor in 45 minutes of weight training and 45 minutes cardiovascular activity, his daily caloric expenditure would be approximately 3000 kcal. We will use this information along with nutritional guidelines to help plan a pre-contest diet.


I’d like to touch on basic nutrition a little, before we move into formulating an actual dietary plan for pre-contest dieting.

Carbohydrates are the best dietary source of energy. There are 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can be broken into three groups: Monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Simple sugars like glucose and fructose fall into the monosaccharide category. These simple sugars can be found in honey, and fruits.

Disaccharides make up the second group of carbohydrates. Disaccharides consist of sucrose, lactose and dextrose, and can be found in table sugar, candy and milk.

Polysaccharides make up the third group of carbohydrates, and are those sugars referred to as complex carbohydrates. These starches and starch-like sugars (dextrin, cellulose, pectin and glycogen) can be found in whole grains, vegetables, nuts, some fruits and legumes.

Our bodies can only absorb monosaccharides. So, upon eating something high in simple sugars, it is quickly absorbed and can affect blood glucose and insulin levels in a very short time. Complex carbohydrates require time for digestion to break down the complex carbohydrates into monosaccharides.

Protein is an organic compound made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. There are 4 calories per gram of protein. Protein’s main function is to synthesize muscle, as well as to synthesize hormones like insulin, growth hormone, and Insulin Growth Factor-I (IGF-1). These hormones are anabolic, and can effect muscle growth, strength, recovery, and cellular absorption.

The value of protein is based on its amino acid composition. Protein is made up of 21 amino acids, which are categorized as essential, conditionally-essential, and non essential. Essential amino acids (valine, methionine, tryptophan, theronine, phenylalanine, lysine, leucine and isoleucine) can not be synthesized by the body, and must be obtained from food. Conditionally-essential amino acids (tyrosine, taurine, proline, glutamine, cystine, arginine, and histidine) are amino acids that can not be synthesized in sufficient amounts by the body in times of immuno-distress or injury. Non-essential amino acids (serine, glycine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, asparagine, and alanine) can be synthesized by the body in sufficient amounts, and are not required by diet.

Fats are found in solid and liquid form, and are also referred to as lipids. Fats aren’t always the villain they are portrayed to be, and in fact are necessary for the body to function properly. Fats are the most highly concentrated source of energy, at 9 calories per gram, over twice the calories per gram than protein or carbohydrates.

Pre-contest nutrition

Normally, to form a dietary plan for weight loss, you want to figure out BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) along with your daily caloric requirements, and formulate a diet that is well balanced and keeps you in caloric deficit. With a pre-contest diet, we will use these figures as a check point, but what is most important is maintaining lean body mass while in caloric deficit.

There are several schools of thought out there regarding specifics of pre-contest diet. I won’t get into all of them, but I will discuss what I feel is the best approach for most people.


Ketosis is a stage in metabolism occurring when the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies which can be used by the body for energy. What this does, in effect, is switch your body from using glucose to fat as its primary fuel source. In theory, this aids in the loss of body fat (in the short term), especially when in caloric deficit.

It is widely accepted that 50 grams of carbohydrates per day or less is required to stay in ketosis. With that in mind, it’s time to actually put together the approach for the diet.

Protein Needs

When utilizing a ketogenic pre-contest diet, it’s important to intake enough protein to combat the loss of lean body mass. I like to use 1.5 x LBM as a good starting point. With my strategy, it seems to be a very nice stepping off point that allows for consumption of enough food to keep from feeling hungry, and keep from going catabolic. With our 235 pound bodybuilder example, his LBM was approximately 200 pounds. Multiply 200 pounds by 1.5, which calculates to 300 grams of protein per day.

Fat Needs

When utilizing a ketogenic pre-contest diet, it’s important to consume healthy fats for proper body function, hormone output, and fuel. You do want to be in a caloric deficit, but you want to make sure you have enough energy for every day activities, your weight training, and cardio. I feel that .5 x LBM is a good starting point. With our 235 pound bodybuilder example, his LBM was approximately 200 pounds. Multiply 200 pounds by .5, which calculates to 100 grams of fat per day.

Carbohydrate Needs

Again, in order to stay in ketosis, ingestion of carbohydrates is minimal. What carbohydrates you do intake will be from green, fibrous vegetables, and incidental carbohydrates from the other food sources. Carbohydrates from fibrous vegetables have less chance effecting blood sugar, and are packed with vitamins, fiber, and nutrients. 50 grams of carbohydrates or less will be the standard.

Nutrient Totals

We have estimated the macronutrient needs based on our example bodybuilder, now lets figure out what that looks like. 300 grams protein = 1200 kcal, 100 grams fat = 900 kcal, 50 grams carbohydrates = 200 kcal, for a total of 2300 kcal per day. Let’s go back to where we calculated BMR and daily caloric requirement and check the totals for comparison. We are very close to the BMR, and under the daily caloric requirement, which equates to fat loss without loss of muscle.

Meal Preparation

We have our totals, now it’s time to prepare the meals. A diet like this is best to split into 6-7 meals (I prefer 6) throughout the day, in order to have a steady supply of protein to prevent catabolism. You should look to evenly split the protein and fat through all 6 meals, and look to intake the carbohydrates from fibrous vegetables in one or two meals earlier in the day.

If you divide 300 by 6 meals, your protein intake per meal should be about 50 grams. Divide 100 by 6 meals, and your fat intake per meal should be about 16 grams.


Very Lean Beef
Turkey Breast
Protein Powder

Natural PB
Olive Oil


A sample plan for our 235 pound bodybuilder might look like this:

Meal 1: 4 whole eggs, 1 cup egg whites - 48 g protein, 16 g fat

Meal 2: 8 oz chicken breast, 1 Tbsp natural PB, 1 cup broccoli - 53 g protein, 18 g fat, 11 g carbohydrate

Meal 3: 6 oz Tilapia, 1.5 cup asparagus, 1 oz almonds - 52 g protein, 17 g fat, 16 g carbohydrate

Meal 4: 4 whole eggs, 1 cup egg whites - 48 g protein, 16 g fat

Meal 5: (Post workout shake): 2 scoops whey protein (sugar free), 1 oz almonds - 52 g protein, 17 g fat, 10 g carbohydrates

Meal 6: 8 oz chicken breast, 1 Tbsp natural PB - 45 g protein, 18 g fat, 3 g carbohydrates

Sample Totals: Protein – 298 g, Fat – 102 g, Carbohydrates – 40 g

Cheat Meal

Once per week, I suggest a cheat meal following this type of contest preparation. A cheat meal consisting of a high amount of carbohydrates will help to keep the thyroid from cutting the output of T4, which results in less endogenous T3, and will also give you a weekly meal to look forward to. I don’t feel the cheat meal needs to be controlled too greatly, as long as the protein consumption is adequate.

One cheat meal per week, that’s it. It is very important not to skip this meal. Doing so too far out from your competition will hinder progress. The thyroid hormones are an important part of the equation, and you don’t want to blunt your body’s production of them.

The cheat meal will come out of the process as the contest date nears. When it does is going to be based on overall progress.

Weight Training

Nothing much new here. I am not a proponent of changing routines for a contest prep regimen. I think what works in the off season works for a pre-contest regimen. The energy expended doing high-rep exercises has been shown to be very close to the energy spent doing exercises in the hypertrophy range (8-12). In fact, recent studies have shown that working in a lower rep range has a higher effect on metabolism 6 to12 hours post-workout.

Granted, you will lose a little strength as you get closer to the date you are trying to peak for, but the goal of a pre-contest diet and training regimen is not to get stronger, it’s to drop body fat and retain lean muscle mass.


Ahhh….Cardio, the best part of a pre-contest regimen. I’m not going to lie, cardio sucks ass, but it’s a necessity to get into the shape where you will be competitive with other physique competitors.

High Intensity or Low Intensity?

This debate has raged on for years. In my opinion, low intensity always wins out when the goal is fat loss, regardless of whether it’s in a pre-contest regimen or not. High intensity cardio is great for strengthening the cardiovascular system, increasing VO2max, and sport-specific training, but it has no place in contest preparation.

The body uses glycogen to fuel high intensity cardio. In a reduced carbohydrate or ketogenic diet, there is very little consumption of carbohydrates to be converted to glycogen. In the absence of glycogen, your body will make glycogen via gluconeogenesis. Instead of boring you with the science of substrates and the metabolic processes of gluconeogenesis, I will tell you this: If you don’t have enough glycogen to fuel high intensity cardio, your body will either catabolize your muscle or utilize dietary protein to create glycogen. Neither of these scenarios is favorable to someone trying to keep all of their hard earned muscle.

This brings up the question: Why not just ingest more carbohydrates? In my mind, the answer is simple. It’s a matter of two steps forward, one step back. You have to ingest carbohydrates to fuel high intensity cardio. Ingesting carbohydrates means greater caloric intake, which requires more cardio. So you get to eat some carbohydrates, but you have to work much harder to burn them off. That doesn’t seem smart to me.

I suggest staying in a low intensity range of approximately 120-130 beats per minute. This will keep the body burning stored fat for energy, and will avoid having to convert muscle or dietary protein for fuel.

The duration of cardio will depend on the individual’s status. If he/she begins contest prep at a low body fat percentage, 3-4 times weekly for 45 minutes per session should work nicely. For those that are at a higher body fat percentage, more sessions may be necessary. As you close in on the contest date, you may have to add in more/longer sessions (or split sessions to twice daily). Again, this will be based on progress.


Most of the time, I feel that supplementation is grossly overdone. However, when pre-contest dieting, supplementation is necessary. You are limiting your food intake to a small cross section of foods, and not all the necessary nutrients are going to be ingested.

I’d suggest a good multi-vitamin/mineral twice daily. I also think supplementing Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids by way of fish and flax seed oil in the range of 5 grams each is smart. In addition, you may find that additional intake of fiber via a source like sugar-free Metamucil will be beneficial for digestion and regularity.

Glutamine is another popular supplement during pre-contest, though I don’t feel it’s necessary. You should be ingesting plenty of protein, which is rich in the amino acid glutamine. However, should you feel it necessary, 5-10 grams of glutamine daily should be more than sufficient.

Fat Burners (specifically an ECA stack) are widely used during pre-contest dieting. I’d suggest saving these for the last few weeks prior to your contest.

Water, Sodium Manipulation, and Carb Depletion/Loading

This is another article in itself. Needless to say, these are some areas you will want to look into for the final week of your contest prep. These three things can mean the difference between placing very well, and placing very poorly. As with pre-contest diet, there are many, many theories about each of them. Do some research, talk to a coach and/or experienced competitor, and formulate a SMART approach.

Wrapping It Up

We have discussed a ketogenic pre-contest diet that works for many people. Is this the only way to prep for a contest? No. There are many contest prep methods that work, but this type of approach seems to work very well.

Keep in mind that pre-contest dieting is not the healthiest thing you can do for your body, but if you’ve made the choice to compete, you already know that. Monitoring your body fat levels, judging progress in the mirror, and taking pictures will all help to show your progress through this process. You may need to tweak a few things here and there, but that’s the case with any type of pre-contest diet.

Also, post-contest weight gain is a serious reality. Many people gain upwards of 10% of their body mass within a few weeks of the contest because of the body’s reaction to water and sodium depletion, and reintroduction of normal food. Gradual changes in sodium and diet can help to alleviate this. With all things, be careful and monitor your health.

art by Squach

14-01-12, 14:37
Is it Necessary to Load and Cycle Creatine? (http://bodybuildingphilheath.blogspot.com/2012/01/is-it-necessary-to-load-and-cycle.html)
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UUF6ISFuUxA/TxFlQObT9LI/AAAAAAAAAQE/1wqp_FMVZYs/s400/dsc0116c.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UUF6ISFuUxA/TxFlQObT9LI/AAAAAAAAAQE/1wqp_FMVZYs/s1600/dsc0116c.jpg)

Loading & running creatine seems to get debated far & wide online. Use any search engine & you'll basically find dozens of forum posts arguing both sides. So who is right & who is wrong?
The logic behind loading & running creatine is that taking creatine consistently for long will cause the receptors in your muscle cells to take in creatine less effectively. Regrettably, when this happens, the earlier gains achieved tend to slowly disappear before finally dying off.

As there is no conclusive proof that it is necessary to load & cycle creatine, the choice is entirely up to you.
There's thousands of creatine users who swear by running so since this option also happens to be the choice where you'll finish up using the least amount of creatine, it is probably a nice option for those who need to maximize their creatine supplementation.

So what exactly is this creatine running technique?
There's six phases in running creatine. Well, actually six phases in the event you come to give it some thought since not taking any creatine at all counts for one phase.

The first phase involves the loading of creatine & this is the phase where creatine users with sensitive stomachs tend to experience upset stomachs & feelings of bloatedness. This is the phase where you cram the most amount of creatine in your muscles & usually lasts for one to six weeks.

After this phase comes maintenance, where you drop off your creatine dosage by about half. Most users tend to cycle the maintenance phase longer, for about six to six weeks depending on the individual.
The last phase is the 'do nothing' phase & this goes on for another six to six weeks. Some people say that it is best not to take creatine consistently for long due to the tax it places on your kidneys & liver. This phase helps to take a number of the creatine load off your kidneys & liver as well.


14-01-12, 15:06
DTS mógłybś przetłumaczyć plsss


14-01-12, 15:13
No problem, comrade

14-01-12, 18:05
Te arty heatha mocno średnie jak dla mnie ... ;(

14-01-12, 21:54
autor Big Cat

Testosterone is the prime male androgen in the body, and as such still the best possible mass builder in the world. It has a high risk of side-effects because it readily converts to a more androgenic form (DHT).

Testosterone Cypionate
Pharmaceutical Name: Testosterone (as Cypionate)
Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol
Molecular weight of base: 288.429
Molecular weight of ester: 132.1184 (cypionic acid, 8 carbons)
Effective dose: 250-1000 mg/week
Average Street-price: $10-20 per ml (200/250 mg/ml vials)
Available Doses: 50, 75, 100, 125, 200 or 250 mg/ml

Testosterone is the prime male androgen in the body, and as such still the best possible mass builder in the world. It has a high risk of side-effects because it readily converts to a more androgenic form (DHT) in androgen responsive tissues and forms estrogen quite easily. But these characteristics also provide it with its extreme anabolic tendencies. On the one hand estrogen increases growth hormone output, glucose utilization, improves immunity and upgrades the androgen receptor, while on the other hand a testosterone/DHT combination is extremely potent at activating the androgen receptor and eliciting major strength and size gains. While not always the most visually appealing result, there is no steroid on earth that packs on mass like testosterone does.
Testosterone Cypionate is a single-ester, long-acting form of testosterone. Due to the length of its ester (8 carbons) it is stored mostly in the adipose tissue upon intra-musuclar injection, and then slowly but very steadily released over a certain period of time. A peak is noted after 24-48 hours of injection and then a slow decline, reaching a steady point after 12 days and staying there for over 3 weeks time. Of course most users of anabolics will not find adequate benefit in the use of this steady-point dose, so this product is normally injected once a week, making the very lowest dose higher than half the peak dose at any given time. This is roughly the starting blood level as well. A long-acting testosterone ester is a must-have in any mass-building cycle. As such this is a very decent product.
Personally I have more affinity for testosterone enanthate, but few users will note any real difference between the two products, and both remain a better buy than their popular counterpart sustanon 250, which is a poor choice of testosterone in my opinion. It makes sense that a user simply opts for which one is most readily available at the time. They sell for roughly the same price, and are almost equally good. So most North and South-American users will usually opt for the use of a cypionate, as it is more available in those regions, whereas Europeans and Asians will probably prefer the enanthate version.
A long-acting testosterone ester may be the best for all your mass-building needs, but its not an easy product to use. Because of the extreme length of action (3-4 weeks) one cannot easily solve occurring problems by simply discontinuing the product, as it will continue to act and aggravate side-effects over extended periods of time. In regards to damage control and post-cycle therapy, some familiarity with the use of ancillary drugs is required prior to using a long-acting testosterone product. Nolvadex and Proviron will come in very handy in such cases and post-cycle HCG and clomid or Nolvadex will be required as well to help restore natural testosterone. Frequency of side-effects is probably highest with this type of product.
While most will tell you it's a waste to not use testosterone, as it will take ages longer to build proper mass, these are all points to take into consideration. Testosterone is a product that is heavily used by beginners and veterans alike and justly so. Those who fear they may never understand the proper use of ancillary drugs, may want to suck it up and invest in some propionate or suspension testosterones instead. These are much shorter acting and easier to control, but they do need to be injected once every two days, whereas this type of ester will impart great gains with a single weekly injection. Something to keep in mind.

Stacking and Use:
Testosterone is the most powerful compound there is, so obviously its perfectly fine to use it by itself. With a long-acting ester like Cypionate doses of 500-1000 mg per week are used with very clear results over a 10 week period. If you've ever seen a man swell up with sheer size, then testosterone was the cause of it. But testosterone is nonetheless often stacked. Due to the high occurrence of side-effects, people will usually split up a stack in testosterone and a milder component in order to obtain a less risky cycle, but without having to give up as much of the gains. Primobolan, Equipoise and Deca-Durabolin are the weapons of choice in this matter. Deca seems to be the most popular, probably because of its extremely mild androgenic nature. But Deca being one of the highest risks for just about every other side-effects, I probably wouldn't advise it. If Deca is used, generally a dose of 200-400 mg is added to 500-750 mg of testosterone per week.
Primobolan is sometimes opted for, and can be handy since it doesn't aromatize, which will make the total level of water retention and fat gain a lot less than with more test or with Deca for example. Unfortunately, its mild nature combined with a lack of estrogen make Primobolan a very poor mass builder. Again, doses of 300-400 mg are used. I would actually suggest a higher dose, but with the current prices for Primo I don't think it would be very popular. My personal preference goes out to Equipoise. Androgenically its not that much stronger than Deca because it has next to no affinity for the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme and is only half as androgenic as testosterone. Its twice as strong as Deca, mg for mg, and has a lower occurrence of side-effects. It has some estrogen, but not a whole lot so it actually tends to lean a person out rather than bloat him up as Deca will. It also increases appetite, which promotes gains, and improves aerobic performance, which may be wishful as testosterone normally has an opposite effect.
Of course testosterone cypionate can be stacked with any number of compounds apart from these, but these make the best match. When stacking with testosterone, one needs to look at what the other compound can bring. Either it has a characteristic that testosterone doesn't have, or its nominally safer. The testosterone will bring all the mass, so adding another steroid to enhance mass alone, is futile. More testosterone is the best remedy for that.
One needs to be familiar with a host of other compounds when using long-acting testosterone esters however. First of all, anti-estrogens. The rate of aromatization of testosterone is quite great, so water retention and fat gain are a fact and gyno is never far off. If problems occur one is best to start on 20 mg of Nolvadex per day and stay on that until problems subside. I wouldn't stay on it for a whole cycle, as it may reduce the gains. In terms of an aromatase blocker, testosterone is one of the few compounds where Proviron may actually be preferred over arimidex. The proviron will not only reduce estrogen and can be used for extended time on a testosterone cycle, it will also bind with great affinity to sex-hormone binding proteins in the blood and will allow for a higher level of free testosterone in the body, thus improving gains.
Usually 50-100 mg will suffice, the lower end is preferred for maximal results since estrogen plays a key role in gains, but those more worried about estrogen should opt for a higher dose. For those worried about androgenic side-effects (hair loss, prostate hypertrophy, deepening of voice), one can utilize the hair loss treatment finasteride. This blocks the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme and stops the conversion of testosterone to the more androgenic compound DHT. I'm not a big fan of this, because DHT reduces estrogenic bloat, increases free levels of testosterone and is a very potent androgen that is 3-4 times stronger than testosterone. Those worried about hair loss however, may want to opt for arimidex as their anti-aromatase, since Proviron is a form of DHT after all.
After a cycle, mainly due to the high aromatization and increased levels of estradiol in the blood after discontinuing, natural testosterone levels will be severely suppressed. This means steps need to be taken to assure the quick return of natural testosterone, or we stand to lose a lot of the gains we made while using testosterone. Since it's a non-toxic, potent mass-builder its mostly used in long 10-12 week cycles. So some testicular shrinkage will have occurred too. Its very important that people see that HCG and Nolvadex/clomid are essential as a post-cycle therapy, and that both are equally important in achieving our goal. HCG injections should be started the last week of the cycle and continued for 3-4 weeks, using 1500-3000 IU every 5-6 days. HCG will act as an alternative to LH and start the endogenous testosterone cycle, thereby increasing testicle size once again. Then about 2 weeks after the last shot of testosterone is given, Nolvadex/Clomid cycle should be started. 40 mg of Nolva or 150 mg of Clomid per day for two weeks, followed by two more weeks with either 20 mg of Nolva or 100 mg of Clomid per day should be adequate. Always remember that HCG is suppressive of natural testosterone itself and should be discontinued at least 2 weeks prior to finishing Nolvadex/Clomid.


Testosterone Enanthate
Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol
Molecular weight of base: 288.429
Molecular weight of ester: 130.1864 (enanthoic acid, 7 carbons)
Effective dose: 250-1000 mg/week
Average Street-price: $10-20 per ml (200/250 mg/ml vials)
Available Doses: 50, 100, 180, 200 or 250 mg/ml

Testosterone is the prime male androgen in the body, and as such still the best possible mass builder in the world. It has a high risk of side-effects because it readily converts to a more androgenic form (DHT) in androgen responsive tissues and forms estrogen quite easily. But these characteristics also provide it with its extreme anabolic tendencies. On the one hand estrogen increases growth hormone output, glucose utilization, improves immunity and upgrades the androgen receptor, while on the other hand a testosterone/DHT combination is extremely potent at activating the androgen receptor and eliciting major strength and size gains. While not always the most visually appealing result, there is no steroid on earth that packs on mass like testosterone does.
Like testosterone cypionate, enanthate is a single-ester and long-acting form of the base steroid testosterone. To me, its slightly better value for money than the aforementioned because its ester is only 7 instead of 8 carbons in length. Where that doesn't really change much in terms of release and blood concentration for users who inject on a weekly basis, that does mean that less of the weight is ester and more of it is testosterone. When taking an amount of an esterified steroid, that amount in terms of weight is a combination of the ester and the steroid. Naturally the longer the ester is, the more of the weight it takes up. So its safe to state that 500 mg of enanthate contains more testosterone than does 500 mg of cypionate. Not that this slight difference will be noted on a weekly pattern really, but its enough for me to give it a slight edge if given the choice. Although, as stated with cypionate, your choice between enanthate and cypionate is best based on availability. These are a much better choice than sustanon 250 or omnadren, which are blends of different testosterone esters, due to their irregular release. Nonetheless these versions still appear to be more popular with most users for some reason. Before you compare these to shorter esters under the pretense that even more of the weight would be testosterone, for bulking purposes the release pattern and injection pattern of an enanthate or cypionate is more fitting than that of say, a propionate ester. Enanthate and cypionate are very close in those terms, hence the comparison is possible.
A long-acting testosterone ester may be the best for all your mass-building needs, but its not an easy product to use. Because of the extreme length of action (3-4 weeks) one cannot easily solve occurring problems by simply discontinuing the product, as it will continue to act and aggravate side-effects over extended periods of time. In regards to damage control and post-cycle therapy, some familiarity with the use of ancillary drugs is required prior to using a long-acting testosterone product. Nolvadex and Proviron will come in very handy in such cases and post-cycle HCG and clomid or Nolvadex will be required as well to help restore natural testosterone. Frequency of side-effects is probably highest with this type of product.
While most will tell you it's a waste to not use testosterone, as it will take ages longer to build proper mass, these are all points to take into consideration. Testosterone is a product that is heavily used by beginners and veterans alike and justly so. Those who fear they may never understand the proper use of ancillary drugs, may want to suck it up and invest in some propionate or suspension testosterones instead. These are much shorter acting and easier to control, but they do need to be injected once every two days, whereas this type of ester will impart great gains with a single weekly injection. Something to keep in mind.

Stacking and Use:
Testosterone is the most powerful compound there is, so obviously its perfectly fine to use it by itself. With a long-acting ester like Enanthate doses of 500-1000 mg per week are used with very clear results over a 10 week period. If you've ever seen a man swell up with sheer size, then testosterone was the cause of it. But testosterone is nonetheless often stacked. Due to the high occurrence of side-effects, people will usually split up a stack in testosterone and a milder component in order to obtain a less risky cycle, but without having to give up as much of the gains. Primobolan, Equipoise and Deca-Durabolin are the weapons of choice in this matter.
Deca seems to be the most popular, probably because of its extremely mild androgenic nature. But Deca being one of the highest risks for just about every other side-effects, I probably wouldn't advise it. If Deca is used, generally a dose of 200-400 mg is added to 500-750 mg of testosterone per week. Primobolan is sometimes opted for, and can be handy since it doesn't aromatize, which will make the total level of water retention and fat gain a lot less than with more test or with Deca for example. Unfortunately, its mild nature combined with a lack of estrogen make Primobolan a very poor mass builder. Again, doses of 300-400 mg are used. I would actually suggest a higher dose, but with the current prices for Primo I don't think it would be very popular. My personal preference goes out to Equipoise. Androgenically its not that much stronger than Deca because it has next to no affinity for the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme and is only half as androgenic as testosterone. Its twice as strong as Deca, mg for mg, and has a lower occurrence of side-effects. It has some estrogen, but not a whole lot so it actually tends to lean a person out rather than bloat him up as Deca will. It also increases appetite, which promotes gains, and improves aerobic performance, which may be wishful as testosterone normally has an opposite effect.
Of course testosterone Enanthate can be stacked with any number of compounds apart from these, but these make the best match. When stacking with testosterone, one needs to look at what the other compound can bring. Either it has a characteristic that testosterone doesn't have, or its nominally safer. The testosterone will bring all the mass, so adding another steroid to enhance mass alone, is futile. More testosterone is the best remedy for that.
One needs to be familiar with a host of other compounds when using long-acting testosterone esters however. First of all, anti-estrogens. The rate of aromatization of testosterone is quite great, so water retention and fat gain are a fact and gyno is never far off. If problems occur one is best to start on 20 mg of Nolvadex per day and stay on that until problems subside. I wouldn't stay on it for a whole cycle, as it may reduce the gains. In terms of an aromatase blocker, testosterone is one of the few compounds where Proviron may actually be preferred over arimidex. The proviron will not only reduce estrogen and can be used for extended time on a testosterone cycle, it will also bind with great affinity to sex-hormone binding proteins in the blood and will allow for a higher level of free testosterone in the body, thus improving gains. Usually 50-100 mg will suffice, the lower end is preferred for maximal results since estrogen plays a key role in gains, but those more worried about estrogen should opt for a higher dose.
For those worried about androgenic side-effects (hair loss, prostate hypertrophy, deepening of voice), one can utilize the hair loss treatment finasteride. This blocks the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme and stops the conversion of testosterone to the more androgenic compound DHT. I'm not a big fan of this, because DHT reduces estrogenic bloat, increases free levels of testosterone and is a very potent androgen that is 3-4 times stronger than testosterone. Those worried about hair loss however, may want to opt for arimidex as their anti-aromatase, since Proviron is a form of DHT after all.
After a cycle, mainly due to the high aromatization and increased levels of estradiol in the blood after discontinuing, natural testosterone levels will be severely suppressed. This means steps need to be taken to assure the quick return of natural testosterone, or we stand to lose a lot of the gains we made while using testosterone. Since it's a non-toxic, potent mass-builder its mostly used in long 10-12 week cycles. So some testicular shrinkage will have occurred too. Its very important that people see that HCG and Nolvadex/clomid are essential as a post-cycle therapy, and that both are equally important in achieving our goal. HCG injections should be started the last week of the cycle and continued for 3-4 weeks, using 1500-3000 IU every 5-6 days. HCG will act as an alternative to LH and start the endogenous testosterone cycle, thereby increasing testicle size once again. Then about 2 weeks after the last shot of testosterone is given, Nolvadex/Clomid cycle should be started. 40 mg of Nolva or 150 mg of Clomid per day for two weeks, followed by two more weeks with either 20 mg of Nolva or 100 mg of Clomid per day should be adequate. Always remember that HCG is suppressive of natural testosterone itself and should be discontinued at least 2 weeks prior to finishing Nolvadex/Clomid.


Testosterone Propionate
Pharmaceutical Name: Testosterone (as Propionate)
Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol
Molecular weight of base: 288.429
Molecular weight of ester: 74.0792 (propionic acid, 3 carbons)
Effective dose: 50-100 mg every two days
Average Street-price: $5-15 per 50 mg
Available Doses: 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100 mg/ml

TThis is an esterified form of the base steroid steroid testosterone, much like enanthate, cypionate and sustanon 250. It's a superlipophillic, oil-based injectable that slows the release of the steroid into the blood stream. But compared to enanthate and cypionate, propionate is a very short ester and is still released quite fast. As such more frequent injections are needed. Levels will peak after 24-36 hours and begin tapering from there on out, making the longest possible time-span between injections, at least or proper results, about 3 days. Most athletes will opt to inject 50-100 mg every day to every other day.
It's not the most user-friendly steroid of them all. Frequent injections can be painful to begin with, to a point where users will begin scouting for different locations to stick the needle, in order to not aggravate the same spots all the time. To make matters worse, its not that pleasant to inject either. The injection-site can become irritated and swell, and sometimes give incredible itches or soreness when touched. All these factors combined, you can see that this is the best form of testosterone to start off on for most beginners. And still. As discussed with enanthate and cypionate, a long-acting ester requires some skill with ancillary drugs and familiarity with post-cycle protocol since simple discontinuation will not put a halt to all problems. In that aspect, for those who do not master ancillaries and post-cycle therapy, propionate is perhaps a better product to start off with. Levels of androgens and estrogens will drop within 2-4 days of discontinuation, effectively halting or reducing any occurring side-effects. Nonetheless, this is a testosterone with a high risk of side-effects (the characteristics of testosterone do not change despite the ester, which is just a carrier) so the use of Nolvadex/proviron/Arimidex and so forth is highly advised if you plan to see a cycle through.
What is of note with propionate, is that users have successfully incorporated it into cutting cycles as well. Especially people who tend to lose a lot of mass normally during extreme diet phases find this useful. By injecting every two or three days and using only 50-75 mg each time, no notable water builds up (or at least none that can't be fixed with proviron, arimidex or winstrol) and no fat is deposited, thus allowing a user to stay relatively lean. So this type of testosterone can be used to keep gaining or retaining mass until 2-3 weeks out of contest time with relatively little difficulty. Although most will choose to add Proviron (50-100 mg/day) out of precaution. Its best use is of course still in bulking phases to pack on mass. Testosterone is not the king of the hill of all mass-builders for nothing.
On the American black market propionate is not an extremely available item, its most popular in Europe, where its use is more wide-spread than that of the long-acting esters. Its nonetheless a desired item almost anywhere in the world because it's a very controllable form of what is no doubt the most powerful steroid ever. The cost is quite high too, easily running 2 to 3 times more for a weekly dose than enanthate, cypionate or sustanon 250.

Stacking and Use:
As a short-lived oil based injectable, most will want to opt for doses of 50-100 mg every day to every other day. Those of a lighter stature seeking to use it for cutting purposes may want to make that every 2nd or 3rd day, or add proviron as a precaution instead, 50-100 mg/day sufficing in most cases. The site of injection is best rotated each time, or problem can occur. The compound is irritative and the damage to the skin and underlying tissue can cause some cosmetic problems if it becomes repetitive. Subcutaneously , balls of fat or tissue can build up. In most cases these need to surgically removed. So rotating is wise.
For bulking purposes one is best to stack testosterone with a base compound such as Deca-durabolin (nandrolone) or Equipoise (boldenone), and can addition Dianabol (methandrostenolone) or Anadrol (oxymetholone) for 5-6 weeks, at the beginning, to kickstart the gains a bit. Most will choose for a more user-friendly, longer-acting testosterone for bulking purposes however. For cutting, the best and primary addition is that of Proviron, which will reduce if not stop estrogen build-up, increase muscle hardness and strength and allow for a higher free testosterone level. But naturally other compounds lend themselves quite well too. Base compounds such as Equipoise or Primobolan (methenolone) making a good match for longer stacks, and towards contest time steroids such as Anavar (oxandrolone), finaplix (Trenbolone) or Winstrol (Stanazolol) make the best matches, as they too will help increase muscle hardness and decrease body-fat, while maintaining lean muscle mass. With testosterone, most any combination is possible. Because testosterone is always the stronger compound in a stack.
In terms of ancillaries, the use of anti-estrogens is advised. For cutting puposes one will want to run Proviron alongside the testosterone for the length of the stack, which will rarely make the use of other anti-estrogens a necessity. If no Proviron or arimidex is used, you may want to keep some Nolvadex handy. Should problems arise starting on 20-40 mg of Nolvadex until a while after problems subside should be sufficient for all intents and purposes. Testosterone, being a heavily aromatizing compound, is also quite suppressive of natural testosterone (most so, safe for nandrolone) so a post-cycle therapy with Nolva/Clomid and HCG is necessary. Usually one will start HCG the last week or two weeks of a stack and run it about 4 weeks. HCG shots of 1500-3000 IU given every 5th or 6th day. That means during the end of a cycle, one shot of HCG is given per two shots of testosterone. A user should also opt to wait on using clomid or Nolvadex until the androgen is cleared. For longer esters that was 1.5 to 2 weeks, obviously that time-frame should be reduced to 1 week or even half a week for propionate. One will then start on either 40-50 mg of Nolvadex or 150 mg of Clomid per day for a period of two weeks, and then follow it up with 20-25 mg of Nolvadex or 100 mg of Clomid per day for another two weeks. Post-cycle therapy will facilitate the return of natural testosterone and make it more likely for the user to retain most of the mass he gained while on the cycle.


Testosterone Suspension
Pharmaceutical Name: Testosterone (as H2O suspension)
Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol
Molecular weight of base: 288.429
Effective dose: 25-100 mg/day
Average Street-price: $5-10 per 50 mg
Available Doses: 25, 100 mg/ml

If testosterone is the most powerful mass builder, then gram for gram this is the most powerful testosterone. Suspension is pure testosterone and has no ester attached, and thus no ester calculated in the weight. Where 100 mg of a testosterone ester equals 100 mg minus the weight of the ester, 100 mg of testosterone suspension contains an actual 100 mg of the steroid. Very potent and very powerful. Although it is a rather crude compound, it is without a doubt very, very effective. Suspension is not only not esterified, its not even dissolved in oil the way esters are. Instead it is an aqueous suspension, much like the injectable forms of Winstrol/Stromba (stanazolol). Since a steroid, made of cholesterol, is somewhat lipophillic, it does not readily dissolve in water either. Just as with Winstrol, we will note that the steroid accumulates at the bottom, separated from its water environment if the vial is left sitting for a while. So before use a vial should be shaken, which will provide an even distribution, and then drawn out of the vial. It probably couldn't hurt to shake the syringe again before injecting as well.
Because of its water carrier it does not go directly into the blood, but when it does enter the bloodstream it is released quite quickly delivering very high peak doses. It is injected every day, to every other day at the very least. Some seem to claim that water based steroids will still last in the body for several days on end, but this is not a generally accepted, let alone proven fact. In fact while the steroid probably does exert some action for 2-3 days, most athletes will opt to take advantage of the peak dose and inject it daily. If one sees that even a short ester steroid like propionate is injected every day to every other day in most cases, this logic is easy to follow.
One reason for the extreme success users have had with testosterone suspension is no doubt the extreme doses used. Where one would take 50 mg of winstrol every day to every other day, suspension is injected daily at 100 mg in most cases. Factoring in that there is more testosterone per mg than in an esterified form, it's a safe conclusion that this is almost twice the dose of any other form of testosterone normally used. The results are nothing safe of amazing. Using the optimal peak doses of the steroid, weight is gained at an amazing rate and the steroid accumulates faster than with esters, so gains are seen in a lot shorter time-frame as well. Stack that with another base steroid and an aromatizable oral such as Dianabol (methandrostenolone) and one should not be amazed at weight increases of up to 30 pounds in 8 weeks.
Because of the high peak doses and the extreme amounts used, the characteristics tend to become more pronounced as well. The muscle gain is usually accompanied by severe bloat and water retention, some adipose storage and the risk of gyno is never too far off. Being a very androgenic component as well, suspension may aggravate male pattern hair loss, cause prostate hypertrophy, increase body and facial hair, deepen the voice and so forth, quite easily, in comparison to other steroids. These all need to be taken into account. Despite its controllable nature and short frame of action, suspension is mostly used for bulking purposes. Even with concomitant use of Proviron, some water retention can still occur. Perhaps due to the extreme doses used.
Just as with the water-based injectable Winstrol, suspension too is believed to be able to give local growth if injected in a particular area, which has no doubt increased its popularity. Its slightly friendlier to inject than Winstrol or Propionate, because it has a very small crystalline form that passes through a 27 gauge needle easily. But the injections will still not be the most pleasant ones ever felt. Especially when given daily. I myself do not attach a whole lot of belief to the theory of site injection and local growth, but some big names in this industry such as Bill Llewellyn seem to lend it some form of credibility. So I will not elaborate on this debacle anymore than I have. For those willing to give it a shot, I'm sure it can't hurt (well it will hurt, but it won't hurt your gains no matter where you inject it).
The number of available suspensions in the world has been reduced to 5, and is therefore not the easiest product to locate on the black market. In Australia the compound can still easily be found, and no doubt a whole host of Mexican imports. Because the crystalline form is quite sophisticated, I wouldn't dream of purchasing suspension from an underground source, one may be disappointed and literally hurt if trying to inject a cruder form of suspension. I wouldn't really trust any other form besides the 5 listed above at this moment in time.

Stacking and Use:
Because anyone would be hard-pressed to use this particular steroid for cutting, it should really only be administered for bulking purposes. Its not immediately a compound for beginners, it requires some skill. First of all to site inject and rotate injection sites, but also to deal with the occurrence of side-effects, which may be a little more pronounced than with testosterone esters. The compound is best injected daily, using 50-100 mg per day. It is best stacked with other products for the express purpose of adding mass, probably a base compound with a lower occurrence of androgenic side-effects such as Deca-Durabolin or Equipoise in doses of 300-400 mg per week. On can of course, as usual add an oral bulking agent such as Dianabol (methandrostenolone) or Anadrol (oxymetholone) to kickstart gains, but testosterone suspension should deliver results in a shorter time-span than esterified testosterones, mostly due to high peak doses and immediate accumulation. Although for best results one would opt to use it for 10-12 weeks, few will last that long with giving themselves daily injections.
An anti-estrogen such as Nolvadex is best kept on hand, as there is little doubt that estrogenic problems will occur. Using 30-40 mg/day until well after problems have subsided is advised. Cautious individuals will opt to run proviron or arimidex, aromatase blockers, alongside testosterone suspension to prevent any estrogen from building up. While this will strongly reduce gains, testosterone suspension is still a very adequate compound. Proviron is to be given preference as an aromatase blocker with all forms of testosterone, but those prone to androgenic side-effects such as male pattern hair loss would do wise to invest in the stronger and more expensive arimidex, since proviron can increase androgen-related side-effects.

14-01-12, 21:58
IF you are a woman using AAS, please share your experiences and even log it here.
Philosophy On Women And AAS
okay ladies, here goes...my opinions on woman and AAS use, pro's and con's.
Pro's are; increased muscle mass, sexual desire, energy, decrease in bf percentage, increase in strength. hair, skin and nails grow faster, better moods, no ups and downs pertaining to PMS.

Con's are; possible side effects (aggresiveness, acne, water retension, enlarged clitoris).
primarily, what im trying to stress here are the cons are dose related, when you first started lifting weights, did you start off heavy? no....same reasoning is behind AAS use, start with small doses, work your way up, this way, if sides start to appear, you can get yourself off ASAP.

Esters: (injectables)
Slow release; slow release esters (decanoate, undecylenate, isocaprote).....slow release esters decrease the chances of spikes in your hormones levels thus, decreasing the chances of sides, but, if sides do appear, it takes longer for the AAS to get out of your system.

Fast release; fast release esters (propinate, suspension)....one plus to using a fast release ester is if you do experience side effects, the AAS can get out of your system faster, alot faster. on the downside, getting AAS into your system this fast does spike your hormone levels fast, therefore leading (in some cases) to sides.

Oral use; the reasoning for not staying on orals for a long period of time is the damaging effects it has on your liver. i have done very long runs of orals, with no damage to my liver, but again, kept my doses very small.

TAPER! TAPER! TAPER! this is THE most important factor when women are using steroids. take a couple of extra weeks to "taper" off your cycle. adding "sythetic" test to your body will cause an increase in estrogen levels. if you just "stop" your cycle, you will run into problems....you think pms from your peroid is bad?

one of the biggest problem with use of AAS in women is there is hardly any information out there on this subject, it's fairly new territory.

just as a side note; water-based injectables (winstrol, suspension) cause an increased risk of abcess as opposed to using an oil-based injectable.
i guess my point behind this thread is to stress that women should always start out with small doses..no matter what their preference is in AAS. start off small, work your way up...and do your homework, make sure you know what you are taking, and the possible side effects behind it.
Courtesy of Digweed

14-01-12, 21:59
Cutting and steroids

Q n A with DK

A: Before you start, I'm flattered really I am to be speaking with the A-A board. I'm not the world's greatest cutter. I like to stay between (yes measured, not just throwing numbers out there) 14-17% bodyfat, which is what the pictures I have up here on A-A are pretty much around. I've gone down to about 10% twice now, but it really just kinda hinders any progress and isn't comfortable for me, if I plan to go under 10% ever it will be for two reasons. Either I'm competing, or I'm testing how to really cut, in preparation for a competiton a more than a year out so I know how my body works at extreme deficits. If you want great advice, PM WhomperFit. Hahahaha now your PM box is going to be at 100% constantly whompie...Have fun!

Q: So what should I use to cut.

A: You don't understand what I just wrote above there before we started our Q n A. Steroids. Do. Not. Burn. Fat.

Q: Then why do people cut with gear, you seem like your keeping all the secrets to yourself you deuscher!

A: Precontest, it allows you to maintain maximal muscle while on an extreme caloric defecit.

Q: Ok but I insist on using to cut. Everyone does it, how should I go about it? I have in mind 1g-2g anabolics, mostly test for my androgen scheduling.

A: Holy ballsack. Overkill. 500mg test is all you should need maybe a thermogenic if you insist. 2g anabolics? Get ready to be a watery fat sweaty muscley son of a gun. Do you need boldenone? Why it doesnt aid any fatloss, infact your appetite will probably go up. Do you need masteron? Nope. Do you need tren? Well...It might help but do you really NEED it? It's a 19-nor and comes with its own problems. Your choice.

Q: I want to use a fuckton of tren I hear that burns fat.

A: We could debate this all day long. It may, but nowhere near the levels of a good diet and ECA or something similar.

Q: I want to use t3, clen, and ECA, how can I best incorporate these?

A: First off, I'm the wrong guy to talk to so lets get some info in here on this stuff. I rarely drop below 12% I've been to 10% and stayed sorta long term only once in my life really at about 190 pounds...Was a good time, but my body doesnt like going low, so I'm not oging to 10 or sub 10 again unless I compete or want to test how I would react to a competition.

Heres my advice. First, I just kinda think...You should be able to get to 10% with diet. If you can't do this...Sorry to call you lazy, but your lazy. I would feel bad advising you to hop on all kinds of adrenergic receptor agonists if you have troulbe eating properly...

Theres a crazy diet plan out there all the rage today, it's called, "Eat Less, and Move More!"

Ok thats out of the way...But yeah...Really I would only tell someone to resort to this stuff when they need to get the last little bit off, or get below 10% where it gets hard, which is pretty much why I never could do it. I'm sure I could if I absolutely had to for a contest, but your going to loose LOTS Of muscle.

Which brings me to my next point. Have I ever used t3? No. Do I know people who have? Yes. They felt like shit. All of them. They lost HUGE amounts of muscle, and their lifts suffered like 40 or even 50% decreases sometimes depending on energy levels. 125mcg+ WAY TO FREAKIN MUCH unless you ABSOLTUELY know what your doing and have VERY good reason for using that much. Honestly 25mcg will pretty much replace physiologic levels because AAS supress thyroid function a bit, but point is you probably dont need t3.

Clen...I'm the wrong person to ask. Tried it once, thought I was gong to die. Ask someone who likes that crap.

ECA, like it. Love it. Great energy for the gym 200mg caffeine and 25mg ephedra 3x daily can work wonders I usually woudl take it before the gym in the AM. Don't take this anywhere near bedtime, and PLEASE watch stimulant intake from otehr sources like preworkout mixes.

Using these in conjuction can be a dangerous game. Synergistic effects happen when you start mixing multiple adrenergic agonists (clen/albuterol/ECA) Just because your off X one day and take Y one day, depending on doses doesnt mean crap. Like the drugs know the sun rose and set? Both vey possibly will be in your system at the same time. Just be aware of this.

I also wouldnt advise jumping into t3+clen alternating with ECA if you dont know what these do individually...Come on guys use your heads here.

Q: How much cardio shoudl I be doing? I'm getting about 300-500 calories burned from cardio

A: Increase. Dont go nuts, walk it. 120bpm-140bpm. Recently I've started doing it twice a day with 35 (with 5 cool down included there) intervals HR median about 130-135. Helps. If your running 20 minutes-30 minutes a day, why the heck are you pursuing all these other drugs to aid fatloss first? I find cardio more and more to be a huge misconception. Guys don't do it because "It burns muscle tissue". Nice excuse, heres my time to brag, I can elliptical for 90 mins no problem HR 155-170, and I dead maxes 515 a little over 2 weeks ago. I think thats really a blow out of proportion point. True it does, but anytime you loose weight you burn muscle, so split cardio into twice a day if your really concerned.

Q: Serious bodybuilders dont really do cardio though and their RIPPED

A: First, wrong. Top level guys will do it everyday somtimes an hour a day sometimes more. This is just an excuse again to not do cardio. Cardio keeps your heart healthy, very important. When pros DONT do cardio, they have a very specific reason they don't, and they will probably be OK fatwise, their BMR is about 3 times yours...

Q: I want to get my bodyfat down to about say 6 or 7% hover there for summer, bulk back up limit myself to about 14% no fatter, then come back down to 10% and stay there long term. Sound good brah?

A: I enjoy your story. In reality though it sounds scientifically and muscletechily interesting, who cares about bodyfat percentages. If someone sees you they aren't going to calculate your bodyfat in their head and only approve of yoru physique if its below xx.xx%. Just do work son. Don't worry about arbitrary numbers. By the way, 6 or 7% for the normal person not planning on competing, IF you think you can stay over say 175 pounds if pretty fuckin stacked in my opinion. If you insist on achieving a certain bodyfat % goal, be realistic. Some of us don't realize what these numbers mean. You see a guy on the street whos fairly built and 10% your head is turning and your going "wtf who let THAT out of the cage". A guy who is a gym rat and not hollister girljeans skinny at 10% is not something you see everyday. Also really makes you appreciate competitors once you realize what sub 6% bodyfat starts to look like and how unbelievably hard it is to achieve. 3-4% bodyfat is literally killing yourself to achieve, the body can NOT stay there, so unless you ARE competing, if for nothing else but respect for competitors, lets not non-chalantly toss numbers around 6% or lower around so casually LOL.

Q: My nips are always puffy, what kinda AI or Letro protocol should I use for this?

A: First, probably its just puffy from diet or a slight food allergy in my opinion (yes everyone has slight food allergies, it can cause puffiness and bloating and gi problems, not all food allergies mean you need an epipen), avoid grains and dairy as everyone is just a tad allergic to these. Get your diet going and I mean really going, count cals, if you still arent loosing LOWER cals, start to see those numbers fall, start to watch those abs coming is as the fat dries off your mid section. Feel your nips, they should (9 times out of 10) start to become much less puffy. It's always best to try this approach first before adding a chemical aid to help. If you still need it may be time to try some letro at .5mg ed, maybe 1mg ed to get the ball rolling for a week. I'm actually not a fan of AI's long term for a number of reasons, but if you insist (probably wrongly IMO) your 'estrosensitive' run aromasin. This is the easiest on your body for longer durations. True gyno needs surgery and theres no other way around it. Ask your doctor if you are truly concerned. There are members on this board who have had this surgery done, its a fairly routine procedure expect 3-5k in bills.

I guess I just made this thread because everyone is getting WAY overcomplicated with cutting. Come on guys its simple. Eat less, move more. Yes your going to loose muscle. Theres no way around it. If you are dieting and you haven't started to look noticably different after 8 weeks, your doing it wrong. You dont need to change compounds, you need to cut another 500-750 cals out. More drugs means more problems. I usually stay around 14-15% cause I feel the most comfortable here, but I've been down to 10% before, did it with NOTHING, no aas, not thermos, just diet, cardio, time, wasn't to hard, its just consistency.

Worst thing to do is be not consistent and use a bunch of crap and still not get where you want. Then your just endangering your health for no reason. Just wanted to bring this topic up, think before you leap type of thing, but in the end do what you will, just know if your having problems dont think compounds first, and always assume (because you probably are) your making this way harder than it should be...

15-01-12, 00:33
insa pany insa!!!! :)

What is it?

Insulin is a polypeptide hormone secreted by the isles of Langerhans in the pancreas. Insulin is the hormone responsible for regulating carbohydrates and fats metabolized by the body. Insulin causes cells in muscle and fat tissue to intake glucose from the blood, and stores it as glycogen in muscle tissue or store it away as an energy source as fat tissue.

Types of Insulin

Insulin is primarily used to treat diabetes and since every person is different hundreds of Insulins are on the market. Insulin is usually classified as one of three classifications. Short Acting Insulin which is used before meals to regulate blood glucose levels on a meal to meal basis, Short Acting Insulin typically has a very high peak which sets in quickly. The second is, Intermediate Insulin which is typically shot 2-3 times a day with a long but moderate concentration peak. Sometimes Intermediate Insulin comes as a blend of both short and longer acting insulin which typically causes multiple peak concentrations, which typically leaves Intermediate Insulin the least popular by most avenues. Finally, we have Long Acting Insulin which is shot typically once a day at the same time each day; Long Acting Insulin does not have a peak concentration and is used consistently throughout the day mimicking a healthy pancreas secretion. Long Acting insulin can be shot any time, even before bed, as long as it is shot at the same time each day because the levels are always the same, whether it’s one hour post injection, twelve hours, or twenty four hours.

Short Acting
Humulin R

Intermediate Acting

Long Acting

Insulin for Bodybuilding

Traditionally the belief has been present that the faster acting the insulin the better it is for bodybuilding, whether this is true or not has yet to be fully determined. There has been a rising popularity of Long Acting Insulin in the world of bodybuilding, notably in Europe. However, Intermediate and Insulin blends have never been widely used in bodybuilding and one would be hard pressed to find any appropriate dosing protocols for it.

Humalog is viewed as the King of Insulin for bodybuilding it is the fastest acting Insulin commercially available. Humalog has an onset of 15 minutes, peaks in blood concentration between 30 minutes and an hour and 30 minutes, and has an active duration of roughly 6 hours; however after the peak concentration Insulin levels drop drastically with Humalog and most studies suggest it to be safe to inject Humalog every 4 hours. Although Humalog seems great because it is so fast acting and thus has a smaller window of time needed to monitor diet, it also leads to a much higher peak level and thus much more risk of reaching severely low blood sugar.

Humulin-R is the second most popular type of exogenous Insulin used in bodybuilding. Humulin-R is not as fast acting as Humalog; however this is not necessarily a bad thing. Many people now suggest that Humalog acts to fast in the body and the full benefits cannot be achieved with such fast acting insulin. This belief makes Humulin-R a very popular choice, being slightly longer acting than Humalog, the onset of Humulin-R is 30 minutes, it peaks within 2 hours and 4 hours, and is active in the body for 10 hours. Many people believe that the slightly longer life and peak concentration of Humulin-R makes it more favourable because it takes advantage of more macro nutrients being absorbed. Humulin-R has an onset rapid enough to benefit from a post workout shake containing protein and a fast acting insulin to quickly shuttle glucose to the muscles storing it as glycogen, while its 2-4 hour peak lets your muscles benefit from a bodybuilders typically 1-1.5 hour post workout meal which typically contains, high protein, very high complex carbohydrates and moderate healthy fats. While the complex carbohydrates are being broken down by the body the insulin is still active and thus taking advantage of more of the nutrients, and leading to a larger span of time with heightened glycogen reserves. Much like Humalog, Humulin-R can lead to severely low blood sugar and during the active life, more so during the peak level, any person considering using insulin must be able to closely watch glucose levels to ensure no ill effects arise.

Lantus and Levemir besides being relatively new to the bodybuilding world is also new to medicine and less trial and error has been conducted with these long acting insulins. Lantus has an onset of 1-2 hours, and has an active life of 24-26 hours. Levemir has an onset of 1-3 hours and an active life of 20-24 hours. These two insulins have been designed for longer action, and are considered “background insulin”, these insulins were designed to keep blood glucose levels safe during times of fasting. Since these insulins are not a blend and so long acting they don’t have a traditional peak, levels are slightly higher 6-10 hours after the shot, but nothing like a peak of Humalog of Humulin-R. These insulins are so sustained that many people opt to shoot it before bed, making the “peak” slightly after they awake the next morning. Since these Insulins are virtually peakless you can shoot it any time during the day, however, it MUST be shot at the same time everyday and MUST be shot 7 days a week.

Recently as the bodybuilding world has set its eye on these long acting insulins more and more people have used them and more people have talked about them openly. Some concerns and comments have arisen that appear to have very little explanation behind it. This is only because there are really no bodybuilding gurus doing to many tests on these things and thus less “bro-science” is being spread. However if one is to look into medical journals many of these questions have been answered by trained and qualified professionals.

Several people have claimed that using Lantus and Levemir have caused them to bloat, without people looking further into this is has just been believed that for some reason these insulins cause water retention. Likewise, in clinical trials of Lantus many patients claimed that they increased a lot of water retention in their arms, legs, chest and back. Several of these people also claimed that the drug was causing strain on several muscle groups, particularly; bicep, anterior deltoids, and lower back. This side effect was looked into heavily, in fear of causing and increasing blood pressure issues in diabetic patients. Biopsies revealed that the glycogen levels in these muscle groups ranged between 3-4x normal levels, which lead to the initial dose of .6iu/kg of bodyweight to be lower to .2iu/kg of bodyweight. That’s right all the concerns about water retention were actually cases of extreme glycogen retention in the muscle groups (for anyone not following along that is the goal of using insulin in bodybuilding).

Lantus offers a benefit over Levemir that is very intriguing to the bodybuilding world. Lantus increases IGF-1 receptor expression to a great degree and Lantus acts on these receptors with a much stronger affinity than human insulin or any other insulin preparation available to date. Although this has spurred some concerned because two forms of cancer (mainly a certain breast cancer) are accelerated by IGF-1, however this is not a new concern. Anyone using HGH or IGF-1/IGF-1 LR3 is inducing similar effects with the same possible outcome. However, Lantus is not increasing the amount of IGF-1 circulating the body like HGH or injectable IGF-1, it is similar increasing the receptors sensitivity and outgoing effects. This, although untested may offer a huge benefit while using HGH or IGF-1 because the receptor cells are much more likely to benefit from the increases amount of IGF-1.


All insulin use should be closely monitored through a blood glucose meter, and even if protocol calls for an increase of dose if blood sugar becomes too low, you should determine whether to stop insulin all together or to simply lower or keep the same dose. All people are different, this means each person will have different insulin resistance and react differently to a certain dose.

Short Acting Insulins; Humalog and Humulin-R

Typically, when an athlete decides to start using short acting insulin it is strongly advised to use it only once per day and post workout. All Insulins whether Short or Long Acting should have its dose tapered up to an optimal dose, even if you have used insulin before you should still taper the dose on each run of insulin. Diets and body functions change and thus you may not respond to insulin the same way today as you did six months ago, you may not need to taper as long as an experienced user but it is never advised to begin with a maximum dose.

Most people find that 10-15 IU of short acting insulin is an optimal maximum dose, however higher doses are not unheard of. Higher doses are not advised and should not be considered on your first several runs of insulin, no matter how big or experienced with other performance enhancing drugs you are. INSULIN IS A TOTALLY DIFFEENT BEAST. It is advised that someone on their first run of fast acting insulin begins with a dose of 2 IU post workout and increases the dose by 2 IU each increase. I would advise people not to increase a dose more than once every 5 days. Even if 2 IU seems like a waste, bodybuilding is not a sprint, it’s a marathon and thus there is no rush to reach a max dose. After no time at all you will have reached your max dose and you will have done this in the safest way possible.

After becoming well versed with post workout short acting insulin use one might decide to use insulin in other ways to optimize performance. The most typical alternate dosing scheme consists of a pre-meal shot with your first meal to shuttle as much glucose into the muscles and increase glycogen while the rest time anabolic window is still open. You should time your workout at least 5-6 hours after your first meal so you can optimize the use of a post workout shot as well. If you workout in the morning do not use a post workout shot if you have used a pre-meal shot within the last 4 hours, this will lead to unstable blood levels and an unpredictable max concentration peak, which may be too difficult to control.

Another recently popular protocol consists of a pre-workout insulin shot; the goal in this is to increase glycogen reserves heavily before the workout. Although this protocol is gaining popularity it is unadvised by many people for many reasons. The biggest reason is safety; insulin acts much different in the body during strenuous activity, so much so that there are even precautions on insulin sleeves when you buy insulin. Companies like Lilly have entire web pages dedicated to Insulin and Exercise because it changes things so much. Another reason and the one that many high level bodybuilders will express is someone dedicated to bodybuilding enough to use insulin should have their diet dialled in perfectly. If your diet is on point during a bulk season (the only advised time to use insulin) your glycogen reserves in your muscles should be completely full before a workout because of a few good meals consisting of both simple and complex carbohydrates. Insulins like Humalog and Humulin-R have no mechanism to increase the amount of glycogen reserved passed a certain point and the only way to increase it is a constant build up which increases the size of the muscles which can be accomplished with diet, AAS and post workout insulin use.

Long Acting Insulins; Lantus and Levemir

These two long acting insulins are typically shot once a day, although some diabetics opt to shoot a smaller dose two times daily. As far as bodybuilding is concerned one shot a day should suffice. The medicinal dose of Lantus is .2IU/kg of bodyweight; this means a 200lb man would shoot 18IU/day to simply replicate a healthy level of endogenous insulin. I would advise you to find the medicinal dose for someone of your bodyweight and use this as your starting dose, any less and it is pretty much pointless to use because your healthy pancreas would be creating more, and any more you are putting yourself at unknown risk. Much like short acting insulins you will taper your dose up, I would recommend increasing your dose every 5 days until you find an optimal spot, which is typically around .45IU/kg but everyone will vary. Since you are completely replacing your natural insulin levels for an entire 24 hour period, your insulin resistance will increase with extended use. Because of this, if you plan on increasing your dose you MUST shoot every single day, no 5 days on 2 days off.

autor Blitz

15-01-12, 00:34
Basics of GH peptides.

These peptides encourage a natural release of endogenous growth hormone stored in somatotrophs of the anterior pituitary. As we age our GH stores are basically the same but the levels at which they are released falls off considerably. Using a combination of two peptides, GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) and GHRP (growth hormone releasing peptide), allows us to fully utilise the potential of these unused stores in a more natural way than with synthetic GH. Rather than the ever present HGH with its long half life we use peptides to release natural GH in pulses. After being emptied the somatotrophs replenish these stores after approx 3 hours which allows for 3 daily doses... upon waking, post workout, and pre-bed. Generally we class saturation doses at 100mcg of each and for this purpose it is the best starting point. I wouldn't go above this for diminishing returns would cause this to become expensive with little extra in the way of results. If money was an issue you could drop the dose or knock a dose off certain days.

Ideal for anabolism is as follows:

GHRH (modGRF 1-29) 100mcg x3 per day
GHRP (2,6, or Ipamorelin) 100mcg x3 per day

Dose Timings: (doses to drop if money is an issue)

Upon waking (this is the dose I'd drop on workout days)
Post Workout (this is the dose I'd drop non workout days)

Rather than dropping a dose you could cut back to 50-75mcg of the GHRH.

As these are natural pulses of GH no break is needed and it can be ran for life. Results are seen quicker than with synthetic GH and sides are lessened. Expect an increase in fat loss, fuller muscles, faster recovery and the pains and aches to improve. Long term expect results on par with HGH. Results will always be more pronounced when on cycle but these are great year round... a real benefit.

Food Timings:

The GH pulse is blunted by food (mainly carbs and fats) so peptide administration should be undertaken on an empty stomach or at worst with protein only.
Try to follow the rough guide below.

Administer Peptides on Empty Stomach
Consume Protein 5-10 mins after (isolate or carb free are best suited)
Consume a Complete Meal 15-25 mins after peptide administration... by which time the GH pulse has peaked.

GHRPs to choose from...

GHRP-2 - Most effective at GH release but raises prolactin and cortisol a little for a short period of time.

GHRP-6 - Less effective but can cause an increase in hunger plus less of a rise in prolactin and cortisol.

Ipamorelin - Gentlest GHRP with nearly no rise in prolactin and cortisol but less GH release. Good if you suffer sleep problems from the other two.

Different GHRH analogs

GHRH - 44 amino acid chain as produced in the body. Half life of minutes.

GRF (1-29) - 15 useless amino acids removed. Still has half life of minutes.
CJC-1288 is this analog with DAC attached but still degrades within minutes.

GRF (1-29) with a single amino acid sub - half life of between 5-10 minutes. Aka CJC-1293 w/o DAC.
CJC-1293 is this analog with DAC attached extending the half life but causing GH bleed.

Tetrasub GRF (1-29) with 4 amino acid subs - half life of 30 minutes. AKA modGRF (1-29) & CJC-1295 w/o DAC
CJC-1295 is this analog with DAC attached extending the half life to days but causing GH bleed.

So my preference is the above GHRH analogue which is a must along with GHRP-2. With this GHRP if you notice a rise in prolactin causing sleep problems (usually only if sensitive) you can simply back down the dose and still get an equal release of GH when compared to Ipa.

When reconstituting use bac water and store refrigerated... like hCG. You want to mix with the minimum amount of liquid possible which will limit degradation. The GHRPs will be good for a few weeks but the GHRH should be used within 10 days imo. Freeze all unused vials in an area of the freezer where it won't keep seeing changes in temp due to the door opening and shutting. Bottom back is good! Once ready to reconstitute remember to allow the vial to come back to room temp before mixing to avoid any shock. Leaving on the side for a few hours should suffice.

Don't just shop by price, instead choose a trusted source even if it means you spending a little more. You need to be certain you are getting what you paid for. If you ended up receiving anything other than the GHRH analogue with 4 amino acid substitutions it would basically be useless.

CJC is just a fancy name incorrectly used for GHRH analogs. If listed as CJC be sure to look for 1295 without DAC. You want to avoid DAC (drug affinity complex) at all costs. To be sure contact the company and ask how many amino acid substitutions the GHRH had... it should be 4 without DAC attached.

Adding hGH to the protocol

Best way is to dose the peptides and wait 10-15 mins before administering the hGH. A good and cost effective protocol would be as follows:

AM Upon Waking
Peptides followed by (2iu) hGH 10-15 mins later

Peptides followed by (2iu) hGH 10-15 mins later

Pre Bed
Peptides only

Mixing Peptides:

Firstly you must choose the correct diluent. Quite often you will be supplied a diluent with the dry powder but this is usually meant for immediate use and will not keep the peptide stable and bacteria free for any real length of time. This should be discarded and the correct diluent used to preserve the shelf life and sterility of the solution.

Bacteriostatic (BAC) water - this is a sterile water with 0.9% benzyl alcohol (BA) added which helps keep the compound sterile long after being reconstituted. This is suitable for most peptides except from IGF.

Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride solution - as above only with 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl) also added. The solution is isotonically compatible to be injected into the human body. This is suitable for most peptides except from IGF.

0.6% Acetic Acid (AA) - used to reconstitute IGF providing the maximum shelf life.

Once reconstituted all peptides are better stored in a refrigerator which minimises degradation.

Now to the measuring...

There are two things to consider first...

1.) The less dilutant you use the more stable the peptides will be. So why not just go with the minimum amount possible... right?

2.) Every pin, even insulin syringes, contains dead space at the end of the barrel through to the end of the needle. So if you make your solution too concentrated, whilst increasing the stability, you also waste more active ingredient due to this dead space. For example if I mixed up my hCG at 250iu per 0.1ml more of the active hCG will be left in the dead space of the needle than if I mixed it at 250iu/0.5ml.

My preference for mixing:

hCG - I mix this at 250iu/0.25ml
hMG - I mix this at 75iu/0.5ml
GHRP-2 - I mix this at 100mcg/0.04ml
GHRH (modGRF 1-29) - I mix this at 100mcg/0.04ml

But remember it is up to you how you choose to do this. With the more stable peptides like hCG or hMG you can get away with using a larger volume of liquid whereas with less stable peptides like GHRP's and GHRH's it would be better to use less solution minimising degradation.

I mix GH Peptides as follows

GHRH (modGRF 1-29 aka CJC-1295 w/o DAC)

This usually comes in a 2mg (2000mcg) vial...
2mg of powder - dilute with 0.8ml of bac water to make 100mcg=4iu (or 0.04ml)

GHRP (2,6, Ipamorelin)

This usually comes in a 5mg (5000mcg) vial...
5mg of powder - dilute with 2.0ml of bac water to make 100mcg=4iu (or 0.04ml)


Increased Fat Loss
Muscle Acquisition
Improved Energy
Improved Sleep
Lower Sides in Comparison to Synthetic (22kDa only) GH
Natural Pulses rather than Constant Circulation
Results seen Faster than Synthetic GH
Improved Recovery
Injury Repair


The stronger GHRP's may cause a small and short rise in prolactin and cortisol which will return to baseline soon after. If the subject is hyper-sensitive to these hormones then they may have to reduce the dose or switch to gentler GHRP's (Ipamorelin, GHRP-6).

Using a natural L-Dopa product is useful for countering the rise in prolactin. Mucuna Pruriens 40% L-Dopa is what I use @ 350mg EOD taken in the evening an hour before bed.

Cookie Cutter Dosing Guide

This is based on training EOD and doing cardio on alternative days. I have left out all the other supps I use and am focusing on peptides only.

A - Training Days

Morning Dose

Upon Waking on Empty Stomach:

GHRP2 - 100mcg
ModGRF 1-29 - 100mcg

5-10 mins after - Whey Protein (Isolate preferably)
15-20 mins after - Complete meal (Protein, Complex Carbs, Good Fats)

Post Workout Lunchtime

Immediately PWO on Empty Stomach:

GHRP2 - 100mcg
ModGRF 1-29 - 100mcg

5-10 mins after - Whey Protein (Isolate preferably)
15-20 mins after - Complete meal (Protein, Complex Carbs, Good Fats)


30 mins Pre-bed on Empty Stomach:

Mucuna Pruriens 40% L-Dopa 350mg 15 mins before

GHRP2 - 75-100mcg
ModGRF 1-29 - 100mcg

5-10 mins after - Milk/Casien Protein (Isolate preferably)
15-20 mins after - Small Complete meal (Protein, Complex Carbs, Good Fats)

B - Cardio Days

Morning Dose

Upon Waking on Empty Stomach:

GHRP2 - 100mcg
ModGRF 1-29 - 100mcg
+ Thermo of your choice

Cardio 1-1.5 hours after

15 mins after cardio - Whey Protein (Isolate preferably)
30-45 mins after cardio - Complete meal (Protein, Complex Carbs, Good Fats)

Lunchtime/Mid Afternoon

On Empty Stomach:

GHRP2 - 100mcg
ModGRF 1-29 - 100mcg

5-10 mins after - Whey Protein (Isolate preferably)
15-20 mins after - Complete meal (Protein, Complex Carbs, Good Fats)


30 mins Pre-bed on Empty Stomach:

GHRP2 - 75-100mcg
ModGRF 1-29 - 100mcg

5-10 mins after - Milk/Casien Protein (Isolate preferably)
15-20 mins after - Small Complete meal (Protein, Complex Carbs, Good Fats)

Another thing maybe overlooked about this combination is their direct effect on recovery and Leydig cell function.

GH and IGF both play a role in development of new Leydigs cells. Any increase in Leydig cell numbers also increases the amount of testosterone synthesis the testicles have the ability to achieve. For PCT (and during cycle) this would be very beneficial especially as the pituitary begins to release LH again not too long after the negative feedback loop shuts down.

GH was found to increase the level of IGF-I in Leydig cells. These peptides increase IGF levels for short periods in tune with the pulsatile release of GH. These short bursts of IGF stimulate testosterone production in Leydig cells better than constantly raised IGF levels.

Add this to the many other benefits of increased GH pulses both on cycle, off cycle, and during PCT.

Hope this covers everything!

Respect to Datbtrue who we owe thanks for the time he has dedicated, whilst many disbelieved, to researching and sharing his in depth understanding of natural GH release, peptides and all we now take for granted.

brought to you by TSC.

15-01-12, 00:35
boom! GH :)

Strategies for using HGH

There are many different approaches to taking HGH. The right approach for your particular situation will depend on your goals. For many, HGH is a general purpose supplement to help maintain low bodyfat percentages and reasonable levels of lean body mass. For others who have reached their genetic potential for growth, HGH is a supplement that can assist in continued growth beyond what mother nature gave you to work with. For yet others, it is a supplement that is used for general health and healing of injuries. Let’s look at each of these uses with respect to a reasonable HGH program.

To begin with, it should be stated that for the vast majority of HGH users, results are not rapid and earthshaking in nature. If your idea of using HGH is to get ripped in a few weeks, gaining 20 pounds of muscle in a matter of a month or two, or being miraculously healed in a matter of a few injections â€&#166; you are likely in for a BIG disappointment. HGH does some pretty incredible things, but it HAS to be viewed as a long-term endeavor. A reasonable length HGH cycle would be 20-30 weeks in length. While you will always be able to find the one or two individuals who will make great strides in a short amount of time, the majority need to be dedicated to its use for the long haul for it to be a worthy venture.

As mentioned in our introduction to HGH, one of the major roles it plays in growth is by its passing through the liver, which in turn secretes IGF-1. This process is cumulative in nature, and it will take some time for your exogenous HGH use to bring your IGF-1 levels to create an environment conducive to optimal growth. While it is true that HGH begins shuttling nutrients to your muscles, and begins mobilizing fat from the first injection, these behind the scenes benefits will only be VISIBLE several weeks (up to 12) down the road.


For anti-aging, general health & healing, fat mobilization
For these purposes, a dose of 2-3 IU’s per day will be sufficient for the majority. A dose of 1.5 to 2.0 IU’s is considered to be a full replacement dose for those in their middle-age and beyond.

For gaining lean muscle and substantially improving body composition
For this purpose a dose of 4-8 IU’s per day will be necessary. Most people will respond very well at a dose of 4-5 IU's per day.
For maximum benefit in this regard, the addition of Testosterone, Insulin, and low-dose T3 would be something to seriously consider. More on this in our comparative cycle guide of HGH/Insulin/IGF-1.

Regardless of your goal, as a general rule the best way to begin your HGH program is to start with a low dose and ease your body into the higher doses. This will allow you to avoid or at least minimize many of the more common sides of HGH such as bloating and joint pain & swelling. Most people can tolerate up to approximately 2 IU’s with few sides, so that would be a good place to start.

For many using this as a general health supplement, that is as high as you will need to go. For others this will be only the start. Above 2.5 – 3 IU’s, I would definitely suggest that your split your injections into two per day instead of one unless it is just not feasible to do so.

Here is what a good ramp up program would look like:
Weeks 1-4 = HGH 2 IU’s one injection
Week 5 = HGH 2.5 IU’s one injection
Week 6 = HGH 3.0 IU’s split into two injections of 1.5 IU’s each
Week 7 = HGH 3.5 IU’s split into two injections of 1.75 IU’s each
And so forth until you reach your desired dose.

If at any point in this progression you begin to have unbearable bloating or joint pain, drop the dose by 25% and hold it at this lower dosage for a couple of weeks. If the sides subside, begin your progression back up toward your desired level. If the sides remain, lower your dose again and hold it at the lower level for two weeks before beginning the upward progression. This method will keep your HGH experience a good one and side free for the most part.

For a normal cycle of 5-8 months in length, injecting once or twice a day, 7 days a week should be fine. While there are studies that suggest that the suppression from exogenous HGH is short lived (about 4 hours from injection), there are no large-scale studies to indicate safety of everyday injections in long-term use. There are studies by anti-aging groups demonstrating that a day or two off per week is adequate to protect the pituitary and its triggers over long cycles. If your use of HGH becomes more a lifestyle than a single cycle, I would consider running it 5 on/2 off, or 6 on/ 1 off until such time as we have reliable data demonstrating long-term safety sans any degradation of your own output or the triggers initiating that output.

Another option would be to run your HGH cycle everyday for the first two months to get your IGF-1 levels elevated quickly and to a level to assist you in an anabolic way, then drop back to 5 days a week.

As described above, the body produces HGH is a pulsatile fashion throughout the day with the heaviest pulses occurring approximately 2-3 hours after going to bed as you fall into a deep sleep. Injectible HGH is completely absorbed and put to use within approximately 3 hours. The strategy with respect to timing depends somewhat on our age and the other elements of our cycle. As you will see below, there is no single best strategy â€&#166; it depends a lot on your individual situation.

For those that are between their late 20’s and early 50’s, there is still a reasonable chance that your own endogenous production of HGH is still at a reasonable level. The best time to take and injection, this being the case, would be early morning â€&#166;. After your body’s own release of HGH in the night. If you get up to go to the bathroom in the early morning, this is probably the perfect time to take a couple of units of HGH. This will be the least disruptive time to take an injection of HGH. The second best time would be first thing in the morning when you wake up.

If you are splitting your doses, two times of the day when your cortisol levels are at peak are when you wake up and in the early afternoon. Another good strategy is to take your HGH injections at these times. Cortisol is very catabolic by nature and a well -timed HGH injection can go a long way toward blunting this effect.

If you are in your late 50’s or beyond, or if for some reason you have a condition that has rendered your pituitary incapable of a normal release of HGH, a great time to take HGH is right before bed. This allows you to closely mimic the natural pattern that would occur if your pituitary were functioning properly. For the rest of us, taking your HGH right before bed is going to end up creating a negative feedback loop, robbing you of your body’s own nightly pulse of HGH.

Yet another strategy should be considered if you are using insulin with your HGH. Insulin should be used immediately post workout. HGH and insulin do some great things together – they shuttle nutrients in a very complimentary way with each other, and the combination of HGH and Insulin create the best environment for IGF-1 production. If you are using insulin immediately post workout, this would be a great time to take a couple of units of HGH.

15-01-12, 00:37
do this for MTM brah,

MELANOTAN!! booyah!!

The Science: Melanocortins include a host of peptide hormones that exert numerous effects on human physiology through melanocortin receptor binding and activation. One of the more noticeable effects of the melanocortins is to induce skin pigmentation in the epidermis of mammals through interactions with the Melanocortin-1 Receptor (MC1R). The various pigments of melanin are responsible for skin coloring and can be found primarily in the skin, but also the hair, eye, inner ear, and even the brain!
Melanin production occurs during a process known as melanogenesis that occurs within melanin-producing cells called melanocytes found in the epidermis. Most humans have similar concentrations of these malanocyte cells, but the activity of these cells and/or the activity of the MC1R vary dramatically among populations resulting in dramatic differences in melanin production and skin pigmentation. In individuals with albinism, for whatever reason, no melanin is produced from the melanocyte cells. In the basal state, inactivated, or antagonized state, the MC1R causes melanocytes to produce a melanin pigment known as pheomelanin, responsible for the production of yellow and pink to red hues. In response to DNA damage from UVB rays, signals are sent causing a release of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), particularly a-MSH, in regards to pigmentation. a-MSH activates MC1Rs which results in an increased production of either black or brown eumelanin from melanocytes, the pigment associated with skin tone and skin color. The increased coloring produced from melanogenesis and UVB rays is a long lasting tan, and occurs after some degree of DNA photodamage.
A more immediate tanning effect occurs following the production of melanin, or with pre-existing melanin. In response to the less penetrating UVA rays, melanin stored in the keratinocytes combines with oxygen, causing oxidation. The oxidized melanin offers some immediate protection against UV damage, but this tan also quickly fades when the skin is not continually exposed to UV rays, this oxidation creates the golden coloring effect most commonly associated with tanning.

Melanotan Peptides: Analogs of the a-MSH hormone have been developed primarily for research in different types of skin related diseases and cancer. In its natural state, a-MSH has a short active life of only several minutes, making in therapeutically useless. The melanotan peptides work in a similar manner as a-MSH to increase melanogenesis but with far-greater binding capabilities and longer active lives, presumably one to two hours. The two most commonly used are the Melanotan-1 and Melanotan-2 peptides. Both create similar effects, with MT2 being the consumer preference of the two. This is most likely a result of greater availability, lower costs, and stronger effects. MT2 also agonizes a larger range of various melanocortin receptors, thus hosting a stronger effect on libido, lipolysis, but unfortunately also the potential for side effects. Side effects seem to be slightly greater with MT2 over MT1 administration and include flushing of the face and body, nausea, lethargy, hypersexuality, and darkening of moles and freckles, and hyperpigmentation, with the degree of effect being largely dependant on dose and susceptibility.

Safety: The melanotan peptides are considered quite safe with no known carcinogenic properties and no long-term or short-term health problems yet associated with its administration, in vivo or in vitro. Many studies have been performed to assess its safety and its benefits in those susceptible to skin cancer and other skin related diseases, with only positive results. The greatest risk comes from the purchase of unlicensed, illegal and potentially counterfeit or fake melanotan products online and overseas.

Moles and Freckles: Random spots of skin with high melanocyte and or MC1R activity will be seen as freckles. The appearance of freckles is entirely genetic and cannot be created by melanotan administration by any mechanism without somehow altering the genetics. Rather these areas already naturally experience large degrees of melanogensis activity, more so than the rest of the skin. Just like UVB rays, but in a much more potent manner, melanotan triggers an even greater increase in melanogenesis causing the darkening of freckles that may have previously only been barely visible with natural levels of melanogenesis.
Moles are lesions with a high density of melanocytes. Melanotan has never been demonstrated to cause an increase in melanocytes, but because moles have so many melanocytes they are essentially hyperactive melanin-producing factories. Obviously melanotan administration will cause a great increase in melanin production in these moles, causing an increase in darkness and size even in moless too small to be seen or previously mistaken for freckles. The good news is, is that those individuals with more moles are generally at a greater risk for melanoma and skin damage from UV rays. Melanotan can greatly reduce the possibility of causing or progressing skin cancer.

The protocol:

Melanotan 1

Once or twice weekly
.5 mgs - 1 mg within ONE hour before tanning for a length of time safe for your skin type.
*start low, but increase dose if desired.

Melanotan 2

Once or twice weekly
.25 mgs - .5 mgs within ONE hour before tanning for a length of time safe for your skin type.
*start low, but increase dose if desired.

* Protocol will vary depending on skin type and response to melanotan. For those susceptible to freckling, moles, or at risk to burning or skin cancer; start with a low dose of melanotan and short tanning sessions (as low as a minute or two if necessary), as melanin density increases, tanning for longer periods will become safer with a lessened risk of freckling or burning.

Benefits of pre-tan melanotan administration
- Increased melanin production over tanning or melanotan alone.
- Immediate oxidation of newly created eumelanin, creating that glowing “suntan”.
- Minimal tanning.
- Minimal Melanotan use.
- Reduced experiences of freckling, discoloring, uneven pigmentation, nausea, etc…
- More control of “degree” of tan.

Shelf-life: After reconstitution, refrigerated melanotan is said to remain potent for only 3-4 weeks. While I believe some (possibly significant) degradation has likely occurred after 1 month, I have successfully used melanotan for much longer (over two months!), while still seemingly experiencing strong effects. If potency becomes problematic, attempt to increase the dosage. Nevertheless, because of the instability of melanotan, I again suggest the use of melanotan 1, as the larger doses will allow the user to use more of the product over a shorter period of time.

-High five goes to BrandonR for taking the time to write this up.

15-01-12, 00:38
insa q&a

This is just a copy and paste, I figure it is from Acneman from fitnessboard

Acnemans Insulin FAQ

what is insulin?

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the beta cells of the
pancreas that controls the metabolism and cellular uptake of
sugars, proteins, and fats. As a drug, it is used principally
to control diabetes. Insulin is not a steroid.

What type of insulin should I use for bodybuilding?

Humulin R and Humulog are the only insulins I recommend
because they act fast and are out of the body fastest(this
makes them the safest). I have never used Humalog but
understand that aside from quicker onset and half-life it is
essentially the same.

Why do I want to use insulin?

Insulin has been called "Anabolicus Maximus" by some gurus of
the bodybuilding world. Insulin can give you greater gains
than you have ever had using anabolics alone. Insulin, in
combination with androgens and resistance exercise, may
trigger maturation of satellite muscle cells (small, more or
less useless cells that are held in reserve, which do not
contribute to muscular strength) into mature muscle cells that
do contribute to muscular size and strength. How freakin cool
is that. Hyperinsulinemia has been shown to stimulate protein
synthesis in isolated limb infusion experiments , these
anabolic properties seem to be the result of insulin binding
to IGF-1 receptors.

If insulin is so great why aren't all diabetics huge?

Diabetics have a disease and use insulin to replace endogenous
insulin that they cannot produce. Bodybuilders use insulin in
a totally different way. Some diabetic bodybuilders manipulate
their insulin use to use insulin for muscle growth and get
good results but changing dosages and times of injection of
insulin for diabetics can be dangerous.

Isn't taking insulin dangerous?

ummm YES! Before deciding to take insulin here is what you
have to do to be safe.

Insulin safety

1. Do not use slin alone have a training partner or girlfriend
who's not using slin hang around with you from the time you
take the slin to about 2.5/4 hrs after.

2. Tell you're partner to look for anything out of the norm
for your personality and have a list of questions like your
ssn or address etc that they can ask you. Don't joke around,
and answer them without shit, because if you cant answer or
refuse to answer it could be a sign of hypoglycemia(low blood
sugar). Symptoms of hypoglycemia include disorientation,
headache, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, fast heartbeat,
sweating, tremor, and nausea.

3. If you cant/wont answer or are feeling the symptoms of
hypoglycemia they should be prepared to feed you carbs like
pancake syrup, coke, sugary stuff. I bought glucose tablets at
walmart. kinda like candy but gets in the blood faster and
dissolve quickly. these are for diabetics ask at the pharmacy.

4. Have your partner know that if they suspect low blood sugar
and cant convince or force you to consume carbs until your
better. CALL 911 and ask for an ambulance and tell the truth
to the operator... that they suspect you are in insulin shock
and explain when they get there(the ambulance guys not the
cops) that you are not diabetic but using insulin for anabolic
purposes. Have the type of slin, the dosage and carbs consumed
recorded to give the paramedic. They will save your life. Then
you refuse transport to the hospital and eat. It might be a
good idea to make sure your house is "clean" before every
workout just in case the bad thing happens and the cops ask a
lot of questions.

5. Why so much preparation for the possible problem?? insulin
can kill you in minutes if you go down!!

6. Take the carbs and protein together immediately after
injecting the slin(dont take chances trying to time out 15 min
after injection). Take the protein with the carbs because the
protein is pushed into the muscles with the slin also(creatine

7. Before an hour passes you should eat a normal balanced
meal(high protein low fat with carbs).

8. Consume another small high protein medium carb low fat meal
at 2.5 hours after the injection. Congrats you lived.(keep
some gatoraid on hand just to make sure because your not gonna
have a lifeline)

9. YAWN... Don't go to sleep within 4/6 hours of using insulin
since you can develop hypoglycemia while asleep and not have
warning signs.

Ok I'm not scared I still want to use insulin...

Where do i get it?

Humulin R is over the counter (OTC) just about everywhere.
Humulog is new and is still a prescription drug is some
places. BUT... Insulin is NOT a controlled substance and will
not be confiscated by customs or postal inspectors so order it
online if you cant get it locally. Its legal.

Where do I keep it? (STORAGE)

The FDA requires that all preparations of insulin contain
instructions to keep in a cold place and to avoid freezing.
The refrigerator is a good spot. Unrefrigerated insulin can be
kept of 28 days as long as it stays in a cool and dark place.

Where/how do I inject insulin?

The best sites for insulin injection are in the subcutaneous
tissue of the abdomen(avoid the area close to bellybutton)
.Usually, you should not inject within 1 inch of the same site
within 1 month. The arms and legs can also be used, but
insulin uptake from these sites is less uniform. Insulin
should be injected subcutaneously only with a U-100 insulin
syringe. "B-D ultra-fine" insulin syringes are good. Insulin
syringes are available without a prescription in many states.
If you cant purchase the syringes at a pharmacy, you can mail
order them. Using a syringe other than a specific insulin
syringe is dangerous since it will be difficult to measure out
the correct dosage.

How much insulin should I take?

I recommend never using over 10IU. 10IU is enough to make you
In general Dosages used are usually 1 IU per 20 pounds of lean
bodyweight. So a 220lb bodybuilder with 9% body-fat would use
10iu of insulin(aprox200lb lean mass/20 = 10iu). But even
experienced insulin users shouldn't use max dosage at the
beginning of an insulin cycle. First-time users should start
at a low dosage and gradually work up. For example, first
begin with 2 IU and then increase the dosage by 1 IU every
consecutive workout until you reach your calculated dose or
determine a maximum personal dose(some people are more
sensitive to insulin sides like hypoglycemia). This will allow
the athlete to determine a dosage he can safely use. Insulin
dosages can vary significantly among athletes and are
dependent upon insulin sensitivity and the use of other drugs.
Athletes using growth hormone and thyroid might have higher
insulin requirements.

When do I take insulin?

It is my opinion that you should only take insulin after a
work out, never before or when not working out, because before
a work out you could crash and die during the workout and when
your not working out it makes you fat. Some people disagree
with this. IF you want, get some info from them and try it.
But remember I told ya so.

When do i eat after using insulin?

You should immediately take a carbohydrate AND protein drink
after taking you're insulin. I've stated this twice because it
is very important. Even experienced insulin users can get a
surprise now and then.
Eat a meal at about an hour after using insulin. Consume
another small high protein medium carb low fat meal at 2.5
hours after the injection. keep some gatoraid on hand just to
make sure. Remember that insulin can still work much later so
be careful and eat if you feel hypoglycemia symptoms.

What do I eat after using insulin?

Some people recommend a zero fat intake for 4 hours after
taking insulin. I do not disagree with this. But if your
bulking you can be a little relaxed on this. But high fat
intake after taking insulin can lead to high body fat.
The carb/protein drink taken after the insulin shot should
contain AT LEAST 10 grams of carbs and 5 grams of quality
protein per IU of insulin injected with little or no
fat(creatine taken in this drink is optional but works great).
Before an hour passes you should eat a normal balanced
meal(high protein low fat with carbs). At 2.5 hours after the
injection you should Consume a small meal. keep some gatoraid
on hand just to make sure. Remember that insulin can still
work much later so be careful and eat if you feel hypoglycemia
symptoms. Once again i've stated this twice because it is

***Some insulin users recommend far less carbs than I have
stated above. This is a personal decision you will have to
make since it could be very dangerous...Even deadly! My
opinion is to take the carbs and learn to diet after bulking
if you gain too much fat.***

How long should/can I take insulin?

Short cycles please because you could have side effects. It is
suspected that you could become an insulin dependant diabetic
but I have never seen proof, but is it worth the risk? I would
only use it a few times a week(maximum 4 on 3 off) for no more
than 3/4 weeks.

What should I avoid while using insulin?

Do not use alcohol. It lowers blood sugar, and you may
experience dangerously low blood sugar levels.

Do not change your workout in the middle of a cycle of
insulin. Changes in how much you exercise can change the
amount of insulin you can tolerate and maintain blood sugar

Do not take any recreational drugs at the same time as insulin
since they could mask symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Do not change the brand of insulin or syringe that you are
using without first talking to a doctor or pharmacist. Some
brands of insulin and syringes are interchangeable, while
others are not.

Do not use insulin if you are sick with a cold, flu, or fever.
These illnesses may change your insulin requirements..

Do not use any insulin that is discolored, looks thick, has
particles in it, or looks different from the way it looked
when you bought it.

Do not use OTC drugs that will cause drowsiness within 6 hours
of using insulin.

Do not go to sleep within 4/6 hours of using insulin since you
can develop hypoglycemia while asleep and not have warning

What are the possible side effects of insulin besides

Rarely, people have allergic reactions to insulin. Seek
emergency medical attention if you experience an allergic
reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of your throat;
swelling of your lips, tongue, or face; or hives).

Hypothetically, one could become an insulin dependent diabetic
if insulin is used too long.


"Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary," Copyright Â&#169; 2001 by
F. A. Davis Co., Phil., PA

Elisabeth R. Barton-Davis, Daria I. Shoturma, Antonio Musaro,
Nadia Rosenthal, and H. Lee Sweeney. Viral mediated expression
of insulin-like growth factor I blocks the aging-related loss
of skeletal muscle function. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
22;95(26):15603-7, 1998

AnabolicDiabetic from elite fitness

15-01-12, 00:39
^^ ja tym moge srac na zadko..ale nie nadazysz;)

15-01-12, 10:26
A tam gadasz, robota za 5 minutek <sarcasm_mode_off>

04-02-12, 04:41
when is this going to get done? :)

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the body produces insufficient amounts of thyroid hormones, the most important of which is Thyroxine. Hypothyroidism produces many complications in the body including fatigue, loss of muscle tone, weight gain (http://diets.helium.com/topic/7325-weight-gain) and sleep apnea (http://mental-health.helium.com/topic/3732-sleep-apnea), amoung others. Thyroid hormones are necessary for normal growth, muscle development and basic cellular metabolism. A diet that provides insufficient amounts of iodine is a leading cause of Hypothyroidism. Another notable cause is childbirth, a small, but significant number of women develop this condition in the first year after giving birth.

Sleep Apnea (http://mental-health.helium.com/topic/3732-sleep-apnea) is a condition where a person is constantly awoken by the body because breathing has stopped while sleeping. In many situations, the person suffering from this condition is not even aware that it is happening. These awakenings can happen as frequently as 2-3 times per hour and for obvious reasons almost always result in the person not getting enough rest and waking up in the morning tired. There are many medical conditions which result in a tendency towards Sleep Apnea, but one of the most common is obesity.
The link between Sleep Apnea and Hypothyroidism comes from the fact that one of the more frequent symptoms of Hypothyroidism is a swelling of the tongue and other tissues that line the mouth and throat. While in a prone position, it is easy for the enlarged tongue to block the path of air into the lungs, especially considering the other tissue surrounding the airway is already partially hindering airflow. Sleeping on your back will greatly increase the chances of Sleep Apnea, but even sleeping on your side will not prevent all instances of apnea.
It is important to note that the link between Hypothyroidism and Sleep Apnea so far apears to be a one-way street. There is no research that suggests that Sleep Apnea can cause Hypothyroidism. Instead, it is thought that the symptoms of Hypothyroidism ( swollen tongue and soft tissue in the mouth and throat) is responsible for the Sleep Apnea. As stated earlier, another frequent symptom of hypothyroidism is obesity, which can also cause sleep apnea.
Because of this, a treatment for the symptom of Sleep Apnea is not needed once the patient is diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, since treating the hypothyroidism will decrease the instances of apnea. The treatment for Hypothyroidism is simple in theory. The patient just needs to take a small pill in the morning. The pill is comprised of synthetic Thyroxine. The difficulty in the treatment is that every person is different, and the amount of Thyroxine needed by an individual is poorly understood. It takes many months, and sometimes a year to get the dosage exactly right. During that time, either a shortage or an over abundance of Thyroxine will have drastic effects on energy levels of the individual, which greatly affects their quality of life. Many patients become frustrated with this because their days feels so unpredictable. it is important to note that while the pendulum is swinging back and forth on the patients dosage, it is absolutely imperative that the patient gives accurate and timely information to their doctor so that the dosage can be adjusted quickly and appropriately.

04-02-12, 09:39
jestem trochę zajęty dlatego żadnych tłumaczeń... ale ten.ostatni postaram się dzisiaj napisać

07-02-12, 18:26

Jedz brokuly!!

12-02-12, 22:38
The GIFT of Average Genetics

Most people envy those with freakish genetics, and it can be hard not to. However, being born with world class genetics ends up being a curse that they are never aware of and not a gift. Once you’ve been in, or an observer of, a sport for some time this may become more evident. It’s true that to be truly world class in a sport such as Michael Phelps or Bill Kazmaier you will never reach that by hard work alone. It simply won’t happen without having the genetic potential to achieve that.
So what exactly is the gift of average genetics? The gift is you always have to work for every inch of progress you have made. You learned early on about incremental gains and hard work. From the first time in the gym or on the sporting field you had to work, sweat, bleed, and then do it all again just to make some measly progress. The same progress that some gifted natural athlete had just walking on the field. These small gains however are consistent and build upon each other. This is a basic psychological system that rewards your hard work, sweat, and blood. With this reward mechanism you stay at it year after year.
When you reach stalling points you are not deterred, you know that time and work will keep you moving forward. When you injure yourself you know that to get back isn’t going to be an overnight journey to get back. It may be years, but this doesn’t bother you. You have built the psychological support of maintaining the focus during that time as well as the mental discipline to follow through. It is these import psychological factors and discipline that create the majority of the athletes that fill much of the professional ranks. They have worked hard for many years and stay the course with consistent training to stay in the game. They may not be the best in the world, but they are at the top of their game and stay there for a long time.
The gifted athlete knows nothing of incremental gains. As they grow up they succeed at every sporting activity they try and are better than nearly everyone on the field with little to no effort. Work effort and discipline are not reinforced. They show up and ‘play around’ and everyone says they are the best. After doing any activity a few times they see huge gains. If they do not have the internal discipline born or raised into them via other methods they have nothing that develops it. When they eventually reach that plateau or injury it is devastating. This is when that talent becomes a curse. Having never had to ‘work’ or progress out of a long injury they are suddenly spending time at a suboptimal level or at a stalling point. Something they simply are not prepared for.
Personally I’ve seen so many people enter strength sports and in their first couple years be billed as the next great. “How can they not be?”, people ask. “Look at their age and the weights they are moving.”, they point out as evidence. And then mysteriously they disappear. They got to the point of hard work or an injury and disappeared to live the rest of their life as has-beens. This is why the majority of the top people in a sport did not come in with an amazing level of strength or talent. What they did is train for 10-15 years getting increment gains. Sure, the top 1% of the sport have that rare talent of being genetically gifted and having incredible work ethic and discipline. But the majority of your top athletes started out no different than you or me.
The gift of average genetics is a long healthy career of training and not becoming a has-been telling stories of you early career success. You get to maintain doing the sport that you love through the entirety of your life. I would much rather have this as my reality than be a has-been. Vision, Consistency, and Hardwork…LIVE IT!!!

Posted by Chris Duffin at 1/28/2012 6:24 PM (http://blog.kabukiwarrior.com/2012/01/28/the-gift-of-average-genetics.aspx) http://blog.kabukiwarrior.com/ThemeFiles/2%5C7%5C2%5C2%5C0%5C309294-302272%5C/images/printicon.gif
Categories: Motivation


03-03-12, 11:26
ej to bedzie co s po polsku czy nie? :D

03-03-12, 15:36
Fallen Cię naslal? ;d pracuje nad tym

04-04-12, 23:01
Brah seriously

Wtf??????? Do smthn bo cie znajde.


08-12-12, 14:35
Figured I'd start a thread since this medicine is commonly and widely used to treat acne.
I'm speaking from PERSONAL experience on this subject. Throughout my teenage years I had mild acne, probably what most would consider normal but as I got older is gradually got better. It was NEVER completely gone but got considerably better. After I got diagnosed with low testosterone and was put on Testosterone Replacement Therapy the acne slowly started coming back. It eventually got to the point where professional support was needed. I went to the dermatolgist and asked about Accutane because I heard and read ALOT of good reviews about it. She almost stopped me mid-sentence and told me that Accutane is a LAST resort because of the sides and put me on a topical solution and oral bacteria pill. After about 6 weeks of both of these medications, my acne was not getting any better. I scheduled my follow-up appointment and she reviewed it and my progress and put me on Accutane. I'm now about 8 weeks into an 8 MONTH treatment but 95%-98% of my acne is GONE. I've never seen anything work like this ever. To complete the treatment I have to stay on it and it supposably puts it in "remission" meaning that I might not have to have any type of medication again *fingers crossed*.

In short, this is my story and the success of it. Below I've listed some facts about the medication.
Drug Name: Accutane - Isotretinoin (oral) (EYE so TRET i noyn)
Brand Names: Accutane, Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret

What is Accutane?
Accutane is a form of vitamin A. It reduces the amount of oil released by oil glands in your skin, and helps your skin renew itself more quickly.
Accutane is used to treat severe nodular acne. It is usually given after other acne medicines or antibiotics have been tried without successful treatment of symptoms.

Accutane Cons:
It requires blood work every month to keep liver levels in check.
It causes VERY dry skin and personally for me chapped lips.
Accutane can cause severe, life-threatening birth defects. Never use Accutane if you are pregnant.

Women of child-bearing potential must agree in writing to use two specific forms of birth control and have regular pregnancy tests before, during, and after taking isotretinoin.
Accutane is available only under a special program called iPLEDGE. It is dangerous to try and purchase Accutane on the Internet or from vendors outside of the United States.
Do not take vitamin supplements containing vitamin A while you are taking isotretinoin. Do not donate blood while taking Accutane and for at least 30 days after you stop taking it.

- Dry, chapped lips
- Dry, peeling skin
- Dry mucous membranes
- Temporary worsening of acne (initial breakout)

- Back pain, muscle pain, or joint pain
- Nosebleeds
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Drowsiness/fatigue
- Flushing
- Sweating
- Insomnia
- Restlessness or irrititability
- Headaches
- Lightening or darkening of the skin
- Changes in weight or appetite
- Difficulty concentrating
- Changes in sleep pattern
- Increased skin sensitivity/susceptiblity to sunburn
- Elevated tryglyceride, cholesterol, and transaminase blood levels

- Depression; hopelessness; feelings of guilt, worthlessness or helplessness
- Suicidal thoughts or attempts
- Acting on dangerous impulses
- Hallucinations or delusions
- Birth defects (if taken by pregnant women). Birth defects include skull, ear, eye, facial, central nervous system, cardiovascular, thymus, and parathyroid abnormalities, and also death
- Rapid breakdown of muscle tissue
- Hair loss/thinning hair
- Swollen nymph nodes
- Voice changes
- Menstrual changes
- Bleeding gums
- Arthiritis
- Undesired hair growth (such as body or facial hair growth)
- Ringing of the ears (tinnitus) or hearing loss
- Vision problems (decreased color vision, permanent loss of night vision, possible permanent dry eyes)
- High triglycerides, which may be accompanied by pancreatitis (dangerous inflammation of the pancreas)
- Signs of liver damage: yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice), upper right abdominal pain, and high liver enzymes
- Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue)
- Signs of inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease), such as: severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, broken bones (which may be a sign of thinning bones), any vision changes, changes in blood sugar, seizures, a rash with blisters or with sores in the mouth or throat, especially if skin peeling occurs, as this may be a sign of potentially life-threatening problems known as Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis
- Signs of a stroke, such as: vision or speech changes, weakness or numbness in an arm or leg, severe headache

Remember, the side effects of Accutane are not always just while you're on the drug. Some people report having long term side effects even years after finishing Accutane, such as permanent back pain, permanent thinning hair, and permanent dry skin.

What should I discuss with my healthcare provider before taking Accutane?
Accutane is available only under a special program called iPLEDGE. You must be registered in the program and sign documents stating that you understand the dangers of this medication and that you agree to use birth control as required by the program. Ask your doctor or call the drug maker if you have questions about the program or the written requirements. It is dangerous to try and purchase Accutane on the Internet or from vendors outside of the United States. The sale and distribution of Accutane outside of the iPLEDGE program violates the regulations of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the safe use of this medication. Do not use this medication if you are allergic to isotretinoin or to parabens, or if you are pregnant or may become pregnant.

If you have any of these other conditions, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely take Accutane:
A personal or family history of depression or mental illness;
heart disease, high cholesterol or triglycerides;
osteoporosis or other bone disorders;
an eating disorder (anorexia nervosa); or
liver disease.
Accutane can cause severe, life-threatening birth defects if the mother takes the medication during pregnancy. Even one dose of Accutane can cause major birth defects of the baby's ears, eyes, face, skull, heart, and brain. Never use Accutane if you are pregnant. For Women: Unless you have had your uterus and ovaries removed (total hysterectomy) or have been in menopause for at least 12 months in a row, you are considered to be of child-bearing potential. Even women who have had their tubes tied are required to use birth control while taking Accutane. You must have a negative pregnancy test 30 days before you start taking Accutane. A pregnancy test is also required before each prescription is refilled, right after you take your last dose of Accutane, and again 30 days later. All pregnancy testing is required by the iPLEDGE program.

You must agree in writing to use two specific forms of birth control beginning 30 days before you start taking Accutane and ending 30 days after you stop taking it. Both a primary and a secondary form of birth control must be used together.
Primary forms of birth control include:
tubal ligation (tubes tied);
vasectomy of the male sexual partner;
an IUD (intrauterine device);
estrogen-containing birth control pills (not mini-pills); and
hormonal birth control patches, implants, injections, or vaginal ring.
Secondary forms of birth control include:
a male latex condom plus spermicidal foam or gel;
a diaphragm plus spermicidal foam or gel;
a cervical cap plus spermicidal foam or gel; and
a vaginal sponge containing spermicide.
Stop using Accutane and call your doctor at once if you have unprotected sex, if you quit using birth control, if your period is late, or if you think you might be pregnant. If you get pregnant while taking Accutane, call the iPLEDGE pregnancy registry at 1-866-495-0654.

It is not known whether isotretinoin passes into breast milk. Do not take Accutane without first talking to your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.

planetglow forum xccellence.com

20-12-12, 17:19
A kto je będzie tłumaczył? Ja mam dwa artykuły ale nie chcę czytać w stylu "on być siła, ona mieć muskulatura.."

20-12-12, 17:35
na offie nie mam weny do tlumaczenia

20-12-12, 17:37
kazdy szanujacy sie lysy koks w dresach zna plynnie ang.

28-12-12, 17:31
Recently, a new doping drug has come on the scene for horse racing. Actually it’s been around for a while, but it seems to be catching on. So what does this have to do with humans? A lot. Thymosin Beta-4 is a unique peptide that was first discovered in the thymus, a gland in the human body. Since that initial discovery, however, thymosins of all sorts have been found present in all different types of tissue throughout the body. One particular place we see Thymosin Beta-4 that is of interest to us, is muscle, both smooth (like heart muscle) and skeletal (our movement muscles). Thymosin Beta-4 is upregulated when damage occurs to muscle tissue. When trauma occurs, Thymosin beta-4 is released to increase the healing of that trauma. It also acts to prevent the formation of adhesions. This means less scar tissue, and hopefully, more flexibility.
TB500 is a synthetic version of Thymosin Beta-4 which does all the same wonderful things that its natural counterpart does. Some of the claims made by makers of TB500 include:

Endothelial (blood vessels) cell differentiation
Angiogenesis (growth of new blood cells from pre-existing vessels) in dermal tissues
Keratinocyte migration
Collagen deposition; and
Decreases inflammation.

In some instances, these are all good things. Increased blood flow, healthy vasculature, enhanced healing from skin abrasions (keratinocytes are part of the barrier in our skin that keeps bad stuff from just seeping in) collagen deposition (healthy joints, and of course decreased inflammation.
The last one in particular should make a lot of sense. Thymosin beta-4 is involved in regulating the immune system. Increasing levels of Thymosin Beta-4 through the use of TB500, would decrease our inflammatory response to injury, because the injury would be healing at a much faster rate. Inflammation is our body’s signal to repair. Once that repair is underway, inflammation goes down.
So we know what makers of it are touting for dogs and horses. Increased endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, less scarring, and decreased inflammation. But are there any benefits for humans? Some scientists think it may be able to help our hearts heal after a heart attack. I have seen one study show that Thymosin Beta-4 activates progenitor cells after a heart attack, essentially allowing the heart to heal itself. I have also read elsehwhere that this effect has not been reproduced during further testing.
What do i know about this new drug? Not much. I have actually experimented with 5 mg a week of this and have found it to be a great preworkout booster of sorts, but nothing dramatic as of yet. It has been said results come over time, so we shall see. I personally think the dosages being sold on the internet are much lower than we should take in order to see results, but that doesn’t surprise me, as most online sources of research peptides tend to make sure the profit margin is well within their own favor. If supply becomes abundant and we see larger amounts surfacing for reasonable prices I may try and go for something more like 10 mg a day and see how that treats me.
In the meantime I keep stretching, and hoping this stuff will help increase my flexibility, which was the primary reason I showed interest in this. I am one giant muscle knot.


cza gdzies skolowac i tyle

30-12-12, 16:50
Endocrinol Jpn. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6816576#) 1982 Jun;29(3):287-92.
Effect of vitamin E on function of pituitary-gonadal axis in male rats and human subjects.

Umeda F (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=Umeda F[Author]&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=6816576), Kato K (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=Kato K[Author]&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=6816576), Muta K (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=Muta K[Author]&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=6816576), Ibayashi H (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=Ibayashi H[Author]&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=6816576).

The role of vitamin E in the endocrine system, in particular the pituitary-gonadal axis, was studied in humans and male rats by examining the hormonal differences between vitamin E deficient and supplemented conditions. In vitamin E deficient rats, pituitary content and basal plasma level of FSH and LH were significantly lower than those of the control rats, but testicular content and basal plasma level of testosterone were not significantly changed. On the other hand, in vitamin E supplemented rats, FSH and LH content in pituitary tissue was significantly higher than that of the controls, but there was no significant rise in basal FSH and LH level in plasma. The testosterone level was significantly elevated in both testicular tissue and plasma. It was also demonstrated that basal plasma testosterone and F.T.I. were increased in normal male subjects following oral vitamin E administration and the responsiveness of plasma testosterone levels to HCG was significantly higher during vitamin E administration than before administration. These results suggest that vitamin E may play an important and potent role in hormone production in the pituitary-gonadal axis in humans and rats.

krotko i zrozumiale.

03-07-13, 15:54
Tu sie wogole cos dzieje?

15-07-13, 22:20

15-07-13, 22:20

16-07-13, 14:23

Nowy sposób detekcji i ewaluacji adhd zatwierdzony przed fda!

Żeby jeszcze z tabsami na cukrzycę tak sie streszczali...ostatni.raz słyszałem kilka lat temu i.nadal cisza. Ktoś musi zarabiać....:(

02-08-13, 21:35

02-04-14, 06:18
Ja tu sobie wklejam zeby nie szukać. Resztę mam w dupie.


02-04-14, 06:20
Duża ilość białka i odkładanie tłuszczu


02-04-14, 08:33
^ taken, jutro do 9 am powinno ujrzec czytelnie

edit: jak sie do 30 min wyrobie na tym smiesznym 8/kb sec to bedzie do 9

05-04-14, 18:13
Estrogen on Cycle: The Good, The Bad, and The Proper Management of Both.
The relevance of Estrogen management is more important than ever now in my opinion. This is due to several factors. First of all the knowledge of Estrogen and its effects in males has grown substantially in the last few years. Also a more basic but very real reason is the trend we have seen in cycles over the last several years. It used to be cycles were 6 - 8 weeks in length. In the past it was common that short ester cycles were run 6 weeks and long estered ones 8 weeks. Now cycle lengths of 12-16 weeks+ have become the norm. This added time and exposure to the deleterious effects of unmanaged or improperly managed estrogen makes the topic more important than ever.

So lets take a look at the effects of Estrogen in Males both positive and negative.
On the positive side:
* Estrogen plays a key role in immune system function and inflammatory response.
* It has a positive impact on cholesterol.
* Estrogen is essential for GH and IGF synthesis.
*It plays a role in maintaining proper '"fluid balance" within the body.
*Essential for bone density
*Assists in glucose uptake

The Negatives:
*Increased Risk of Heart Disease
*Increased risk of Prostate cancer
*Increased blood clotting
*Increased risk of Hypertension (high blood pressure)
* Increased risk of cardiovascular event or stroke.
* Improper Fluid Balance (or water retention)
*Estrogens relationship with other hormones. For example, Estrogen has a proportional
relationship with the hormone Prolactin. An increase in Estrogen results in an increase
in Prolactin.

As you can see there are numerous serious positives and negatives when it comes to the effect''s of Estrogen in males. Some of these effects are dependent upon the levels of Estrogen present. For example proper estrogen levels result in improved lipid profiles and cardiovascular health. However elevated estrogen levels result in adverse effects on cardiovascular health and increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Based on this it becomes very clear the optimal situation when it comes to Estrogen while on cycle is to MANAGE it properly. Not eliminate it, not ignore it, but manage it.

To further clarify and specify what I would consider proper Estrogen Management, especially in light of the fact that many positive effects of Estrogen become negative when it is elevated too much, I would define estrogen management as maintaining Estrogen levels in the clinically normal range even while on cycle. In other words keep our E2 levels the same on or off cycle. To take it a step further if Estrogen levels can be kept between 25-30 while on cycle, we can reap the positive effects of Estrogen while virtually eliminating the negative ones.

Lets take a look at Estrogen management while on AAS cycle and how it has evolved over the years, what compounds are available to assist us, and the effects and interactions of these compounds.

Years ago the first attempts at managing Estrogen really didn''t manage it at all;they just eliminated some undesirable side effects while having no impact on Estrogen levels at all. These early attempts were made using serms such as clomid or tamoxifen while on cycle. The specific side effect of elevated estrogen that the use of serms would address is the one of gynecomastia. Serms bind to the Estrogen receptor in breast tissue, blocking estrogen from exerting its effect there and preventing undesired breast tissue growth. As you can see this was an improvement over using nothing at all, however serm use does nothing to address the other negative effects of elevated Estrogen. Some of these negative effects are very serious, much more serious than Gyno from a medical (as well as common sense) not aesthetic perspective. While serms do not address the majority of negative issues of elevated Estrogen it does not mean they do not have a place in this discussion or in treating of addressing this issue. I will get into that more later.

The next progression in Estrogen management is the use of Aromatase Inhibitors to control overall Estrogen levels. This has been a huge advancement in the management of estrogen. Aromatase Inhibitors act upon the Aromatase enzyme. This is the enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone to estrogen within the body. Aromatase Inhibitors prevent the binding of Aromatase to testosterone so the process of Aromatozation of test to Estrogen cannot take place. This sounds like the ultimate solution to the problem of Estrogen Management on cycle and too a large degree it is. However there are different Aromatase Inhibitors that may make one a more prudent choice than the other for certain situations or individuals. Also the value of Serms and their role in estrogen management cannot be dismissed just yet.

So we see we have 2 categories of compounds that can be of use to us in properly managing Estrogen or its side effects, Serms and AIs. Let''s take a look at our options in categories, their differences and potential interactions with one another, and how they might be used together to accomplish our goal.

First we will look at AIs as in my opinion they are the core of our Estrogen Management program. We essentially have 2 types of AI''s to choose from. Type 1 AIs like Exemestane and Type 2 AI''s such as letrozole or Anastrozole (arimidex). The difference in these types is as follows. A Type 1 AI like Exemestane binds permanently to the site on the Aromatase Enzyme where it binds to testosterone allowing its conversion to Estrogen. This permanent binding renders the Aromatase totally and permanently inactive. In contrast Type 2 AIs temporarily bind to this site on the Aromatase Enzyme rendering it inactive as long as the AI is being used. Onçe use of type 2 AI stops the aromatase will reactivate. So whats the difference in these Ai types for our purposes? Well Due to the '"reactivation" if you will of existing Aromatase with a Type 2 AI, when you stop using it a spike in Estrogen (often referred to as rebound) will occur due to the sudden increase availability of Aromatase Enzyme. Another important distinction when it comes to Type 1 and Type 2 AI''s. A Type 1 AI like Exemestane remains unaffected by the introduction of a serm into your Estrogen management program. Type 2 AIs like letrozole and Arimidex suffer a reduced in blood levels and effectiveness with the introduction of some serms. I will touch more on why we may need to introduce a serm a little farther on in this article.

When it comes to the strength of these AI''s letrozole would be the strongest followed by Arimidex and then by Exemestane. Now people might be up in arms saying Exemestane is stronger than Arimidex however when one looks and compare data from studies done on MALES the order of strength is exactly as I stated it, quite often much confusion comes in to play when people recite data on AI's taken from studies on women. The fact is AI's behave differently in males, they are less effective in males, and for our purposes it is only prudent to compare data gathered from studies on males to portray an accurate picture.

The next aspect to be considered when looking at AIs are the effects they indirectly illicit in other areas. We stated the positive effects of Estrogen, we must realize by lowering Estrogen via Ai use some of these positive effects may be compromised. It is important to look at the various AI options available and possibly use the data to help pick which AI we use. letrozole is an extremely potent AI and its effects demonstrate this as would be expected. letrozole has an adverse effect on lipid profile and somewhat on IGF levels. On the other hand Arimdex has a small impact in the area of IGF and depending upon which studies you cite a small adverse impact on lipids to no adverse impact on lipids. Exemestane seems to have no clinical impact on either IGF or lipids.

It is important to realize that it may seem like Exemestane shines as a clear cut winner when it comes to choice of AI, however I do not necessarily believe this to be the case for everyone. In some cases or maybe better said in some people, an extremely powerful AI like letrozole must be used to manage Estrogen properly. Some may respond better to Arimidex than Exemestane. I believe there is a place for all 3 of these. That being said, if possible my personal first choice of AI is Exemestane due to its lack of interaction with other compounds we may need to introduce such as certain serms, its positive effects on IGF and Lipids over other options, and also its lack of potential "rebound"(although I think that is an overstated issue quite often).

Regardless of which AI you choose for the vast majority of us our goal can be accomplished of maintaining Estrogen levels in the normal range while on cycle. It might seem like the discussion is over. Why do we even need to look at Serms? Read on:

So we have our Estrogen levels managed, all should be good. Well yes in most cases it will be but what if it isn't? What if you start to get sensitive, itchy or painful nipples? What if you get a lump around your nipple area? What if you are so predisposed to gyno you still get symptoms using an AI? It shouldnt happen but if it does your immediate solution should be a serm.

So we know what serms do. As stated above they bind to the Estrogen receptor in breast tissue, preventing Estrogen from eliciting its effects, which in this case is undesired breast development and tissue growth. However all serms are not created equal for this purpose. I am of the opinion that Raloxifene and Tamoxifen are the 2 best suited serms for this purpose.

Raloxifene is the serm with the highest binding affinity to the Estrogen receptor in breast tissue. Tamoxifen would be second. This means Raloxifene is the most effective serm available for gyno treatment and or prevention. Another point that bears mentioning, when using a Type 2 AI like Arimidex or letrozole, Tamoxifen reduces blood levels of both of these AI's. Raloxifene on the other hand has no effect on blood levels of these AI's, allowing them to be run in conjunction with Raloxifene with no decrease in AI effectiveness. As was mentioned above any serm can be run with Exemestane (a Type 1 AI) with no impact on Exemestane's effectiveness.

Tamoxifen is the serm with probably the most clinical data supporting its use for gyno prevention and treatment, in all likelihood due to the age of the drug. It is very effective for this purpose and very versatile as it is equally if not more effective in the area of PCT as well, meaning often it is likely on hand so it is readily available for most to use in the case of gyno symptoms.

So let's begin to put this all together. An AI should be the core of your Estrogen management program; the goal should be Estrogen levels in the clinically normal range even while on cycle. Id say between 25-30. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of blood work as a management tool. It really is the only effective means of proper Estrogen management (hormone profile management for that matter).

All AI''s can effectively manage Estrogen. My preference in order for this purpose would be Exemestane , then Arimidex , then letrozole however as stated earlier they all have their place. If Exemestane works well for you you have the luxury of the least amount of undesirable side effects and the most versatility as far as combining with a serm should the need arise for gyno prevention and treatment.

The logical question is why do even need to worry about a serm if I mange Estrogen with an Ai? Well hopefully you don't however in some cases it may become necessary due to predisposition, preexisting gyno , very high dosages of aromatizing steroids and so on. For this purpose Raloxifene is in my opinion the top choice offering no reduction in effectiveness of any AI you are running and the most powerful protection against gyno due to its binding affinity to the E receptor in brest tissue. Tamoxifen is also a very solid option especially if running Exemestane as your Ai. If you are running letrozole or arimidex a corresponding increase in the dosage of Ai may be required due to tamoxifen reducing blood levels and effectiveness of these 2 AIs.

Bringng it to theReal World:

1- Manage Estrogen levels with an AI: Exemestane offers the most versatility with fewest adverse effects.
2- Have a Serm on hand in case of Gyno flare up. Raloxifene is most effective and has no adverse interactions with any AIs.

Run a low dose AI with your cycle to try to keep estrogen in the clinically normal range so you can reap the benefits and reduce the deleterious effects. Have a serm on hand just in case gyno rears its head. If it does start a serm immediately. At this point you NEED blood work so you can properly assess your situation and possibly adjust AI dosage up which may allow discontinuation of serm. It may not. You may need to run a serm and AI in conjunction on cycle but it is very unlikely. An Ai should be able to manage Estrogen properly for the vast majority of us. If you do need to run a serm and AI together I cannot emphasize enough that you need to reevaluate your situation. Elevated estrogen has some serious effects as I mentioned above. You should consider this option as I would encourage many too do anyway. Reduce the amount of aromatizing steroids in your cycle and replace them with non-aromatizing compounds. I cannot emphasize this enough. For example a lower test dose will allow for easier estrogen management. This is probably the single biggest thing any of us can do to help ensure proper estrogen management (besides blood work', which again is essential).

One more topic I want to touch on is Gyno. Gyno is considered the worst side effect of elevated estrogen but the fact is it is far from it. There are many much more serious issues going on inside of you if you start growing breasts. That being said when it does occur or start to occur we want to stop it. So often I see people recommend letrozole to treat gyno. This is a horrible idea in my opinion. letrozole works to treat gyno by lowering overall Estrogen levels so much there is no circulating Estrogen to bind to the Estrogen receptor in breast tissue. If you paid attention above you saw the beneficial effects of Estrogen. Some aren''t even beneficial, they are essential. I think to eliminate estrogen to this point throughout your entire body is foolish. Introduce a serm such as raloxifene, block the Estrogen receptor in the breast. The gyno then cannot grow. Then again using blood work adjust your AI dose to MANAGE estrogen levels while taking the serm to prevent the continuation of the gyno.

The above is an interesting topic. I hope this info proved useful to some and I would love to discuss it further.


05-04-14, 18:15
written by BASK8KACE

If you've read some of my posts on other boards, you probably already have seen that I advocate suggesting low doses for beginners. Why jump into 600mg per week of test as a first or second cycle when it is highly likely you will get great gains using 200-300mg (in initial cycles)?

I keep seeing people write that 200mg of testosterone per week does nothing more than shut down a man's natural test production and bring him near "normal levels"--this is not quite correct (part of the statement is correct part of it is not). This incorrect statement has endured probably because someone wrote down thier idea/theory of what happens in the body, it sounded good, and other people repeated it. But, it is not correct. Yes, 200mg of a long lasting ester of testosterone will shut down natural test production, BUT the amount of 200mg of a long lasting ester of testosterone is more than twice the "normal levels" of test in the body of a healthy non-steroid using male. Therefore, 200mg of a long lasting ester of testosterone per week is far more than enough to grow on.

(I explain more below)

I was paranoid about side effects of testosterone on a normally functioning body, so I had my blood levels checked while on 200-250mg per week. The results of the tests indicated that the amount of testosterone in my blood was more than twice the high end of the normal range (The normal free testosterone range is 50.0-210.0 pg/ml*. My levels were found to be near 550 pg/ml). I also talked to my doctor and UPJOHN nurses a lot about using testosterone at these doses. Here's a brief bit of what I've learned from my doctor, the UPJOHN nursing staff (UPJOHN was the original manufacturer of Depo-testosterone a.k.a Testosterone Cypionate.&nbsp; The rights of Depo-testosterone was sold to PFIZER which now produces it under the name PHARMACIA), and professional medical documents:

*--NOTE: pg/ml is the correct unit notation.

Using a long acting ester testosterone (CYP and ENAN) does not mimic the normally functioning male body's circadian rhythm (daily rise and fall of testosterone). Testosterone, in a normally functioning body, does not explode up to high levels then gradually fall over a 1-2 week period as it does when injecting a testosterone such as CYP or ENAN. On the contrary, the body produces a small amount each day which is far below 200mg (It's around 10mg). That small amount is concentrated at the beginning of the day and then falls low by the end of the day. This process repeats itself every day and by the end of two weeks, a normally functioning body produces approximately 140mg of testosterone (appx. 70mg per week).

The use of long acting esters are in theory supposed to slowly release the testosterone over a two week period, but this is not quite what happens. To keep it simple, the delay of the esters actually allows large amounts of testosterone to build up--especially if you are taking 200mg every week as opposed to once every two weeks (biweekly) which is what the dose is supposed to be. (I'm simplifying here). Remember the "normally functioning" male produces only (appx.) 70mg per week (=140mg per two weeks). The dose doctors are recommended to perscribe is 200mg every 2 weeks (biweekly), but they tend to give 200mg every week.

So, it is fallacious reasoning to compare the TOTAL amount of testosterone produced in daily spurts in a normally functioning body over a 2 week period to the same amount of testosterone injected in one shot at the beginning of a week and reshot every week (before the previous week's dose is used up). The latter case (injections once per week) results in an overlap and build up of dose which causes the levels of testosterone to be HIGHER than normal. (Remember the shots should actually be 200mg every TWO weeks--not every week). These excess levels of testosterone are sufficient to build lean body mass faster than the "normally functioning" male.

In other words: addding up what the average male body produces per week then comparing that to the amount that is shot every week is like comparing apples to oranges. There is a whole diferent set of advantageous reactions happening in the body when it is given a full
2-week load (200mg) at the beginning of a week as opposed to getting naturally occuring, small, daily spurts of appx 10mg over the same period of time (2 weeks).

This is why a low dose cycle can yeild REASONABLE gains. Understand, I'm not talking mega-huge-fast gains. I'm talking noticably-faster-than-normal gains, which when coupled with a strict diet, sufficient rest and an excellent bodybuilding work ethic, can yeild large, solid gains (especially early in a person's cycle experience).

05-04-14, 18:17

Researchers in the European Journal of Applied Physiology examined how heavy use of the anabolic steroid Deca-Durabolin affected collagen strength in rats. The rats were separated into two groups: natural training and training with heavy anabolic steroid use. The dose the researchers administered to the rats was considered supra-physiological – Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) 5mg/kg of bodyweight.

The rats were cleverly forced to perform resistance exercise, but you can’t just tell a rat to start benching – so the researchers attached weights to the rats’ backs. They dropped the rats into a tank of water and the rats immediately jumped out of the water as soon as they were dunked. Every week, the researchers gradually made the weight on the rats’ backs heavier and heavier until at the end of seven weeks the weight was 80 percent of their bodyweight. The researchers dropped the rats in the tank so that they performed this for 4 sets x 10 repetitions of “jumps” with 30-second rest periods. After that, they rats were sacrificed and the rats’ tendons and collagen were examined for gene expression.

There were some very interesting findings after seven weeks of training with anabolic steroids, compared with the natty (natural) group of rats. The natty group did not have any biochemical changes in the rat tendon/collagen properties, while the anabolic steroid group had major changes.(6) The Deca-Durabolin group had reduced biochemical properties of genes involving tendon and collagen strength.

It is interesting to note that AAS administration reduced the accumulation of IGF-1 mRNA levels in some tendon regions, compared to the non-treated, trained group. This decrease of IGF-1 mRNA levels induced by AAS administration may be related to the observed decreases collagen expression when considering the possible connection between IGF-1 and collagen synthesis.(8) The AAS treatment also decreased the MMP-2 mRNA expression (this gene encodes an enzyme for collagen).

The above study is similar to another recently published study, which showed that nandrolone impaired the healing of rotator cuffs of rabbits. In the latter study, male rabbits underwent an incision in the rotator cuff and were divided into groups with anabolic steroids (nandrolone decanoate, 10mg/kg) and natural recovery. Groups that did not receive anabolic steroids showed better healing and more tendon strength compared to groups that received anabolic steroids. Microscopic examination of specimens from the groups with anabolic steroid use showed focal fibroblastic reaction and inflammation, suggesting an impaired healing response.(7)

The key point is that many of these studies were using supraphysiological dosages of steroids that could be like the typical Olympia stack – but the new research suggests that a high-volume approach to training with less weight may be a better approach to use for a bodybuilder than a high-intensity, heavy weight program that puts more stress on the tendons and makes them more susceptible to injury.

By Robbie Durand, M.A., Senior Science Editor of Muscular Development


1. Evans NA, Bowrey DJ, Newman GR (1998) Ultrastructural analysis of ruptured tendon from anabolic steroid users. Injury, 29:769-773.
2: Marqueti RC, Prestes J, Paschoal M, Ramos OH, Perez SE, Carvalho HF, Selistre-de-Araujo HS (2008) Matrix metallopeptidase 2 activity in tendon regions: effects of mechanical loading exercise associated to anabolic-androgenic steroids, Eur J Appl Physiol, 104:1087-1093.
3: Marqueti RC, Prestes J, Wang CC, Ramos OH, Perez SE, Nakagaki WR, Carvalho HF, Selistre-de-Araujo HS (2010). Biomechanical responses of different rat tendons to nandrolone decanoate and load exercise. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 29.
4: Marqueti RC, Parizotto NA, Chriguer RS, Perez SEA, Selistre-de-Araujo HS (2006) Androgenic-anabolic steroids associated with mechanical loading inhibit matrix metallopeptidase activity and affect the remodeling of the Achilles tendon in rats. Am J Sport Med, 34:1274-1280.
5: Oikarinen A, Autio P, Vuori J, Va¨a¨na¨nen K, Risteli L, Kiistala U, Risteli J (1992) Systemic glucocorticoid treatment decreases serum concentrations of carboxyterminal propeptide of type I procollagen and aminoterminal propeptide of type III procollagen. Br J Dermatol, 126:172-178.
6: Marqueti RC, Heinemeier KM, Durigan JL, de Andrade Perez SE, Schjerling P, Kjaer M, Carvalho HF, Selistre-de-Araujo HS. Erratum to: Gene expression in distinct regions of rat tendons in response to jump training combined with anabolic androgenic steroid administration. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2011 Sep 8.
7: Papaspiliopoulos A, Papaparaskeva K, Papadopoulou E, Feroussis J, Papalois A, Zoubos A. The effect of local use of nandrolone decanoate on rotator cuff repair in rabbits. J Invest Surg, 2010 Aug;23(4):204-7.
8: Heinemeier KM, Olesen JL, Schjerling P, Hassad F, Langberg H, Baldwin KM, Kjaer M (2007b) Short-term strength training and the expression of myostatin and IGF-1 isoforms in rat muscle and tendon: differential effects of specific contraction types. J Appl Physiol, 102:573-581.

05-04-14, 18:19
By Swale

I advise my AAS patients to use small amounts of HCG (250IU to 500IU) two days each week, right from the beginning of the cycle. This serves to maintain testicular form and function. It makes more sense to me to keep the horse in the barn, so to speak, then to have to chase it across three counties later on. I am also a big fan of maintaining estrogen within physiological ranges. Both therapies have been shown to hasten recovery.

Any more than 500IU of HCG per day causes too much aromatase activity. Some feel aromatase is actually toxic to the Leydig cells of the testes. You are then inducing primary hypogonadism (which is permanent) while treating steroid-induced secondary (hypogonadotrophic) hypogonadism (which is temporary--hopefully).

If 250IU or 500IU on two days each week isn’t enough to stave off testicular atrophy, then I recommend using it more days each week (as opposed to taking larger doses). In fact, I wouldn’t mind having a guy use 250IU per day ALL THROUGH the cycle. Those that have tell me they thus avoid that edgy, burned-out feeling they usually get. They also say they simply feel better each day. Subjective reports, to be sure, but they are hard not to appreciate. Especially when HCG is so inexpensive.

The testes are then ready, willing and able to again produce testosterone at the end of the cycle. LH levels rise fairly rapidly, but endogenous testosterone production is limited by lack of use. I also want to make sure a SERM, such as Clomid or Nolvadex, is at effective serum dosage (around 100mg QD for Clomid, 20-40mg QD for Nolvadex) when serum androgen levels drop to a concentration roughly equal to 200mg of testosterone per week. That is when androgenic inhibition at the HP no longer dominates over estrogenic antagonism with respect to inducing LH production. Of course, if the fellow has been doing Clomid or Nolvadex all along the way (and I now prefer Nolvadex over Clomid, due to the possibility of negative sides from the Clomid), he is all set to simply continue it at the end (no need to switch from one to the other). BTW, I see no evidence of any benefit in using BOTH SERM’s at the same time. I used to think a couple of weeks of the SERM was enough; now I like to see an entire month after the last shot of AAS (and migration of long to short esters as the cycle matures). Tapering the SERM is probably a good idea during the last week, as well.

I want my patients to stop taking HCG within a week after the end of the cycle. The testosterone production it induces will further inhibit recovery, as will using Androgel, or any other testosterone preparation, while in recovery. There is no escaping this, as there is no such thing as a “bridge”. Just because you are not inhibiting the HPTA for the entire 24 hours does not mean you are not suppressing it at all. IOW, you can’t “fool” the body—it is smarter than you are.

I like arimidex during the cycle (in fact, consider use of an AI while taking aromatisables a necessity) but it ABSOLUTELY should not be used post cycle (even though it has been shown to increase LH production) because the risk of driving estrogen too low, and therefore further damaging an already compromised Lipid Profile, is too great (this also drives libido back into the ground—and we don’t want that, do we?).

All this is meant to get my guys through recovery as fast as possible (the real goal, yes?). So far, all of them who have tried it have reported they are recovering faster than when they have tried other protocols.

05-04-14, 18:23
Short-term oxandrolone administration stimulates net muscle protein synthesis in young men.Sheffield-Moore M, Urban RJ, Wolf SE, Jiang J, Catlin DH, Herndon DN, Wolfe RR, Ferrando AA.
Department of Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, and Shriners Burn Hospital for Children, Galveston 77550, USA. melmoore@utmb.edu

Short term administration of testosterone stimulates net protein synthesis in healthy men. We investigated whether oxandrolone [Oxandrin (OX)], a synthetic analog of testosterone, would improve net muscle protein synthesis and transport of amino acids across the leg. Six healthy men [22+/-1 (+/-SE) yr] were studied in the postabsorptive state before and after 5 days of oral OX (15 mg/day). Muscle protein synthesis and breakdown were determined by a three-compartment model using stable isotopic data obtained from femoral arterio-venous sampling and muscle biopsy. The precursor-product method was used to determine muscle protein fractional synthetic rates. Fractional breakdown rates were also directly calculated. Total messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) concentrations of skeletal muscle insulin-like growth factor I and androgen receptor (AR) were determined using RT-PCR. Model-derived muscle protein synthesis increased from 53.5+/-3 to 68.3+/-5 (mean+/-SE) nmol/min.100 mL/leg (P < 0.05), whereas protein breakdown was unchanged. Inward transport of amino acids remained unchanged with OX, whereas outward transport decreased (P < 0.05). The fractional synthetic rate increased 44% (P < 0.05) after OX administration, with no change in fractional breakdown rate. Therefore, the net balance between synthesis and breakdown became more positive with both methodologies (P < 0.05) and was not different from zero. Further, RT-PCR showed that OX administration significantly increased mRNA concentrations of skeletal muscle AR without changing insulin-like growth factor I mRNA concentrations. We conclude that short term OX administration stimulated an increase in skeletal muscle protein synthesis and improved intracellular reutilization of amino acids. The mechanism for this stimulation may be related to an OX-induced increase in AR expression in skeletal muscle.

testosterone injection stimulates net protein synthesis but not tissue amino acid transport.Ferrando AA, Tipton KD, Doyle D, Phillips SM, Cortiella J, Wolfe RR.
Department of Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas 77550, USA.

testosterone administration (T) increases lean body mass and muscle protein synthesis. We investigated the effects of short-term T on leg muscle protein kinetics and transport of selected amino acids by use of a model based on arteriovenous sampling and muscle biopsy. Fractional synthesis (FSR) and breakdown (FBR) rates of skeletal muscle protein were also directly calculated. Seven healthy men were studied before and 5 days after intramuscular injection of 200 mg of testosterone enanthate. protein synthesis increased twofold after injection (P < 0.05), whereas protein breakdown was unchanged. FSR and FBR calculations were in accordance, because FSR increased twofold (P < 0.05) without a concomitant change in FBR. Net balance between synthesis and breakdown became more positive with both methodologies (P < 0.05) and was not different from zero. T injection increased arteriovenous essential and nonessential nitrogen balance across the leg (P < 0.05) in the fasted state, without increasing amino acid transport. Thus T administration leads to an increased net protein synthesis and reutilization of intracellular amino acids in skeletal muscle

Insulin action on muscle protein kinetics and amino acid transport during recovery after resistance exercise.Biolo G, Williams BD, Fleming RY, Wolfe RR.
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch, and the Shriners Burns Hospital, Galveston, USA.

We have determined the individual and combined effects of insulin and prior exercise on leg muscle protein synthesis and degradation, amino acid transport, glucose uptake, and alanine metabolism. Normal volunteers were studied in the postabsorptive state at rest and about 3 h after a heavy leg resistance exercise routine. The leg arteriovenous balance technique was used in combination with stable isotopic tracers of amino acids and biopsies of the vastus lateralis muscle. Insulin was infused into a femoral artery to increase the leg insulin concentrations to high physiologic levels without substantively affecting the whole-body level. protein synthesis and degradation were determined as rates of intramuscular phenylalanine utilization and appearance, and muscle fractional synthetic rate (FSR) was also determined. Leg blood flow was greater after exercise than at rest (P<0.05). Insulin accelerated blood flow at rest but not after exercise (P<0.05). The rates of protein synthesis and degradation were greater during the postexercise recovery (65+/-10 and 74+/-10 nmol x min(-1) x 100 ml(-1) leg volume, respectively) than at rest (30+/-7 and 46+/-8 nmol x min(-1) x 100 ml(-1) leg volume, respectively; P<0.05). Insulin infusion increased protein synthesis at rest (51+/-4 nmol x min(-1) x 100 ml(-1) leg volume) but not during the postexercise recovery (64+/-9 nmol x min(-1) x 100 ml(-1) leg volume; P<0.05). Insulin infusion at rest did not change the rate of protein degradation (48+/-3 nmol x min(-1) 100 ml(-1) leg volume). In contrast, insulin infusion after exercise significantly decreased the rate of protein degradation (52+/-9 nmol x min(-1) x 100 ml(-1) leg volume). The insulin stimulatory effects on inward alanine transport and glucose uptake were three times greater during the postexercise recovery than at rest (P<0.05). In contrast, the insulin effects on phenylalanine, leucine, and lysine transport were similar at rest and after exercise. In conclusion, the ability of insulin to stimulate glucose uptake and alanine transport and to suppress protein degradation in skeletal muscle is increased after resistance exercise. Decreased amino acid availability may limit the stimulatory effect of insulin on muscle protein synthesis after exercise.

Nutritional and pharmacological support of the metabolic response to injury.Herndon DN.
Shriners Hospitals for Children-Galveston Burns Hospital, SHC-G, Professor of Pediatrics &amp; Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, UTMB, USA. dherndon@utmb.edu

Severe burn incites metabolic disturbances which last up to one year post injury. Persistent profound catabolism after severe burn hampers rehabilitative efforts delaying meaningful return of individuals to society. The simplest effective anabolic strategies for severe burn injuries are early excision and grafting of the burn wound, prompt treament of sepsis, maintenance of environmental temperature at 30-32 inverted exclamation mark C, continuous enteral feeding of a high carbohydrate, high protein diet, early institution of vigorous resistive and aerobic resistive exercise programs. To further minimize erosion of lean body mass administration of recombinant human growth hormone, insulin, oxandrolone or propranolol are all reasonable approaches. Exogenous continuous low dose insulin infusion, beta blockade with propranolol and the use of the synthetic testosterone analog, oxandrolone are the most cost effective and least toxic pharmaco therapies to date.

The effect of oxandrolone treatment on human osteoblastic cells.Bi LX, Wiren KM, Zhang XW, Oliveira GV, Klein GL, Mainous EG, Herndon DN.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA. lbi@utmb.edu

OBJECTIVE: Oxandrolone, administered to severely burned children over the first year postburn, produces increased lean body mass by 6 months; however, an increase in total body bone mineral requires 12 months. Consequently, this bone mineral response may be due to increased muscle mass. Alternatively, oxandrolone may act directly on bone. The current study seeks to determine whether oxandrolone can transactivate the androgen receptor in osteoblasts. METHODS: Collagen, alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, osteoprotegerin, and androgen receptor abundance were determined by qRT-PCR, confocal laser scanning microscopy, or immunoquantitative assay. To determine the effect of oxandrolone on gene expression in differentiated cells, osteocytic cultures were grown to confluence in differentiation medium and then treated 24 hours or 5 days with 15 microg/mL oxandrolone. RESULTS: Increased nuclear fluorescence of the androgen receptor and increased cellular type I collagen were observed with oxandrolone at 15 and 30 microg/mL but not at lower doses. Alkaline phosphatase (7%-20%) and osteocalcin (13%-18%) increases were modest but significant. Short-term treatment produced no significant effects, but at 5 days androgen receptor levels were increased while collagen levels were significantly decreased, with little effect on alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, or osteoprotegerin. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest oxandrolone can stimulate production of osteoblast differentiation markers in proliferating osteoblastic cells, most likely through the androgen receptor; however, with longer treatment in mature cells, oxandrolone decreases collagen expression. Thus it is possible that oxandrolone given to burned children acts directly on immature osteoblasts to stimulate collagen production, but also may have positive effects to increase bone mineral through other mechanisms

Oxandrolone enhances skeletal muscle myosin synthesis and alters global gene expression profile in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.Balagopal P, Olney R, Darmaun D, Mougey E, Dokler M, Sieck G, Hammond D.
Nemours Children's Clinic, Jacksonville, FL 32207, USA. bbalagop@nemours.org

Earlier studies have shown that the progressive, unrelenting muscle loss associated with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) involves an imbalance between the rates of synthesis and degradation of muscle proteins. Although previous studies have suggested that oxandrolone may be beneficial in DMD, the mechanism of action of oxandrolone on muscle in DMD remains unclear. To address these issues, we combined stable isotope studies and gene expression analysis to measure the fractional synthesis rate of myosin heavy chain (MHC), the key muscle contractile protein, the transcript levels of the isoforms of MHC, and global gene expression profiles in four children with DMD before and after 3 mo of treatment with oxandrolone. Gastrocnemius muscle biopsies and blood samples were collected during the course of a primed 6-h continuous infusion of l-[U-(13)C]leucine on two separate occasions, before and after the 3-mo treatment with oxandrolone (0.1 mg.kg(-1).day(-1)). Gene expression analysis was done with microarrays and RT-qPCR. In response to the treatment, MHC synthesis rate increased 42%, and this rise was accounted for, at least in part, by an upregulation of the transcript for MHC8 (perinatal MHC). Gene expression data suggested a decrease in muscle regeneration as a consequence of oxandrolone therapy, presumably because of a decrease in muscle degeneration. These findings suggest that 1) oxandrolone has a powerful protein anabolic effect on a key contractile protein and 2) larger and longer-term studies are warranted to determine whether these changes translate into meaningful therapy for these patients.

Comparing Oxandrin and Anadrol-50.Vazquez E.
AIDS: Oxandrin and Anadrol-50 are both oral anabolic steroids approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and they are competing for market share in the world of HIV treatments. Both are described as "open label" drugs and as such, are prescribed to reverse wasting and metabolic complications associated with HIV. Anadrol-50 is among the most potent steroids ever developed for building muscle, and study participants gained an average of 14.5 pounds for each 100 pounds of weight. Early studies indicate minimal side effects with liver toxicity, but that is not a certainty since oral anabolics are known for liver toxicity. Many studies have documented Oxandrin's safety and effectiveness in treating HIV wasting. It is metabolized in the kidney and acts without the masculinizing side effects associated with other steroids, such as Anadrol-50. One study showed an average weight gain of 24 pounds following 8 months of treatment. Oxandrin is the best choice for those at the earliest stages of AIDS wasting syndrome. However, when a more aggressive treatment is necessary, Anadrol-50 is stronger, less expensive, and more effective, but liver function must be monitored closely.

Oxandrolone for weight gain.[No authors listed]
AIDS: Oxandrolone, an oral drug that promotes weight gain in people experiencing weight loss, has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for patients with HIV. Oxandrolone's effectiveness in HIV-related weight loss is unknown. The drug is a man-made anabolic steroid. Several small studies have shown encouraging results for HIV-related weight loss when doses two to eight times the recommended dosage were used. Daily doses ranging from 20 to 80 mg appear to be needed for treating HIV-associated wasting syndrome. A host of side effects usually associated with anabolic steroids are not seen as frequently with oxandrolone, including liver toxicity. More information can be obtained by contacting the Project Inform Hotline.

05-04-14, 21:31

05-04-14, 21:39
I was like, should I post it or no and then aaaa what the Hell, why not;)

mam wiecej jak cos ale nie wiem czy chcesz??

05-04-14, 21:41
Jasne skończy mi się Adhd jak się obudze to przeczytam więcej jak 3 wersy :)

06-04-14, 09:25
hehehe nie ma to tamto 3a czytac;)
To Badanie jest niezle, sami sobie zaprzeczaja ale w sumie to dobrze robimy ze jesmy duzo bialeczka mniam mnia:rockon:
trzeba tylko pamietac o Calcium i vit D i bedzie git

High Protein Diets
Increased protein intakes and supplementation have generally been focused on athletic populations. However, over the past few years high protein diets have become a method used by the general population to enhance weight reduction. The low-carbohydrate, high protein, high fat diet promoted by Atkins may be the most popular diet used today for weight loss in the United States (Johnston et al., 2004). The basis behind this diet is that protein is associated with feelings of satiety and voluntary reductions in caloric consumption (Araya et al., 2000; Eisenstein et al., 2002). A recent study has shown that the Atkins diet can produce greater weight reduction at 3 and 6 months than a low-fat, high carbohydrate diet based upon U.S. dietary guidelines (Foster et al., 2003). However, potential health concerns have arisen concerning the safety of high protein diets. In 2001, the American Heart Association published a statement on dietary protein and weight reduction and suggested that individuals following such a diet may be at potential risk for metabolic, cardiac, renal, bone and liver diseases (St. Jeor et al., 2001).

Protein Intake and Metabolic Disease Risk
One of the major concerns for individuals on high protein, low carbohydrate diets is the potential for the development of metabolic ketosis. As carbohydrate stores are reduced the body relies more upon fat as its primary energy source. The greater amount of free fatty acids that are utilized by the liver for energy will result in a greater production and release of ketone bodies in the circulation. This will increase the risk for metabolic acidosis and can potentially lead to a coma and death. A recent multi-site clinical study (Foster et al., 2003) examined the effects of low-carbohydrate, high protein diets and reported significant elevation in ketone bodies during the first three months of the study. However, as the study duration continued the percentage of subjects with positive urinary ketone concentrations became reduced, and by six months urinary ketones were not present in any of the subjects.

Dietary Protein and Cardiovascular Disease Risk
High protein diets have also been suggested to have negative effects on blood lipid profiles and blood pressure, causing an increase risk for cardiovascular disease. This is primarily due to the higher fat intakes associated with these diets. However, this has not been proven in any scientifically controlled studies. Hu et al., (1999) have reported an inverse relationship between dietary protein (animal and vegetable) and risk of cardiovascular disease in women, and Jenkins and colleagues (2001) reported a decrease in lipid profiles in individuals consuming a high protein diet. Furthermore, protein intake has been shown to often have a negative relationship with blood pressure (Obarzanek et al., 1996). Thus, the concern for elevated risk for cardiovascular disease from high protein diets appears to be without merit. Likely, the reduced body weight associated with this type of diet is facilitating these changes.

In strength/power athletes who consume high protein diets, a major concern was the amount of food being consumed that was high in saturated fats. However, through better awareness and nutritional education many of these athletes are able to obtain their protein from sources that minimizes the amount of fat consumed. For instance, removing the skin from chicken breast, consuming fish and lean beef, and egg whites. In addition, many protein supplements are available that contain little to no fat. It should be acknowledged though that if elevated protein does come primarily from meats, dairy products and eggs, without regard to fat intake, there likely would be an increase in the consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol.

Dietary Protein and Renal FunctionThe major concern associated with renal function was the role that the kidneys have in nitrogen excretion and the potential for a high protein diet to over-stress the kidneys. In healthy individuals there does not appear to be any adverse effects of a high protein diet. In a study on bodybuilders consuming a high protein (2.8 g&middot;kg-1) diet no negative changes were seen in any kidney function tests (Poortsman and Dellalieux, 2000). However, in individuals with existing kidney disease it is recommended that they limit their protein intake to approximately half of the normal RDA level for daily protein intake (0.8 g&middot;kg-1&middot;day-1). Lowering protein intake is thought to reduce the progression of renal disease by decreasing hyperfiltration (Brenner et al., 1996).

Dietary Protein and Bone
High protein diets are associated with an increase in calcium excretion. This is apparently due to a consumption of animal protein, which is higher in sulfur-based amino acids than vegetable proteins (Remer and Manz, 1994; Barzel and Massey, 1998). Sulfur-based amino acids are thought to be the primary cause of calciuria (calcium loss). The mechanism behind this is likely related to the increase in acid secretion due to the elevated protein consumption. If the kidneys are unable to buffer the high endogenous acid levels, other physiological systems will need to compensate, such as bone. Bone acts as a reservoir of alkali, and as a result calcium is liberated from bone to buffer high acidic levels and restore acid-base balance. The calcium released by bone is accomplished through osteoclast-mediated bone resorption (Arnett and Spowage, 1996). Bone resorption (loss or removal of bone) will cause a decline in bone mineral content and bone mass (Barzel, 1976), increasing the risk for bone fracture and osteoporosis.

The effect of the type of protein consumed on bone resorption has been examined in a number of studies. Sellmeyer and colleagues (2001) examined the effects of various animal-to- vegetable protein ratio intakes in elderly women (> 65 y). They showed that the women consuming the highest animal to vegetable protein ratio had nearly a 4-fold greater risk of hip fractures compared with women consuming a lower animal to vegetable protein ratio. Interestingly, they did not report any significant association between the animal to vegetable protein ratio and bone mineral density. Similar results were shown by Feskanich et al (1996), but in a younger female population (age range = 35 - 59 mean 46). In contrast, other studies examining older female populations have shown that elevated animal protein will increase bone mineral density, while increases in vegetable protein will have a lowering effect on bone mineral density (Munger et al., 1999; Promislow et al., 2002). Munger and colleagues (1999) also reported a 69% lower risk of hip fracture as animal protein intake increased in a large (32,000) postmenopausal population. Other large epidemiological studies have also confirmed elevated bone density following high protein diets in both elderly men and women (Dawson-Hughes et al., 2002; Hannan et al., 2000). Hannon and colleagues (2000) demonstrated that animal protein intake in an older population, several times greater than the RDA requirement, results in a bone density accruement and significant decrease in fracture risk. Dawson-Hughes et al (2002), not only showed that animal protein will not increase urinary calcium excretion, but was also associated with higher levels of IGF-I and lower concentrations of the bone resorption marker N-telopeptide.

These conflicting results have contributed to the confusion regarding protein intake and bone. It is likely that other factors play an important role in further understanding the influence that dietary proteins have on bone loss or gain. For instance, the intake of calcium may have an essential function in maintaining bone. A higher calcium intake results in more absorbed calcium and may offset the losses induced by dietary protein and reduce the adverse effect of the endogenous acidosis on bone resorption (Dawson-Hughes, 2003). Furthermore, it is commonly assumed that animal proteins have a higher content of sulfur-containing amino acids per g of protein. However, examination of Table 4 shows that this may not entirely correct. If protein came from wheat sources it would have a mEq of 0.69 per g of protein, while protein from milk contains 0.55 mEq per g of protein. Thus, some plant proteins may have a greater potential to produce more mEq of sulfuric acid per g of protein than some animal proteins (Massey, 2003). Finally, bone resorption may be related to the presence or absence of a vitamin D receptor allele. In subjects that had this specific allele a significant elevation in bone resorption markers were present in the urine following 4-weeks of protein supplementation, while in subjects without this specific allele had no increase in N-telopeptide (Harrington et al., 2004). The effect of protein on bone health is still unclear, but it does appear to be prudent to monitor the amount of animal protein in the diet for susceptible individuals. This may be more pronounced in individuals that may have a genetic endowment for this. However, if animal protein consumption is modified by other nutrients (e.g. calcium) the effects on bone health may be lessened.

Protein Intake and Liver Disease RiskThe American Heart Association has suggested that high protein diets may have detrimental effects on liver function (St. Jeor et al., 2001). This is primarily the result of a concern that the liver will be stressed through metabolizing the greater protein intakes. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this contention. Jorda and colleagues (1988) did show that high protein intakes in rats produce morphological changes in liver mitochondria. However, they also suggested that these changes were not pathological, but represented a positive hepatocyte adaptation to a metabolic stress.

Protein is important for the liver not only in promoting tissue repair, but to provide lipotropic agents such as methionine and choline for the conversion of fats to lipoprotein for removal form the liver (Navder and Leiber, 2003a). The importance of high protein diets has also been acknowledged for individuals with liver disease and who are alcoholics. High protein diets may offset the elevated protein catabolism seen with liver disease (Navder and Leiber, 2003b), while a high protein diet has been shown to improve hepatic function in individuals suffering from alcoholic liver disease (Mendellhall et al., 1993).

06-04-14, 09:29
Robie dyplom z nutrition i tam jest tak ze nie mozna jesc za duzo bialeczka, bo nerki wysiada i padniemy LOL
i kuwa pisze ze to nie prawda typowi ale sie nie dogadasz, musi byc jak w ksiazce bo inaczej mi nie zaliczy hehehehe
no to jak rozpisywalem diete dla kolesia 200 kilo musialem uwzglednic niska proteinke ehehhehe masakra jakas, Barany poczytali by madrych ludzi a nie 10000lat za murzynami sa i ucza bzdur wrrrr ehehehheh

06-04-14, 16:22
Interesujace to jest, ciekawe, ciekawe:knockout:

This was a comprehensive study done of the half-lives of various esters. This is real science using the scientific method to mark and record the half life of testosterone at various esters. Here were their findings compared to the often cited half life of esters. 1st variable is the community reported half life, the second variable is the "recorded" half life that was discovered.

Propionate: 2 days -> 0.8 days
Acetate: 3 days -> 1 day
Phenylpropionate: 4.5 days -> 1.5 days
Isocaproate: 9 days -> 4 days
Enanthate: 10.5 days -> 4.5 days
Cypionate: 12 days -> 5 days
Decanoate: 15 days -> 7.5 days
Undecanoate: 16.5 days -> 20.9 days
Injectable Primobolan: 10.5 days -> 4.5 days (Injectable Primo uses the enanthate ester)
Injectable Winstrol: 2 days -> 1 day

But why is there such a huge difference?

Previous data has been pulled from studies involving the molecular half life of compounds. This new information uses the biological or terminal half life.

For our purposes, we really only care about the terminal half-life, defined as:

The biological half-life or elimination half-life of a substance is the time it takes for a substance (for example a metabolite, drug, signalling molecule, radioactive nuclide, or other substance) to lose half of its pharmacologic, physiologic, or radiologic activity, as per the MeSH definition.

Links for ester study below.

Paywall link here: Comparative pharmacokinetics of testosterone esters - Springer

Download the PDF here: https://www.mediafire.com/?d948ivot9sqgt9e

06-04-14, 17:15
Placebo powerfull Shit jak czują różnice między Cyp/enan :)
Good find

08-04-14, 16:51

09-04-14, 02:59
ktos tu czasem zaglada oprocz nas??

z tego co podalesnie wolnociac za szybko jak jest sie natty, lipa w uj, ujowo zyc bez tescia we krwi buuu huuu;)

09-04-14, 03:04
No anabolic reference guide would be complete without the mention of the most anabolic of all hormones: testosterone! GH and testosterone work synergistically together when produced in conjunction with intense exercise. It seems the increases in both GH and testosterone results in the greatest increases in muscle mass and reductions in bodyfat. For example, when the effects of GH or a combination of GH and testosterone on lean muscle mass and fat mass were compared, a combination of GH and testosterone resulted in superior increases in lean muscle mass and reduced fat mass compared to GH or testosterone alone26, 27. The effects of GH and testosterone on lean body mass appeared additive, suggesting that both GH and testosterone are synergistic yet increase muscle hypertrophy thru different mechanisms.

Testosterone: The King of Muscle Building

Testosterone is the king of anabolic hormones, don't expect much increases in size or reductions in bodyfat without increases in testosterone. For example, one study administered a drug that suppresses natural testosterone production to a group of healthy men which reduced circulating testosterone levels to sub-normal levels and found that testosterone decreases in protein metabolism, decreased lean muscle mass, decreased strength, and increased adiposity. If that's not bad enough, there was a decrease in gene expression for IGF-1 in muscle28. One of the major mechanisms that testosterone is suggested to increase protein synthesis and subsequent muscle growth is through the stimulation of satellite cell number and an increase in the actual binding of satellite cells to muscle fibers. Testosterone administration has been shown to increase satellite cell number. Several factors appear to influence the acute serum total testosterone responses to resistance exercise. The magnitude of elevation of testosterone during resistance exercise has been shown to be affected by the muscle mass involved (i.e. exercise selection), intensity and volume, nutrition, and training experience. A bout of resistance exercise produces acute changes in testosterone have been linked to those cellular processors involved in protein turnover and muscle growth2, 29. In brief, elevated testosterone concentrations produced during intense exercise increase testosterone-receptor interactions, thereby initiating a cascade of events leading to the acute (e.g. protein metabolism) and chronic (e.g. muscle growth) adaptive response to training. Acute elevations in serum free testosterone occur after high intensity exercise in both young and elderly men after resistance exercise. However, the magnitude of elevation was greater after 10 weeks of progressive resistance exercise stimulus; thereby suggesting that a resistance training base may enhance the acute response to a workout. In addition, a significant elevation in resting serum free testosterone was observed in the young men30. Testosterone is thought to be the predominant factor that produces greater hypertrophy in men than women when placed on identical training regimens. Strength protocols which take prolonged rest periods produce smaller testosterone responses than short rest period hypertrophy schemes. Such a notion is supported by the larger muscle fiber sizes of bodybuilders versus power-lifters/Olympic lifters, which may be attributed to the training methods employed by these athletes (bodybuilders =hypertrophy schemes, power/Olympic lifters = strength schemes) and associated testosterone responses.

More Explosive Power with Testosterone

Like feeling strong...it's your testosterone levels! Higher testosterone levels are correlated with maximal strength levels and higher resistance levels of fatigue in weightlifters8. Additionally, testosterone levels are directly related to how high a person can jump and how fast a person can run23. Testosterone appears to augment power activities and activities with high force output. For example, work from Bosco and colleagues tested 97 high level athletes involved in various sports. They found that the highest values of testosterone were for jumping performance in sprinters, while the lowest values were in cross-country skiers, and intermediate values were found in soccer players23. They also found that testosterone was directly related to both the height in the countermovement vertical jump and average sprinting speed. What is most fascinating is that actual increase in testosterone concentrations in a maximal continuous vertical jumping test for 60 seconds in professional soccer players was directly correlated with average power output15. One study documented that without testosterone, you can expect impaired strength gains from a heavy resistance training protocol. In the study, young men performed several weeks of performing a resistance training program while receiving a medication that turn blunts the production of testosterone. The strength-training period of eight weeks included exercises for all major muscles (three to four sets per exercise x six to 10 repetitions) and one-minute rest periods between sets. The protocol was designed to cause acute increases in testosterone, which has been validated by previous investigations. The subjects who received the testosterone suppression medication had a decrease in testosterone that was 10 percent lower than that of normal males, whereas testosterone remained constant in the placebo group. So here is where the importance of testosterone becomes clear for muscle strength and weight loss. The group that received the testosterone suppressing medication showed no changes in strength after training, whereas the placebo group had increased strength gains. Body fat mass increased in the testosterone suppression group while it decreased by 1.3 pounds in normal group. The testosterone blunting medication group made a small gain in lean mass, but not as much as the placebo group24. So this study demonstrates that maintaining or increasing testosterone levels are essential for strength gains.

Testosterone and Resistance Training Intensity

An intense bout of resistance exercise produces acute changes in testosterone which have been linked to those cellular processors involved in

protein synthesis and muscle growth. Resistance training routines, that incorporate short rest periods between sets, produce higher testosterone concentrations than training protocols that use the same workload and prolonged rest periods. For example, male strength athletes performed two different training intensities while maintaining similar rest periods (3 minutes). The first session consisted of maximal strength training session (20 sets x 1 RM x 100 %), while one week later they performed a sub-maximal bodybuilding training session (10 sets x 10 RM x 70%). Testosterone levels with maximal training (20 sets x 1 RM) did not change immediately and 1-hour post exercise, however testosterone and cortisol responses to submaximal training (10 sets x 10 RM) increased during after and 1 hour post-exercise with the submaximal training loads1. It was concluded that high intensity resistance exercises can stimulate testosterone production, while low intensity heavy resistance exercise does not. If you perform a high intensity bout of heavy resistance exercise, not matter what your previous training experience you will increase testosterone production. One study compared bodybuilders and powerlifters of the same age, size, and experience to an intense resistance training protocol, which shorted rest periods. The experimental sessions consisted of 3 sets of 10 repetitions for 10 exercises with 10-second rest periods between sets and 30 to 60 second rest periods between exercises. Testosterone increased in both groups, but regardless of previous training experience, both bodybuilders and powerlifters had similar increases in testosterone concentrations2.

Bodybuilding Protocols Increase Testosterone Greater than Powerlifting Protocols.

Testosterone responses to resistance training in men are less with low intensity resistance training protocols than those that use high intensity. Raastad et al. compared testosterone responses to two protocols, which utilized different intensities of squats, front squats, and leg extensions yet workload remained constant. One protocol was a moderate intensity (70% of a 1-RM) and the other protocol was a high intensity workload (100% of a 6-RM). Testosterone responses were higher during and one hour after the 70% protocol compared to the 100% protocol3. So now you are understand that training intensity should be at least 70% or more to stimulate sufficient rises in testosterone production.

Testosterone Increases with Large Muscle Mass Exercises

Testosterone levels are also influenced by the amount of muscle mass activated in response to exercise. Olympic lifts, jump squats, and deadlifts all produce large increases in testosterone31,32. Although most people would rather perform a bench press than jump under a squat bar, the bench press is not going to increase testosterone production like a squat. For example researchers investigated the effects of 5 sets of 10 repetitions of bench press versus 5 sets of 10 repetition jump squats, with 2 minutes rest between sets in 12 resistance trained men. Testosterone was raised higher following the jump squat (15 %) then the bench press (7%). This suggests that exercises which recruit the most substantial amounts of muscle tissue will cause the greatest increases in testosterone32. It also reinforces the order of exercise principles. Generally exercises that recruit large muscle groups (squats, deadlifts, chin-ups) should be performed before isolation exercises (leg extensions, leg curls, ect). As testosterone is concerned, the larger exercise may raise testosterone levels and exert its effects on the smaller isolation type exercises. It has been suggested that large muscle mass exercises be performed prior to small muscle-mass exercises. The performance of large muscle-mass exercises (i.e. squat, deadlift, power clean) early in the workout produce elevations in testosterone, which potentially may expose smaller muscles to a greater response than that resulting from performance of small muscle mass exercises only. For example, one study measured muscle strength changes in the bicep strength following 9 weeks of resistance training. However, one group performed a workout consisting of bicep curls only and a second group performed squats prior to bicep curls. Performing bicep curls exercises only failed to acutely elevate testosterone significantly. However, testosterone was significantly elevated when squats were performed first, and muscle strength increased to a greater extent as well when both lower- and upper-body exercises were performed33. These data provide support for performing large muscle mass, multiple-joint exercises early in a workout and smaller muscle mass exercises later in the workout when training to enhance muscle strength.

World renowned Russian strength coach Pavel Tsatsouline wrote in his book, that if he had to choose one exercise to perform it would not be the squat, but the barbell deadlift. The deadlift recruits not only the legs, but the arms, abs, and lower back as well. It has been reported that significant increases in testosterone occur after deadlights in college age men; however, maximal and submaximal efforts in the bench press resulted in smaller increases in testosterone7 you can still perform isolation exercises such as bicep concentration curls, just perform these exercise after the larger exercise. For example, if an athlete performs squats before biceps curls, the biceps may be exposed to higher levels of circulating testosterone. Dynamic power schemes, often employed to maximize explosive power have also produced significant androgen responses. Dynamic power schemes, often employed to maximize explosive power and functional performance, have also produced significant androgen responses. For example, total (18%) and free TST (30%) increased in response to half-squat lifts performed with a load of 50% 1RM29. If you are looking to put on size and strength walk right past that leg extension to the squat rack. Testosterone levels did not increase from pre to post exercise for younger and older men to upper and lower body isolation-type (leg extension) resistance exercise on a Nautilus machine consisting of 3 sets of 10-repetitions4. Contrary to these finding, significant increases in testosterone responses of older and younger men in response to a high intensity large muscle mass squat (large muscle mass) protocol5.

What are the Stimulators of Testosterone?

So here is the million dollar question researchers are asking: What is the mechanism or how does intense exercise stimulate testosterone production? Testosterone levels under resting conditions are influenced by a hormone called leutinizing hormone (LH), which stimulates Leydig cells (cells located in the testes) to secrete testosterone, however during brief intense resistance exercise testosterone levels have been reported to increase despite no increases in LH10. This suggests that testosterone is not being increased thru normal physiological stimulation but other means such as changes in blood volume which result in a super concentration of blood particles.

09-04-14, 03:06
Decreased Plasma Volume during Exercise Increases Testosterone

A proposed mechanism for increased testosterone levels during exercise is what is called a plasma volume shifts, which concludes that during high intensity resistance exercise as you muscles become pumped with blood, water or plasma is displaced from your circulatory system, as a result your blood becomes more concentrated with active metabolites (in this case testosterone). For example, testosterone levels have been found to increase after sitting in a sauna25. Testosterone levels are not actually increasing, changes in blood volume due to sweat loss result in a supersaturation of testosterone levels in the circulatory system. Kraemer et al. reported that after a resistance training protocol of three sets of bench press, lat-pulldowns, leg extension, and leg curls performed at a 10-RM load for 10 repetitions or until muscular failure resulted in a significant increase in testosterone levels, but when he corrected for the plasma volume shifts or the amount of fluid lost from blood and found that there was no change in testosterone12. However, even if there are no actual increases in testosterone that occurs with resistance exercise the elevated levels in the blood have more availability to bind with androgen receptors in muscles producing a superior anabolic response.

Can Lactic Acid Stimulate Testosterone?

The absent response of LH to an acute bout of resistance exercise despite an increase in testosterone has led researchers to speculate other mediators are influencing testosterone production. Possible mechanisms for increasing testosterone levels during high intensity exercise are due to increased circulating lactic acid levels that are being produced from high intensity training. Lactic acid has been shown to stimulate testosterone release in vitro (i.e. which means in the test tube)11. Researchers exposed the testosterone producing portion of the cell (i.e. Leydig cells) to lactic acid and found that administration of lactic acid dose-dependently increased the basal testosterone production.

Testosterone Stimulation thru Adrenaline?

Catecholamines or adrenaline is a possible stimulator of testosterone in men as well. It has been reported that men competing in competition and win have increased testosterone production which is also takes place with large increases in adrenaline which may be stimulating testosterone secretion 13, 14. Robert Sapolsky a world renowned endocrinologist who studies male apes reports that when male apes fight other apes for females, the winning ape has large increases in testosterone while the losing ape has lowered testosterone. He reports that in ape's testosterone could be increased by other mechanism than the LH pathways which may be true in humans as well15. He suggested that sympathetic stress enhances the secretion of adrenaline, which has a stimulatory effect on testosterone within minutes, whereas cortisol released from the adrenals also inhibits testosterone production from the testes just as quickly. Thus he suspects the adrenaline rush of winning increases testosterone while losing increases cortisol which decreases testosterone. Researchers put the adrenaline and testosterone theory to the test in young males. The heavy weight lifting consisted of four sets of six squats at 90-95% of a six-repetition maximum (RM), while the moderate weight lifting consisted of four sets of 9 or 10 repetitions at 60-65% of a 1-RM. The weight and number of repetitions were manipulated such that the total weight lifted for the two sessions were equal. Schwab hypothesized because the exercise bout was brief, possibly epinephrine and norepinephrine, which have been shown to increase during exercise to the magnitude of the intensity of the exercise, could have significantly increased testosterone levels in response to the exercise bout16.

Training to Failure Every Set Is Not Conducive to Testosterone

For years, personal trainers and fitness experts told lifters that every set must be performed to absolute failure. This type of advice should be revised as recent research reports that training to failure every set leads to reductions in anabolic hormones such as IGF-I and testosterone and caused larger increases in cortisol compared to lifters who don't train to failure. The subjects in the study trained twice a week using a periodized weight training program for 16 weeks. One group trained to complete muscular failure for each set while the other group trained did not complete sets to muscular failure. The researchers defined muscular failure when the subjects could not perform a full extension or the weight was paused for more than 1 second during a repetition. At the end of the 16 week study, training to failure over the 16 week study resulted in reductions in circulating IGF-I concentrations. In addition, the group that did not train to failure had reduced resting cortisol concentrations and an elevation in resting serum total testosterone concentration after 11 weeks of training. Additionally, the group that did not train to failure had similar increases in 1-repetition maximum strength gains in the bench press, parallel squat, and muscle power output of the arms and legs extensor muscles36. If you are trying to maximize size, than not training to failure may lead to enhanced testosterone and lower catabolic activity such as reduced cortisol. The reduction in anabolic hormones (IGF-I and testosterone) from training to failure goes against decades of advice to train to failure for maximal muscle growth.

Overtraining Decreases Testosterone

Acute increase in testosterone occurs with resistance exercise but prolonged workouts with insufficient rest and recovery can lead to overtraining and reduced testosterone. When subjects performed a high volume resistance training protocol which consisted of 50 total sets of upper and lower body exercise with repetitions of 5 and 10 RM loads with 90-second rest periods between sets resulted in no change in testosterone during exercise and immediately after exercise; shockingly there was a concomitant lower LH secretion and suppressed total and free testosterone for up to 13 hours after exercise10. Another study monitored elite Olympic lifters testosterone concentrations to twice daily training for 1 week. Elite Olympic weightlifters trained twice a day using similar volume (> 90% of a 1-RM) but different exercises. The morning session (9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.) consisted of Olympic snatches, clean & jerks, and front squats, while the afternoon session (3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) consisted of power snatches, power cleans, and back squats. Testosterone started to decrease after the first training day and continued to systematically decrease over the course of the training period. When the training stress was reduced to one training session a day, serum testosterone concentrations started to increase, and after 1 full day of rest, values returned to the pre-training level18.

Long Distance Running- Chemical Castration

Research has shown that men who have performed chronic endurance exercise training for many years have lower circulating basal concentrations of free and total testosterone34. It has been reported that basal testosterone concentrations of long-distance runners were only 55-70% lower than those found in age-matched controls35. The observed suppressed testosterone response may be due to a reduced number of LH receptors on the Leydig cells of the testis or a compromised testosterone conversion process in the testis. Investigators have speculated that the high cortisol produced during long endurance runs can suppress testicular function) or other physical events (i.e., increased testicular temperature due to thermic effects of exercise).

Dietary Cholesterol Increases Testosterone Production

Cholesterol is a pre-cursor for testosterone so increasing cholesterol production may promote more conversion into testosterone. An abstract presented at Experimental Biology reported that the conversion of cholesterol to testosterone may be important for muscle hypertrophy. Adults were placed on a 12-week weight-training program and tested them before and after for changes in muscle mass and strength. While all subjects ate a diet that was moderate in protein, about half consumed a low-cholesterol diet (1.6 mg per pound of bodyweight or about 150-250 mg per day) while the other half consumed a high-cholesterol diet (2.6 mg per pound of bodyweight or about 250-450 mg per day). After 12 weeks of weight training, the lower-cholesterol group did not increase muscle mass but strength increased by 35%. The higher-cholesterol group, on the other hand, saw an increase in muscle mass of about 5 pounds and increased strength by about 90%. Although the researchers were not sure exactly why cholesterol influences muscle and strength gains, the reason can be speculated: Cholesterol is important for testosterone production as well as maintaining the integrity of muscle cell membranes. In other words, cholesterol isn't all bad and may be necessary for building muscle and strength. The increase in cholesterol could have lead to a boost in testosterone production.

Monounsaturated and Saturated fats Increase Testosterone

In addition to cholesterol, the type and amount of fat consumed regulate testosterone production as well. Reducing dietary fat from (>30 percent calories from fat and low fiber < 20 g/day) to a low fat diet (<15 percent calories as fat and 25-30g fat per day) significantly reduced total and free testosterone levels and adrenal androgens (androstendione and DHEA-S)41. It has been reported that when men consumed isocaloric diets (i.e. diets containing the same amount of calories) from low fat diets from vegetarian sources (~25% kcals from fat) resulted in significant decreases in testosterone and the nocturnal release of testosterone, compared to men receiving moderate fat diets (~40% kcals from fat)42. Additionally, middle aged men fed a low fat (<25 % ), high fiber diet for 6 weeks, during a crossover intervention, experienced a significant decrease in testosterone and free testosterone. These participants experienced a return of testosterone and free testosterone levels to baseline when the subjects were reassigned to the moderate-fat diet (37 % fat)43. Total dietary fat, saturated fatty acids, and monounsaturated fats have been found to be positively correlated with resting T concentrations in men, whereas diets that are high in polyunsaturated fats are shown to be inversely correlated with T levels13, 36,37, 38. Additionally, rats that are fed diets rich in monounsaturated fats had greater 17b-dehydrogenase activity (a key enzyme in the testosterone synthesis pathway in the male rat) and plasma androgen concentrations compared to rats fed diets rich in saturated and polyunsaturated fats39. It has been shown that when isocaloric meals that contain different proteins and different quantities and type of fat are administered to subjects, meals with a high polyunsaturated to saturated fats ratio result in significant reductions in testosterone levels. Hamalainen et al. reported that there was a 15% reduction in serum T concentrations accompanied by a significant decrease in androstenedione levels when subjects were switched from a diet rich in animal fats to a diet low in saturated fats and high in polyunsaturated fats40.

09-04-14, 03:17
Grow Young with HGH
The most abundant hormone made by the pituitary gland is human growth hormone, also called somatotrophin. Growth hormone production hits its peak during adolescence. Most HGH is secreted into the bloodstream in brief bursts, and most HGH secretion takes place during the early hours of REM (deep) sleep.

Once in the bloodstream, human growth hormone stays there for only a short time, only a few minutes, just long enough to stimulate its uptake into the liver, where it is then converted into growth factors. The most important of these growth factors is called IGF-1, short for Insulin-like Growth Factor-1. IGF-1 is also known as somatomedin C.

Growth hormone exerts its actions either directly or indirectly through its intermediary insulin growth factors (IGF-1) to every organ system of the body. Almost nothing escapes its magic touch. In the same ways that it grows the bones of young children, it increases the size of most organs and tissue. Even the brain is affected. The latest studies in animals show that it can regenerate damaged brain tissue.

It is IGF-1, rather than growth hormone itself, which can vary widely through the day, that is used as a measurement of how much growth hormone is being secreted by the body. IGF-1 is directly responsible for most of the benefits and actions associated with HGH. IGF-1 is 10 times more potent than human growth hormone and is now under investigation as a separate drug for many of the same indications of human growth hormone. Phil Micans of International Aging Systems in London believes that IGF-1 will be the hormone of choice in a few years.

HGH and IGF-1 Get at the Blueprint of Aging

"The blueprint of aging is in the DNA under the hood of the telomere", the "clock" at the end of every chromosome that is shortened with each cell division, says noted plastic surgeon and anti aging researcher, Vincent Giampapa, MD, director of clinical research at the Longevity Institute International in Montclair, New Jersey. To actually reverse aging at the cellular level, we will need a substance that will restore telomere length and like a genie turn old cells into young ones. That is not yet available, although Giampapa believes it will be in less than a decade. Until then, growth hormone and its attendant hormone IGF-1 can do the next best thing, help keep the cell in as healthy a state as possible.

The cell's ability to function depends on the genetic material, the DNA, in the nucleus of the cell which codes for all the proteins, hormones, and enzymes that make the cell run. The DNA is like an army under constant attack from oxygen free-radicals, ultraviolet light, the heat of the body, and other damaging factors. Although the DNA has the ability to repair itself, it falls down on the job with age, a victim of the same aging process that affects the cell. At the same time, damage is accumulating in the energy center of the cell, the mitochondria, which has its own DNA. Up until now, one of the few ways we could limit the damage to the DNA was to take antioxidant supplements such as vitamin C and E to bolster our own defenses.

But, according to Dr. Giampapa and Thierry Hertoghe, MD, a physician specializing in hormone replacement therapy in Brussels, the latest European research shows that human growth hormone and IGF-1 can go further than antioxidants and can do what antioxidants cannot. Human growth hormone and IGF-1 act like carriers to bring the cell the raw materials it needs for renovation and repair. IGF-1 launches the delivery of the nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, right into the cell nucleus, where the DNA resides. The nucleic acids are used to repair damage to the DNA and stimulate cell division. Growth hormone initiates the transport of amino acids, the building blocks of protein, and nucleic acids into the cytoplasm of the cell, the area outside the nucleus. This includes the cell membranes and intracellular organelles, such as the mitochondria. In this way, human growth hormone and IGF-1 don't just minimize the damage to the DNA and cellar structures, they help heal the cell and the DNA. These two hormones actually treat the blueprints of aging.

Information on IGF-1

IGF-1 is the other end of the growth hormone chain, the downstream player that actually exerts most of the effects we associate with human growth hormone. IGF-1 is causing a great deal of excitement among two groups, researchers who are exploring its vast potential and bodybuilders who are already using it and claiming eye popping gains in muscle.

IGF-1 More Potent Than Human Growth Hormone

Human growth hormone exerts most of its effects through IGF-1. Therefore, it is not surprising that IGF-1 injections will do for you what human growth hormone does--and then some, according to its proponents. It increases lean body mass, reduces fat, builds bone, muscle, and nerves. By taking it directly, you bypass the pituitary gland, which may be "burnt out" with aging.

IGF-1 appears to be even more potent than growth hormone in its anti-aging action. According to Keith Kelly, Ph.D., who did the work showing that growth hormone reversed the shrinking of the thymus, when he does his experiments on cells in culture, only IGF-1--and not growth hormone-- works. But both IGF-1 and growth hormone work in the living animal. "I know that both growth hormone and IGF-1 are substantially elevated in the old animals treated with growth hormone," he says, "but my prediction is that the main player is going to be IGF-1."

IGF-1 and It's Potentials
IGF-1 Preventing Brain Aging and Disease
One of the spectacularly exciting uses of growth hormone and IGF-1 may be to prevent and treat the effects of brain aging. In an experiment that has momentous implications for brain injury, stroke, aging, and neurodegenerative disease, a team of scientists in New Zealand showed that IGF-1 can stop the death of cells in the brain. Barbara Johnston, Peter Gluckman, and their colleagues at the University of Auckland found that injections of IGF-1 given 2 hours after brain injury in fetal lambs rescued the damaged neurons and salvaged cells that would otherwise have died during apoptosis, which is the programmed cell death that is believed to cause the loss of brain cells for up to 3 days after the original injury. The treatment was effective in stopping the cell death throughout the brain, including the hippocampus, the cortex, the areas associated with thinking and memory. The treatment was also effective in the striatum, the part of the brain that plays a role in Parkinson's disease in humans. IGF-1 replacement was also found to reduce seizures in animals with brain damage.

These researchers also suggest that IGF-1 might be used to inhibit the effects of neonatal hypoxia during birth (lack of oxygen to the brain) which can leave a baby with permanent brain damage. If IGF-1 can stop the programmed death of cells, then this opens up a world of undreamed-of-possibilities. For instance, the programmed death of cardiac cells after a heart attack leaves the victim with a heart full of dead tissue that before could not be repaired. Brain tissue is destroyed due to a stroke (CVA), and this cell death many times leaves the victim unable to walk, talk, or think clearly. It may also play a role in other neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, muscular dystrophy, and multiple sclerosis. For the first time we may have a weapon against death at the cellular level.

IGF-1 Improving Glucose Metabolism
As its name indicates IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor-1, has similar properties to insulin, and it has been shown to improve blood sugar profiles in type 2 diabetic patients. High doses of growth hormone have been shown to increase insulin resistance, but IGF-1 administration actually normalized the insulin resistance in a group of healthy volunteers.

In the latter study, Nelly Mauras and Bernard Beaufrere of the Nemours Children's Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, were looking at several different things: the effect of IGF-1 on protein metabolism; its ability to stop the protein-wasting caused by glucocorticosteroid drugs like prednisone, and its effect on insulin and glucose metabolism. They divided the volunteers into three groups who got one of the following: IGF-1 alone, IGF-1 plus prednisone, and prednisone alone. The study found that IGF-1 at 100 micrograms per kilogram of body weight given twice daily enhanced the body's protein metabolism in the same way as growth hormone. Like growth hormone, it markedly decreased the protein breakdown in the volunteers who were taking prednisone. But whereas growth hormone in an earlier study caused carbohydrate intolerance and insulin resistance when given in combination with prednisone, IGF-1 did not cause these diabetes-like effects. Instead, those subjects who received IGF-1 along with prednisone had normal glucose metabolism. This was remarkable, say the researchers, in light of the fact that glucocorticoids are known to suppress circulating insulin and decrease insulin sensitivity. As a result of this and previous studies, the researchers believe that IGF-1 offers promise in the treatment of protein catabolic states, such as patients who require IV feedings after surgery.

IGF-1 Helping Diabetes
Two 1997 double-blind clinical studies showed that recombinant IGF-1 injections can markedly reduce the need for insulin by up to 45% in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. One study involved 8 adults between ages 24 and 49 and the other 43 children and adolescents between the ages of 8 and 17. In the adult trial, IGF-1 also lowered the total cholesterol and triglycerides after only four days of treatment.

While these were short term trials lasting nineteen days and four weeks, respectively, that fact that the insulin requirement dropped markedly and there were no serious side effects make IGF-1 a promising drug for the treatment of diabetes. While it does not do away with the need for insulin, it improved the control of blood sugar and thus may help prevent the dire complications of diabetes, including heart disease, blindness, and peripheral nerve damage that can lead to amputation.

IGF-1 Regenerating Nerves
Another exciting potential use of IGF-1 is in the repair of peripheral nerve tissue that has been damaged by injury or illness. If a nerve is torn in the arm or leg, it means that the connection to the muscle may be impaired, and as a result there is loss of movement and the muscle atrophies. While peripheral nerves can regenerate to some extent, severe tears of more than a few millimeters may result in permanent injury. Now IGF-1 has repaired and reconnected severed nerve endings of up to a distance of 6 millimeters, a feat previously unheard of.

Swedish scientist Hans-Arne Hansson of the Institute of Neurobiology at the University of Goteborg found that IGF-1 in combination with other growth factors could stimulate even more dramatic regeneration. "IGF-1 by itself and in combination with other growth factors is likely to be of importance in promoting healing and repair processes in clinical practice within a few years," he writes.

In studies of cells in culture and in animals, IGF-1 has been shown to have remarkable effects on the spinal cord motor neurons. It increased motor neuron activity in spinal cord cultures by 150 to 270 percent. And it significantly decreased programmed cell death in developing chick embryos. In animal studies, it enhanced the sprouting of axons of the spinal cord motor neurons. And it increased intramuscular nerve sprouting a whopping tenfold when it was given to normal adult rats. In fact, according to a group of researchers at Cephalon, Inc., in West Chester, Pennsylvania, IGF-1 may be the "long-sought endogenous motor neuron sprouting factor."
The implications of this work for helping people is nothing short of mind-boggling. If IGF-1 can regenerate spinal cord motor neurons, it may be useful in treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a devastating disease in which the loss of spinal cord and cortical motor neurons results in complete paralysis and death. It may also be useful for peripheral neuropathies, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome.

John Wittig, MD, of UCLA has been using IGF-1 to prevent AIDS wasting in HIV infected patients. IGF-1 may allow more aggressive chemotherapy of certain cancers, since drugs like vincristine and cisplatin can cause peripheral neuropathies at higher doses.

The Growth Factor Army
IGF-1 is only one of the body's many growth factors that are now being identified, isolated, and cloned using genetic engineering technology for use as drugs. As growth factor researcher Eric Dupont, Ph.D., says, "Growth hormone is the general and growth factors are the foot soldiers." Growth factors function like hormones, hooking onto the receptors of cells and sending a biochemical signal across the cell's interior. Whereas hormones usually send long distance messages, growth factors for the most part do local calls.

IGF-1, The Bodybuilder's Dream
A number of world-class bodybuilders are using IGF-1 and reporting massive muscle magnification of up to 20 pounds. An article in Muscle Mass 2000 trumpets IGF-1 as "Possibly the Most Potent Bodybuilding Drug Ever!" According to author T.C. Luoma, "IGF-1 is out there on the streets of America right now; it's being sold out of the trunks of cars in Venice and brown paper packages containing it are being discreetly handed out at Southern California gyms." While there are no controlled studies supporting the musclemen's claims, the anecdotal evidence is building up. "Bodybuilders are claiming they are experiencing drops of 5% body fat in a month, while increases in lean body mass and strength are 'incredible.' Statements like, 'It's the most wonderful stuff in the world, and 'I couldn't believe it man' are the norm."

There are skeptics, such as Mauro Di Pasquale, MD, an expert in performance-enhancing compounds, but there is a rationale for the belief that HGH taken with IGF-1 will work better. There is a feedback mechanism between the human growth hormone in the pituitary gland and the IGF-1 in the liver. The human growth hormone stimulates the release of IGF-1, but when the levels of IGF-1 rise to a certain point in the circulation, it signals the shutdown of growth hormone. But there is a lag time in all of this, which means that growth hormone levels increase at night and IGF-1 levels increase during the day. Bodybuilders hope that taking the two together will have a double-fisted effect on protein synthesis.

by Ronald Klatz, MD, president of the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

09-04-14, 03:21
szkoda ze to takie drogie urwstwo,moze kiedys...

09-04-14, 12:51
będę placic haracz człowiekowi który by przetlumaczyl te arty na pl, przynajmniej te o testosteronie bo same nagłówki wydaja się już mega interesujące, a w gogle translate wyskakuje mi zlepek słów bez gramatyki.

Damian ty wiesz ze cie lubie

Gangsta Latino
09-04-14, 13:09
jaki Damian? gl ma na imię Damian?

09-04-14, 13:13
miałem na myśli dtxa czyli nadwornego tłumacza na forum, chyba ze tez cos ogarniasz po zagranicznemu i masz chwilke czasu i ochoty zrobić cos dobrego dla ludzkości bylbym dozgonnie wdzięczny, w zamian rozpisze ci w przyszłości bombe jak mnie o to poprosisz

Gangsta Latino
09-04-14, 13:16
aaaa DTX.
Nie chce mi się tłumaczyć :P
Ogarnąłem to co gl powrzucał, chociaż części rzeczy nie rozumie (w sensie słownictwa).
A co do bomby to sobie od Arabów kupie ;D

09-04-14, 13:21
szkoda ze to takie drogie urwstwo,moze kiedys...

Nie jest wcale drogie :p

09-04-14, 21:32
Nie jest wcale drogie :p

no tanio nie wychodzi ja tu mysle o rocznej kuracji a nie;) ale nie mowie ze mnie nie stac:P

A panowie nie nazywam sie Damian tylko Kris;)

09-04-14, 21:35
Chodzi o igf czy Gh? Mówiłem i igf :)

09-04-14, 21:57
hhhehe a ja o gh;)

ktos cos tu slyszal o Ostarine (mk 2866) ?? bo nie wiem czy dawac? jest sens?

10-04-14, 05:15
What is Ostarine?
Ostarine (MK-2866) is a SARM developed by GTx for the prevention and treatment of muscle wasting. It may eventually be a medical prescription for the prevention of cachexia, atrophy and sarcopenia as well as for Hormone or Testosterone Replacement Therapy.
As a research chemical, Ostarine belongs to a class of chemicals know as SARMS or selective androgen receptor modulators. SARMS create selective anabolic activity at certain androgen receptors. In comparison to testosterone and other anabolic steroids, the advantage of SARMS, is they do not have androgenic activity in non-skeletal muscle tissues. Ostarine is effective in maintaining and increasing lean body mass
How does it work?
SARMS bind to the androgen receptor and demonstrate osteo (bone) and myo (muscular) anabolic activity.
Androgen receptor activation
Binding and activation of the Androgen receptor alters the expression of genes and increases protein synthesis which builds muscle. In essence, SARMS like ostarine cause muscle growth in the same manner as steroids, however unlike testosterone and other anabolic steroids, SARMS do not produce the growth effect on prostate and other secondary sexual organs.
Ostarine in particular exerts its anabolic effects on muscle tissue almost exclusively. So not only does it represent a new potential treatment option for a wide spectrum of conditions from muscle wasting diseases (from age-related to AIDS or cancer-related), but is also has immense potential for muscle building for bodybuilders, fitness, athletes and an agent to minimize atrophy during recovery periods from serious surgery or similar situations.
Lean muscle gains (bulking)
Ostarine is the most anabolic of any SARMS, making its first and foremost use for wanting to gain lean muscle. The gains in total weight will not be comparable to bulking steroids, however the total gains will almost entirely be lean muscle.
The gains that are made on ostarine are very keepable and users generally see an increase of up to 7 lbs. of lean body mass over and 8 week cycle at 25mg day (diet dependent). The most common dosage is 25 mg for 8 weeks. The side effects that one encounters with steroid use will not be present on cycle.
Generally, with ostarine, the higher the dosage, the more suppression. Although suppression is minimal and is nowhere comparable to suppression that one encounters on steroids, any cycle of ostarine over a 4 weeks period requires a 3 week mini pct. A serm is not required in this pct.
Losing Bodyfat (cutting)
Ostarine would primarily fit into a cutting protocol for the maintenance of muscle mass while reducing calories. One of the most disheartening outcomes of cutting is the loss hard earned muscle mass. The drop in metabolic rate and hormone levels (T3, IGF, Testosterone etc) with the lack of calories is a perfect catabolic environment for loss of muscle tissue. As Ostarine has anabolic effects, the dieter can cut calories without having to worry about muscle or strength loss. Ostarine has also shown noticeable nutrient partitioning effects among users, another reason why it can be of great help when cutting.
A 15-20 mg dosing protocol for 6-8 weeks is good for cutting with Ostarine without undergoing any side effects or high suppression. However it must be stated that due to the lack of androgenicity, muscle hardness and overall results are not as prominent as with the SARM S-4.
Recomping is where ostarine truly shines. The recomping effect of losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time is what the majority of users are looking for. Trying to achieve this when you are not absolutely new to training is extremely difficult.
Where Ostarine shines for recomping is in its nutrient partitioning benefits. Calories are taken from fat stores and calorie intake is fed to the muscle tissue. In fact many users report that Ostarine consumed at maintenance calories produces weight loss, while still getting increases in strength and muscle mass.
One of the most important factors of recomping is time. As you are trying to achieve multiple objectives, it requires a longer time period to notice good recomp effects so even when running steroids, these would have to be longer run injectable compounds as opposed to the short used liver toxic oral steroids.
Although Ostarine is taken orally, it is not methylated and is not toxic to the liver and does not have a negative effect on ones blood pressure. Therefore it can be run for longer than oral steroids.
The dosing protocol of 20-25mg for 6-8 weeks will give excellent recomp effects.
Diet must also be optimized to where calories are just above maintenance with at least 30% coming from lean sources of protein to get the best recomp effect.
Injury Prevention
The effects of ostarine translate to anabolism in bone and skeletal muscle tissue, which means it could be used in the future for a variety of uses, such as osteoporosis and as a concurrent treatment with drugs that reduce bone density. Therefore it has great application as a compound to use for rehabilitation of injuries, in particular bone and tendon related injuries.
Doses of 12.5mg per day is recommend for such purposes and improvement in joint movement that can be seen after just 6-8 days.
Timing of Doses
As Ostarine has a half life of around 24 hours, each of these doses only has to be taken orally once a day, therefore its also offers an extremely convenient supplementation intake.
Ostarine and estrogen concern
SARMS do not aromatize, conferring all their effects to AR binding and not to metabolic conversion to active androgens/estrogens. However blood work from users has shown a slight elevation in serum estradiol levels (which may be one of the factors in its high effectiveness for treating tendon, ligament, and bone injuries or illnesses.
This elevation is extremely small and is no case for concern. If however you are absolutely concerned about slight increases in Estrogen, you can always opt for low doses AI’s, like aromasin or arimidex for added protection and prevention.
Advantages of Ostarine when compared to steroids
• It is non methylated so it is non toxic to the liver or blood pressure
• Some suppression may be present at doses of 25mg+ run for longer than 4 weeks, however a stringent PCT of prescription SERMs like Nolvadex or Clomid is not necessary.
• High oral bioavailability without significant damage to your liver as with oral steroids.
• Great sense of well being while on, (without the aggression which can often detrimentally impact users daily lives).
• No need for a long time period off between cycles; the recommended time of period for normal steroid cycles would be Time on + PCT, so for a typical 6 week cycle and 4 week PCT, a user would have to wait another 10 weeks after PCT to start another cycle where SARMS recovery requires minimal rest in between.
• Ostarine also resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in LDL and HDL cholesterol levels, with the average LDL/HDL ratio for all doses remaining in the low cardiovascular risk category – hence there is little impact on cholesterol values.
Advantages Of Ostarine when compared to other SARMS
• The metabolite M1 which seems to cause toxicity in S4 (temporary occular disturbances) is not present in Ostarine.
• Also unlike S4, Ostarine does not have androgenic properties in non muscle tissue.
Ostarine Summary
• Anabolic even at doses as low as 3mg
• Great for strength
• Great for lean mass gains
• Great for body recomposition
• Great for endurance (aerobic or anaerobic)
• Joint healing abilities
• Half life of circa 24 hours – only once a day dosing required

17-04-14, 18:20

18-04-14, 15:13

18-04-14, 19:33
Studies—both clinical and observational—make a compelling case that too much cardio can impair the production of the thyroid hormone T3

i na uj sie meczyc biegajac godzinami nie:D

18-04-14, 19:39
Lubią widocznie się dobijac :)

18-04-14, 19:44
Do you feel that the evidence still supports the need for post-workout nutrition? If so, what would your recommendations be with respect to protein and carb intake after weight training?
I think it’s pragmatic advice to get some kind of post-workout nutrition rather than none. I think, however, the importance of the immediacy of getting your post-workout protein shake is overblown. The recent study from Brad Schoenfeld (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24299050) shows just how unimportant post-exercise nutrition is in determining muscle gains. So my advice is still to get some post-workout protein, and likely some carbs too, but if you don’t get it for a few hours don’t sweat it. Your body will still make very good use of the protein then and you won’t compromise your gains

tak samo carbo jest mega wazne po silce nie, bzdury, marketing, nakrecanie ludzi do kupowania carbo i innych pierdol;)
lubie sobie bialko wypic po silce ale nie jest to az tak wazne jak nakrecaja pseudo- specjalisci...

Some people still believe in a very small window of opportunity to get in your post-workout nutrition. Can you shed some light on the length of the post-workout window for getting in the proper nutrition to maximize the anabolic response?

Well, as I said in answer to the previous question, the post-exercise anabolic window is not some short 30 minute window and, in fact, anytime in
the ensuing 24h after a workout is a good time to eat protein. Work from our group has shown that your muscle is ‘sensitized’ to the effect of protein for at least 24h after a workout.
I might agree that the time from at least immediately to 3h post-exercise is a time when your muscle is even more sensitive to protein. However, it’s not a big difference between that time window and much later. So, as I said above, it’s still prudent to consume your shake immediately post-workout, but it’s not critical.

18-04-14, 19:45
no widocznie, a niech sie mecza lubie se popatrzec jak sie poca ehehhehe

18-04-14, 20:00
O topicu wyżej dyskutujemy na fb w zamkniętej grupie:)

18-04-14, 20:34
O topicu wyżej dyskutujemy na fb w zamkniętej grupie:)

fajnie macie:P

od czasu jak jem mniej tego gowna czuje sie o niebo lepiej;)

18-04-14, 21:47
Od kiedy ostawilem przetwarzane produkty zaczelo mnie rozjebywac. Just sayin


Craig z żoną mają firme ET2, od następnego nr BB mag zaczynają współpracę z nami. Trochę postaramy się ten ciemnogród rozjaśniac.
Polecam jego fan.page na fb ET2 przygotowuje kilku ufc fajterow jak i bikini jak i siebie w Wbff.:p

19-04-14, 18:38
niezla grupka, dobrze rozwijaj i edukuj ciemnogrod bo ludzie jakos wiary nie daja ze kanapeczki sa zle ehhehe;)

23-04-14, 15:39

Nie ze ja potrzebowałem jakiś dowodów bo to od dawna wiem...Ale..

23-04-14, 17:46
cross what?? it's for pussies is it not??:P

24-04-14, 18:42
Is a calorie a calorie? What say you? There are many harmful nutrition myths sabotaging our health and fat loss, but the belief that all calories are created equally is especially ridiculous because it ignores a mountain of evidence showing otherwise. The calorie myth relies on a drastic oversimplification of how calories are used by the body.

It is spread by a number of contingents:
• The food industry intent on hawking processed food
• the USDA that has been unable to provide any useful information in the face of a mounting obesity and diabetes crisis, and
• dietitians annoyed with the idea that people could actually understand how the macronutrients influence body composition and use this knowledge to get and stay lean.

To be fair, dietitians seem to be so cautious about debunking the calorie myth because they fear that people will lose sight of the fact that if we take in more calories than we expend, we gain weight.

This is an unbreakable law of physics, also known as the first law of thermodynamics. It tells us that energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change form. So, if the energy that is entering the body is greater than the energy leaving the body, then the body will store the energy.

However, this system of energy balance is not very useful in real life because different foods are complicated mixtures that are processed in vastly diverse ways by the body.

Foods higher in protein require the body to burn a lot more calories after you eat them than those composed of carbohydrates. Similarly, foods high in fiber result in a lower proportion of the calories being absorbed by the body than those low in fiber.

Most surprisingly, some fats, which are highest in calories per unit of all food types at 9 calories per gram, actually stimulate the burning of calories. Omega-3 fats enhance the activity of something called uncoupling proteins, which lead to excess calories being burned by raising body temperature.

In addition, the average human who is counting calories grossly underestimates the amount of calories they eat every day. Not only do they think they eat less energy than they do, when asked to do a food journal most people do not correctly record food intake, indicating an inability to consciously acknowledge energy intake.

A calorie approach to fat loss isn’t very useful at its best. At it’s worst, it can be drastically counter-productive, while damaging your health and making you miserable!

This article will give you practical strategies for optimizing body composition and health. You’ll come away understanding why the “calorie is a calorie “argument is irrelevant and have essential tools to avoid the pitfalls that impede leanness.

#1: Know The Basics of Calorie Content in the Macronutrients

Calorie-containing foods are classified into the three macronutrients of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. There are also micronutrients, which are vitamins and minerals and do not contain calories.

Calorie content of the macros (plus alcohol) is as follows:

• Protein and carbohydrates both have 4 calories per gram.
• Fat has 9 calories per gram.
• Alcohol is not a macronutrient but it does contain calories—7 per gram.

Take Away: The key to body composition without constant dieting, struggle, and hunger is to understand how the different macros influence hunger and use that knowledge to your advantage.

#2: Favor High-Quality Protein For Reduced Hunger & Greater ‘Calories Out’

There are three acute benefits of favoring high-quality protein if you want to have greater “calories out.”

First, even though carbs and protein contain equal calories per gram, protein requires many more calories for the body to breakdown (nearly double depending on the amino acid profile of the protein).

By replacing carbs with protein, you can effortlessly increase the amount of calories your body burns. Quality is paramount here: Higher quality protein sources, such as those derived from animals, require more calories to metabolize than lower quality plant protein. Animal protein is also more readily used by the body to repair tissue.

Second, favoring foods high in protein will reduce calorie intake by reducing hunger, whereas choosing foods high in carbs and/or fat will increase hunger and calorie intake.

For example, for every 1 percent increase in protein intake, people naturally decrease calorie intake by between 32 and 51 calories daily.

Third, eating protein leads to steadier blood sugar and insulin levels, which elicits a cascade of hormones besides insulin that reduce appetite. Higher carb foods have the opposite effect, leading to more frequent hunger due to spikes and valleys in insulin and other metabolic hormones.

Take Away: De-emphasizing carbs and favoring high-quality protein is a simple way to increase the calories you burn, while reducing the calories you eat without feeling hungry.

#3: Familiarize Yourself With The Thermic Effect of Food

The thermic effect is the amount of calories it takes your body to break down food. You already know that protein has the highest thermic effect, and it is followed by carbs, and lastly by fat.

But dietary fat is not all created equally. Fats have different fates in the body, which are influenced by the other foods you eat them with. It’s not as simple as saying all fats are calorie losers. Recall that omega-3 fats stimulate calorie burning whereas other fats don’t.

Take Away: Use the thermic effect to your advantage. Whole foods in the form of animal protein, vegetables, and some fruit and nuts are king. If you eat grains, get them from whole, boiled sources that are high in indigestible fiber because fewer calories are absorbed than when you eat refined grains.

#4: Understand Alcohol Metabolism & Reduce Your Intake

Alcohol is an example of how “a calorie is a calorie” because it simply raises your energy intake without supplying any nutrition.

The body metabolizes alcohol through the liver, turning it into acetate, which gets burned by the body, displacing the burning of glucose or fat. Any extra glucose in the blood will be stored as fat until all the alcohol is gone. Along with increasing fat storage, chronic alcohol use causes metabolic derangements and inflammation.

Take Away: Avoid all alcohol if you’re trying to lose fat.

#5: Avoid Foods that Trigger Greater Food Intake: Sugary Carbs & Processed Fat

Carbs, especially those with a high-glycemic response, stimulate a pathway in the brain called the hypocretin network that induces sleep and slows the body’s use of energy. High-glycemic carbs are also the worst culprit for increasing food intake, particularly when paired with processed fat.

Protein and certain fats, such as those high in omega-3s, have been found to stimulate the orexin pathway in the brain, which opposes the hypocretin network in the brain. When the orexin network is activated, you are energized and feel reduced hunger

Take Away: Understand that the points presented here are general effects of the macronutrients on calorie intake that can guide your food choices. Eating in real-life is often more dynamic and hunger is influenced by more than just the proportion of macros eaten.

#6: Avoid High-Fructose Foods—Fruit Is OKAY

A comparison of two sources of sugar, glucose and fructose, provide a classic example of how the human body uses calories in different ways.

Fructose is a sugar in fruit and is also present in high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and honey. Glucose is a found in most carbohydrates and the human body can manufacture glucose out of amino acids or liver glycogen.

After you eat fructose, it enters the digestive tract and is almost entirely processed by the liver, whereas other sugars such as glucose are released into the bloodstream to be used as energy by cells.

The liver can do one of two things with fructose:
• Store it as liver glycogen, which will then be released to supply glucose when blood sugar is low, or
• Store it as fat if liver glycogen stores are full.

Simply, if equal calories of fructose and glucose are consumed, fructose is more likely to be stored as fat than glucose because liver glycogen stores are small and not much fructose can be deposited there.

Eating reasonable amounts of fructose from whole foods (fruits and vegetables) is unlikely to be a problem, but this is not what most of the American population is doing. The western diet has fairly large amounts of fructose from HFCS, typically in liquid form, which appears to be the most metabolically damaging.

Another problem with fructose is that it doesn’t decrease sensations of hunger in the same way as glucose. It doesn’t cause a decrease in the hunger hormone ghrelin, so carbohydrates high in fructose don’t reduce hunger to the same degree as those high in glucose.

Take Away: A diet high in fructose from non-whole food sources is more likely to lead to fat gain than one with the same amount of glucose. Eliminate it.

#7: Adopt a High-Protein, Lower Carb Lifestyle: The Long-Term Effect of Protein

The most powerful effect of protein for body composition and fat loss is evident over the long run. The magic happens with higher-protein diets because lean muscle mass is preserved.

When you lose weight by restricting calories, you will lose both body fat (good) and muscle mass (bad), causing the body to burn incrementally fewer calories. Resting energy expenditure is decreased by a couple of hundred calories daily, but calorie intake rarely goes down to compensate. This is a common reason that fat loss plateaus and fat regain occurs.

Increasing the calories you get from protein is the only way to prevent the loss of lean muscle mass because the amino acids in protein stimulate protein synthesis to keep the muscle intact. Lifting weights enhances this effect.

For example, a short, 31-day study that compared the effect of three different protein intakes (the RDA of 0.8 g/kg, double the RDA of 1.6 g/kg, and triple the RDA of 2.4 g/kg for protein) as part of a calorie-restricted diet illustrates this:

All groups lost about the same amount of weight, but the two highest protein dose groups lost about 0.3 kg more fat than the RDA group (not a large amount, but subjects were all normal-weight at baseline and this was a short study):
• For the RDA dose of 0.8 g/kg of protein group, 58 percent of the weight lost was lean mass and only 42 percent was fat.
• For the 2xRDA dose of 1.6 g/kg of protein group, only 30 percent of the weight lost was lean mass and 70 percent was fat.
• For the 3xRDA dose of 2.4 g/kg of protein group, 36 percent of the weight lost was lean mass and 64 percent was fat.

Take Away: The power of getting calories from higher protein, lower carb whole food sources is profound for improving body composition and aiding fat loss.

Be aware that lower carb does NOT mean zero or very low carb. Optimal carb intake for fat loss will be individual and falls in a wide range (20 to 150 grams a day).

#8: The Optimal Diet For Fat Loss is Not A Mystery & There’s No Magic Bullet

Whole foods are rarely one thing or another. The exception is some workout nutrition products and those used in scientific studies to assess the effect of calories on body composition. It is this highly controlled scientific study of calories that promotes the “calorie is a calorie” lie.

The catch is that no one lives under experimental conditions and the foods we should be eating for life are complicated mixtures, providing an array of vitamins, mineral, antioxidants, and fiber, along with calories.

The calorie is calorie nonsense distracts our focus from the fact that it’s no mystery how to lose fat, promote body composition, or eat for health. Humans just don’t seem to like the answer: Whole protein, a lot of vegetables, fruit, nuts and beneficial fats, and other select whole foods that are high in indigestible fiber.

Take Away: In an environment where processed higher carb and fat food is the norm, the calorie approach could be relevant. For health, leanness, and the prevention of metabolic diseases it’s not very useful. Eat whole, real foods.

#9: Ruthlessly Protect Yourself From Food Marketing

The “calorie is a calorie” argument is widely used by the processed food industry to sell products engineered to help you lose weight. They don’t tend to work, being low in nutrients, high in chemical additives, and favoring a higher carb, lower protein ratio that leaves people hungry.

Even non-refined packaged foods are processed in a “recombining” process. For example, conventional yogurt is made by separating milk into fats, protein, miscellaneous solids, and liquids, and then recombining the ingredients in new proportions into reduced fat, high-protein, or whole fat yogurt.

Although, savvy eaters know that health claims on food labels are lies, the general population is not so informed. And your average kid has no idea that what they’re being told in TV food commercials and Internet marketing is nonsense.

Take Away: Teach yourself and your kids to ignore food marketing. Educate yourself from scientifically reputable nutrition sources and question everything.

24-04-14, 18:44
Don’t be afraid of eggs! Eggs are a perfect source of protein, providing an array of powerful brain nutrients, easily digested amino acids, and other vitamins that are vital for wellness.

Despite being one of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet, eggs are often demonized since they are a very misunderstood food. The supposed ill effects of eggs have been equated with cigarette smoking, “the road to hell,” and “one foot in the grave” by uninformed individuals.

Is there any chance eating eggs is truly so dangerous to your health and quality of life?

No. But what we are finding in nutrition and food research is that it’s all about context. Although there is no reason to inherently fear eggs or to banish them from your diet, there is some cause for caution in certain situations.

This article will give five you compelling benefits of eggs and tell you how to avoid possible dangers to eating eggs.

Reasons Why Eggs Are Good For You
#1. Eggs are the perfect body composition food because they contain an amino acid lineup that can aid the development and strength and muscle.

Eggs score highest on four scientific scales for protein quality because they provide a wealth of amino acids that are used by the body to repair muscle tissue. Eggs have the second highest concentration of leucine after milk, which is the most important amino acid for building muscle.

#2. Eggs are rich in nutrients that make you smarter.

Choline is supplied in the egg yolk and is used by the body to make a critical neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which improves cognition. Optimizing the neurotransmitters improves motivation and focus as well.

Choline also helps the liver to detoxify and avoid accumulating fat, which is essential for optimal liver function.

#3. Eggs are beneficial for bone health and prevention of fracture.

The superior amino acid profile that eggs contain aids in the preservation of lean muscle mass, which is a primary promoter of bone health.

In addition, eggs contain two key vitamins involved in bone body building: vitamin D and vitamin K. Because both are fat soluble vitamins, consuming eggs provides a highly bioavailable source that allows for maximal absorption and use by the body.

Along with aiding in bone formation, vitamin K is used for blood coagulation, and you surely know that vitamin D is involved in everything from cancer prevention to preventing body fat gain.

#4. Eggs are an affordable superfood.

Rich in the antioxidants selenium, lutein, and zeaxanthin, eating eggs can reduce inflammation in the body and promote overall health.

For instance, selenium is a crucial nutrient in the body’s antioxidant defenses and it aids in the production of thyroid hormones and reproductive health. Zeaxanthin is thought to prevent cancer, while lutein improves blood sugar balance and lowers insulin, shifting the body into an anti-inflammatory state.

#5. Eggs can be a delicious part of a diet designed for fat loss because they are satiating and reduce hunger.

Studies show that because they are a superior protein source, eating eggs increases fullness and decreases subsequent food intake at later meals. Along with better insulin health, this has been shown to produce a 5 kg reduction in body fat in one 12-week study that had subjects eat 3 eggs a day on a reduced carb diet.

In another study, individuals who ate eggs for breakfast led to greater reduction in waist circumference and fewer sensations of hunger than eating a carbohydrate-based breakfast daily. Researchers caution against eating eggs with foods that normally accompany eggs, such as toast or processed meat like sausage or bacon, etc.

With all this happy news about eggs in mind, let’s look at some of the dangers and misunderstandings that surround eggs:
#1. Possible Danger: Some association studies show ill health effects of eating eggs, such as higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

The Truth: Fear not! These are association studies, which have a very poor reputation in the scientific world. These outcomes can be explained a couple of different ways.

First, large surveys of food intake in the population show that people who eat more eggs tend to have diets that are higher in calories and fat, particularly saturated fat.

But it’s not to say that eggs are the reason these people eat more calories or fat—they’d probably do that whether they ate eggs or not—but they opt for higher calorie, higher fat foods.

And it’s well established that eating high-fat diets with more calories are associated with greater disease risk and higher body fat percentage. Therefore, it’s this tendency rather than the eggs that are thought to be the source of some of the ill health effects observed.

Second, these studies have been criticized as being of extremely poor quality and using statistical analyses that is not appropriate. For example, in one study, researchers looked at the association between egg intake in 34 countries in relation to colon cancer. The data showed that people who reported eating more eggs had a higher rate of cancer.

However, a secondary analysis found that by increasing the number of countries included in the study, the association flip-flopped such that countries in which egg intake was higher had lower rates of cancer. In addition, studies looking at correlation between mortality rates and egg intake show that eggs are protective.

The Bottom Line: Don’t use association studies to plan your diet.

These association studies prove nothing and often suggest correlations that contradict outcomes in randomized control trials. Plus, there’s no end to badly done association studies to support or refute whatever position you’re interested in.

#2. Possible Danger: Eggs are packed with saturated fat and cholesterol and everyone knows that both increase heart disease.

The Truth: Eggs contain a decent amount of saturated fat (1.6 grams) and cholesterol (200 mg). Both were once thought to be a primary cause of heart disease, but have been vindicated by recent studies.

Simply, eating foods that contain cholesterol doesn’t increase your blood cholesterol levels. In fact, in healthy people, cholesterol is auto-regulated, which means that if you eat more cholesterol one day, then your body produces less, and vice versa.

So, the fear of heart disease and high cholesterol that is related to eating eggs is a throwback to previous times when we had less data and faulty theories about cardiovascular health.

The real danger is a diet that is high in refined carbohydrates and fat. Scientists have recently found that a high-carbohydrate intake in the form of refined starches and sugars are more to blame for plaque development in the arteries than dietary cholesterol.

Now consider that traditionally when people eat eggs for breakfast for example, they eat them with foods like toast and jam, pancakes and syrup, bacon or sausage, or potatoes and ketchup—all high-carb foods.

Say the average person eats similar high-fat, high-carb food combinations for their other meals and you have a fairly inflammatory diet. The solution is to avoid refined carbs in favor of whole plant sources, reduce total carb intake in favor of protein and fat, and enjoy eggs when you want them.

The Bottom Line: Eggs are not the deciding factor in elevated triglycerides, high cholesterol, plaque buildup, or heart disease. High-carb, high-fat, refined foods are.

Avoid the whole mess by understanding that eggs are an excellent protein source that can be included in a low-carb, high-protein diet for optimal body composition and health.

#3. Possible Danger: There are certain situations in which the high cholesterol and fat content of eggs will increase inflammation and risk of heart disease. Therefore it’s better to avoid all eggs.

The Truth: There’s some truth to the first part of this statement, but it’s not necessary to eliminate eggs. Here’s the deal: Oxidized cholesterol IS very dangerous and it causes damage to arteries and connective tissue.

Cholesterol gets oxidized when it is cooked at high heat, or for a long period of time, such as when eggs are fried. For example, one study found that compared to boiled or raw eggs, fried eggs contained high levels of oxidized cholesterol.

Another study found that storing eggs at room temperature for 45 days and then boiling or frying them led to much higher levels of oxidized cholesterol, with the highest amounts in the fried eggs. There was also a reduction of the omega-3 fatty acids that the eggs contained due to the long storage time.

The key here is to avoid consuming any animal foods that have been cooked at high temperatures, whether meat or eggs, because both contain cholesterol and fats that are easily oxidized and do present serious health risks.

Additionally, it’s important to know that the human body responds in diverse ways to eating cholesterol. In general, cholesterol absorption decreases with increasing dietary cholesterol and in most people shuts down markedly at a dietary intake of around 400 mg (equal to 2 eggs).

However, type 2 diabetics have reduced absorption of cholesterol that they eat, but their livers produce more cholesterol. Insulin resistance is thought to make them less sensitive to dietary cholesterol, meaning that eating eggs in a diet that is designed to improve insulin sensitivity could be beneficial.

For example, a recent study showed that obese, insulin resistant people eating a lower carb diet with three eggs a day, had lower inflammation and less body fat by the end of the 12 week study. It should not come as a surprise that the most important factor in health is the overall make-up of the diet, not whether eggs are a component.

The Bottom Line: Eggs have been scapegoated as the source of health problems because they are commonly eaten with foods that cause derangements in blood sugar, insulin sensitivity, and overeating.

The fact that the typical western lifestyle is more sedentary than not, and abundant in carbs, fat, and refined foods, exacerbates those issues. The effect is a fat, diabetic population with elevated triglycerides, and increased heart disease risk. It has nothing to do with egg consumption.

#4. Possible Danger: Eggs are often contaminated with salmonella and it’s better to avoid them.

The Truth: The eggs that are most at risk of being contaminated with salmonella are those that come from large industrial farms with poor sanitation. Eggs from caged hens appear to be more likely to be contaminated with salmonella than those that are raised out of a cage.

Caged hens live in groups in cages stacked one on top of the other and have 67 inches of floor space, which is the size of a piece of notebook paper. The cramped quarters allow for the production of a huge volume of eggs (80 billion a year in the U.S.), more chicken manure, and greater risk of bacteria contamination that leads to salmonella.

Statistics show Salmonella is rare with only 1 in 20,000 eggs being contaminated. After a 2010 salmonella outbreak in 10 states in the U.S., the FDA found filthy conditions at some of the largest egg farms in the country, including infestations of flies, maggots, and rodents as well as chicken manure that was piled four to eight feet high below cages.

The Bottom Line: Reduce salmonella risk by avoiding industrial eggs in favor of organic eggs whenever possible.

Store eggs in the refrigerator because temperature fluctuations greatly increases salmonella risk. For even greater safety, avoid eggs at restaurants and large events because these will come from industrial farms unless otherwise specified and are at greater risk of exposure to high temperatures.

#5. Possible Danger: Eggs are allergenic and should be avoided, especially by pregnant women.

The Truth: Egg allergies have increased remarkably over the passed 30 years as have rates of food allergies in general. Some studies suggest that food allergies appear due to a developing infant’s lack of exposure to certain proteins or foods.

For instance, children born in farming environments are more protected from allergies to dairy and egg proteins than those in the city. And infants whose mothers had been exposed to high levels of eggs (1 to 2 a week) during pregnancy had fewer allergic symptoms to eggs than those who had a moderate exposure.

There’s some evidence that food allergies tend to follow a bell curve rather than a linear relationship. Very high intakes of a food or complete avoidance lead to greater tolerance, whereas moderate exposure (in this case, only 1 egg a month) increases allergy risk.

The Bottom Line: Avoiding eggs is not the best strategy to prevent egg allergies. Rather, including them in a well-planned diet is suggested by the research for all populations.

Of course, if you already have an allergy, avoidance is called for. Eating well cooked eggs in small amounts as part of a meal with other foods has been shown to reduce the immune response and repair tolerance

28-04-14, 19:34

ja pierdole czego to juz ci hamerykance nie wymysla to nie wiem ehehehhehe

29-04-14, 04:57

29-04-14, 05:02

ja pierdole czego to juz ci hamerykance nie wymysla to nie wiem ehehehhehe

To jest bardziej do opracowane pod pacjentów po chemo czy z muscle waisting desease. Dla reszty stykają vazolidatory typu Cialis czy viagra. Równie popularne w pornolach. Mamy wszystko :) każdy porucha :p

29-04-14, 05:48
no wiem ale tam kolesie to biora a po chemi nie sa kuwa, viagra juz im nie styka ja jebe, jebani hamerykance hehehexdxdxd

29-04-14, 05:53
"If you are going to do something, do it right, and do it with a purpose. If you aren’t willing to put the effort in, then don’t do it. You’re probably better off focusing on less.

When you aim high, and expend all the energy you have into - your family, your work, your training, and / or your life – you will find success. Don’t be blind to the impact of your efforts, the great things you have done, or the things you have learned during the process.

If you are truly giving it everything, you are a success.

You will find happiness in who you are and what you do. Limiting yourself from the start will not get you where you want to be. It just so happens that where you want to be is not always exactly where you thought it was when you got started.

If you want to get strong, gain muscle, or lose fat do what it takes to be the strongest, the biggest, the leanest. You will either get there, or get somewhere you’re proud of, and happy with along the way.

If you aim for the middle you will always feel like it’s not enough; and it isn’t. You’re never going to know what you could have done.

Leave it all on the floor,"

nicely said:)

01-05-14, 13:36

01-05-14, 14:01
tego gowna to wogule sie nie tykam, nie dosc ze robi z tescia cipe to jest tak zmodyfikowana ze uj...fcuk soy

04-05-14, 01:26

04-05-14, 10:39
jak wczesniej pisalem ze jaja to jaja i bez jaj nie ma uja;) trzeba jest cale i tyle ehhehe:D

05-05-14, 16:59
Imho młode laski tak samo działają, testuje już dość długo.

01-06-14, 02:08

04-06-14, 01:42

29-06-14, 05:03

16-07-14, 21:39

17-07-14, 02:46
Such an awesome article from the Poliquin group! This is why we highly recommend their certification!

Fat loss is never easy, and if you’re already fit and lean, it can seem impossible.
Maybe you’ve gotten bad information or are incorrectly applying the information you have. Maybe there’s a simple variable you haven’t accounted for that’s impeding your results.
Whatever the exact issue, it’s common to find yourself gaining a few pounds in the process. No more!
Here are ten simple tips to use to tighten up your efforts and get the physique you’ve been working for.
#1: Hard strength training is your number one priority. Don’t shy away from intense weight training during fat loss phases because this will maintain strength and muscle mass.
It’s a mistake to reduce calories and cut back on training in the hopes that you’ll lose fat because this will cause a catabolic state, leading to significant muscle loss so that your metabolic rate plummets. The effect is worsened if endurance exercise is performed as well.
#2: Do a few high-intensity training (HIT) sessions, sprint intervals, or strongman exercises each week. This type of training boosts calorie expenditure in the recovery period and triggers protein synthesis so you build muscle, sustaining metabolic rate.
There’s evidence that fit, lean men benefit from shorter, more intense work bouts (such as 30-second all-out intervals), whereas lean, fit women get better results from slightly longer, less intense intervals (such as 30 to 60 seconds at 90 percent of maximal).
Keep your HIT workouts to less than 30 minutes and do them separately from strength training, either at a separate time of day or on a different day.
#3: Eat a higher protein diet because this will preserve lean mass so your metabolism doesn’t drop as much while you’re losing fat. Higher protein diets have other benefits as well:
• Metabolism of protein requires the body to burn more calories than it does breaking down carbs or fat.
• Due to something called nutrient partitioning, our bodies are designed to use protein to build lean tissue rather than store it as fat. This means that if you find yourself hungry when trying to lose fat, opt for protein rather than carbs or fat because the extra calories are more likely to be turned into muscle or lean tissue.
• Protein is very satiating and it naturally leads people to eat fewer calories over the course of the day. This is because protein foods lead to a better metabolic hormone balance than those high in carbs.
How high should you go in protein? This will depend on a variety of issues, but the bulk of the literature suggests 1.6 to 2.4 g/kg of protein a day can be beneficial for lean people who want to lose fat.
Of interest, a new study found that it may be beneficial to eat even more protein in certain situations. This study found that when lean, fit people supplemented their diet with 800 extra calories of protein a day (mostly from whey protein) so that they consumed 4.4 g/kg of protein daily, they gained no more fat than a control group that ate their normal high-protein diet (1.6 to 2 g/kg a day).
Researchers make the following relevant conclusions from their study:
• Protein is the most important macronutrient vis-&#224;-vis positive changes in body composition. Whey protein is particularly beneficial because it has a high thermic effect and consistently leads to greater gains in lean mass with training than other sources.
• It disproves the notion of “a calorie is just a calorie.”
• Protein calories in “excess” of requirements result in a gain in lean body mass and are not metabolized in the body in the same way as carbohydrates, which result in a gain in body fat.
#4: Optimize your carb intake for physical activity and genes.
Low-carb, high-protein diets are effective for fat loss. But the very low-carb diet that is right for overweight, sedentary people who need to reset their metabolisms will be different from what lean, active people who are lifting weights require.
Reasons not to eat a super low-carb diet if you’re lean include the following:
• They reduce the production of thyroid hormone, which lowers body temperature and the amount of calories burned at rest.
• When carb intake is very low, cortisol is released in order to free stored energy and provide glucose to keep you going. Combined with intense exercise over the long-term this can lead to an elevated cortisol curve, which alters metabolism and halts fat loss.
• They are needed to replenish muscle glycogen when training intensely.
How high you should go in carbs will depend on activity levels and other issues, but if you’re lean and working out, try eating more carbs on training days and fewer and off days.
If you prefer a lower carb intake (below 100 grams a day), try cycling high-glycemic carbs every 5 to 7 days to improve sensitivity of the metabolic hormones, insulin and leptin.
#5: Don’t rely on the scale. Test your body fat using a reliable skinfold test (12-site tests are best).
Muscle is your best friend if you’re trying to lose fat and you’re already lean because it drives your metabolism, supports insulin sensitivity, and improves overall hormone balance.
Therefore, your goal is not to lose weight but to sustain muscle mass and lose fat. The only way to measure this accurately is with a skinfold or fancier test like a DEXA scan. The scale and those handheld electrical body fat devices are useless.
#6: Sleep enough and optimize circadian rhythm.
Getting decent sleep may be the most important thing you can do to improve fat loss if you’re lean.
Our ability to sleep is regulated by a circadian rhythm that relies on balance of a large number of hormones. Those same hormones regulate when you’re hungry, the foods you crave, and how active you’ll be.
Over the long-term, lack of sleep leads to lower testosterone, growth hormone, and thyroid hormone, but elevated cortisol. This is a combination that will make fat loss impossible. Hormone dysregulation is one reason that some fat loss studies show poor outcomes.
Make it a priority to solve any sleep problems you have. Here are detailed tips for improving your improving circadian rhythms, and this article gives you ten nutritional aids that improve sleep.
#7: Focus on pre- and post-workout nutrition to get the most out of your workouts and improve recovery.
Losing fat when you’re lean requires you to take advantage of every opportunity. A few things are indicated by research:
• Try using caffeinated coffee (1 to 3 cups) pre-workout because it significantly enhances exercise performance and motivation. This is especially useful if you’re eating a lower carb diet and training in a glycogen depleted state.
• Don’t eat high-carb foods before training because this will increase insulin and shift the body away from burning fat. It also reduces energy levels and motivation.
• The best time to eat higher carb foods is after intense workouts because metabolism is elevated and your body will use the carbs to replenish glycogen. In addition, the insulin spike can improve recovery from training because it has an antioxidant effect on muscle.
• Use whey protein because it has consistently been shown to be a superior protein for improving body composition with training by improving insulin sensitivity. It also triggers protein synthesis and has a greater thermic effect than other sources such as casein or soy.
#8: Eat natural, whole foods and eliminate all refined/processed foods.
Just about everyone knows that whole foods trump refined foods when it comes to losing fat because they are more nutrient dense, have more natural fiber, and have less added sugar and fat.
But a lot of people still let refined foods sneak into there diet here or there. They try the 80/20 approach in which they eat whole foods at least 80 percent of the time and processed foods 20 percent.
This is a big mistake. When you are already lean and trying to coax those last few pounds off, you’ve got take advantage of every chance you have to optimize your metabolism.
Opt more for a 95/5 approach. Here’s why:
There’s evidence that compared to unrefined diets, diets higher in refined foods cause major metabolic damage, which leads to fat gain and poor cognition.
Eating these foods, especially when they are high in carbs and omega-6 fats from vegetable oils, change the architecture of your brain, triggering appetite and making you feel like you have to have them. They actually activate endocannabinoid receptors, which are the same receptors in the brain that bind to THC in marijuana.
#9: Reduce stress and balance cortisol.
Every time you get stressed, cortisol goes up, which causes cravings for high-fat, high-sugar junk foods. At the same time, cortisol shuts off the goal-oriented, rationale parts of the brain.
A few things can help you balance cortisol:
• Eating frequent meals (3 to 6), avoiding long periods of fasting so that you reset your entire hormonal cascade and improve the body’s biological circadian rhythm.
• A lower carb, higher protein diet is useful because it manages blood sugar. Even if you’re stressed, cortisol doesn’t go as sky high. Insulin response to meals is lower, and insulin sensitivity improves.
• Meditation and being mindful balances cortisol with other hormones involved in body composition such as testosterone, DHEA, and growth hormone.
#10: Write everything down. Very few people are able to accurately estimate how much they eat. Keep a true food journal that only you see, but make sure you see it.
Own up to what you put in your mouth. If you’ve never done a completely honest food journal, you may be surprised at your numbers. Don’t feel ashamed or guilty. This is raw data you need to overcome your biological drive to eat in a say that impedes fat loss.
In addition to logging your diet, record training volume and how you felt during workouts. Also record overall energy levels, sleep, and any food cravings you have.
Food cravings, low energy, or poor motivation tend to indicate poor hormone balance. This could be due to stress or what you’re eating. Take action to reduce your stress (#9), and avoid all high-carb foods. Identify low-glycemic carbs that are acceptable substitutes for higher carb foods.
Final Words: Use these tips to give it all you’ve got and those last few pounds will melt away.
Check out this articlethat details the research that was used to write these tips. It looks at how the following three types of diets affect fat loss in lean, fit subjects doing high volume training:
• Creating an energy deficit through calorie restriction and exercise.
• Eating a super low-carb diet, ketogenic diet.
• Eating a super high-protein diet (the new 4.4 g/kg of protein a day referred to in #3).

23-07-14, 12:28
Nie wiem czy było już ale ja nie znalazłem na forum więc wrzucam dość ciekawe badanie na temat ilości spożywanego białka u osób ćwiczących siłowo:


02-08-14, 20:35
Ever since returning to the fitness industry in 2012, and coming back from a very ugly eating disorder, I promised myself I would do this the healthy way and be 100% real with people along the way. This prep has been the hardest of my life, and I wanted to take time today & share why for those of you who have been part of my journey. I was waiting til after Worlds to say a lot of this but I feel it's important to share now and be really REAL with everyone. I will post the full version of this story on my website when launched, but for now, I hope sharing this will show why this has been the hardest prep of my life...
In my prep for my WBFF debut in Orlando in May 2012, my body responded really well, because it had been a few years since I was that low carbed. I took 5 months to get ready for Orlando, after returning to the fitness industry from going to culinary school and taking some time to get perspective.
After winning my pro card, I started to notice my body was incredibly sensitive to foods I used to always be able to have. I was still really strict in what I ate, had the occasional "treat", and still busted my butt in the gym. I put on a ton of weight and continued to beat myself up each day, embarrassed to be a Pro that no longer looked anything like it, in my opinion. I had been SO extremely dieted in 2010, that I thought what I was doing was healthy and that "eating clean" and hours of cardio was just what everyone did to stay lean, as it's become the norm.
I chose to do bikini rather than fitness, because I was so inflamed and sick already, that I couldn't imagine putting on more "size", so I worked against my body and genetics. I trained harder than ever for Montreal, on double cardios, fasted cardio, and very little carbs. I was constantly told I was "carb sensitive" and that I was just stressing too much and not allowing my body to come in. A few days before Montreal, I was extremely lean, definitely realized I am 100% fitness, but was determined to still have fun and look and do my best.
During my peak week, I was sodium depleted for the first time ever, then told to have tons of carbs every few hours, and went from vascular and lean to completely spilling over on stage and feeling like I embarrassed myself on my Pro Debut. I have yet to share pics from that show, because I was so embarrassed of how I looked, when I did everything I was "told". When I asked why I looked like that on stage, I was scolded and belittled and even told I was being "taught a lesson" to never compete in bikini and go against my genetics.
After Montreal, I was extremely sick and my body blew up quickly, going from almost no carbs most days, to a ton of carbs reintroduced at once. Again, I was "carb sensitive" and put on fasted cardio and told to just not stress. Worlds is not only my first time in Vegas, but my first appearance on the Pro Fitness stage.
At 7wks out, I couldn't take it anymore. There were lots of teary moments and discussions with my fiancé, and he reminded me it wasn't worth it and what we thought was so balanced, was actually far from that. With no other choice, I started doing a ton of research and educating myself on the body and nutrition. I realized my metabolism was in a very bad place and had been extremely compromised, and reached out to Layne Norton, in hopes he would help me for Worlds and reverse diet me out of my show and help me bring my metabolic capacity to where it should be.
I have made tremendous progress in the last 4 weeks, can now digest more foods than I have been able to have in a decade, and genuinely look better and am healthier than I have ever been.
But, 2 weeks out from Worlds, and now my body has been "stuck" for the last week. We are taking it one day at a time, not compromising my health or metabolism any further, and just seeing what my body tells us in these next 2wks. I would be lying if I didn't say it breaks my heart to be put in this position, for trusting in my previous trainer and doing what I was told, but regretting it won't change the position I'm in.
When I started working with Layne 4wks ago and switched my entire business to a flexible living and balanced approach, I wanted to make a big stand in doing so. That I knew what I was doing was unhealthy and had to change. Even if it meant not doing Worlds, I hoped that my story and the changes and stance I made, would speak to others and show that I won't compromise my character or my health when I know it's wrong.
Tomorrow is my birthday. We move to Seattle in 2.5wks. Our wedding is in four weeks. I have the support of so many incredible people, professionally and personally, and know I can only look forward. I am doing everything I can to get on stage in two weeks and look my best, but if my body just says NO, I want people to know the real story behindEver since returning to the fitness industry in 2012, and coming back from a very ugly eating disorder, I promised myself I would do this the healthy way and be 100% real with people along the way. This prep has been the hardest of my life, and I wanted to take time today & share why for those of you who have been part of my journey. I was waiting til after Worlds to say a lot of this but I feel it's important to share now and be really REAL with everyone. I will post the full version of this story on my website when launched, but for now, I hope sharing this will show why this has been the hardest prep of my life...
In my prep for my WBFF debut in Orlando in May 2012, my body responded really well, because it had been a few years since I was that low carbed. I took 5 months to get ready for Orlando, after returning to the fitness industry from going to culinary school and taking some time to get perspective.
After winning my pro card, I started to notice my body was incredibly sensitive to foods I used to always be able to have. I was still really strict in what I ate, had the occasional "treat", and still busted my butt in the gym. I put on a ton of weight and continued to beat myself up each day, embarrassed to be a Pro that no longer looked anything like it, in my opinion. I had been SO extremely dieted in 2010, that I thought what I was doing was healthy and that "eating clean" and hours of cardio was just what everyone did to stay lean, as it's become the norm.
I chose to do bikini rather than fitness, because I was so inflamed and sick already, that I couldn't imagine putting on more "size", so I worked against my body and genetics. I trained harder than ever for Montreal, on double cardios, fasted cardio, and very little carbs. I was constantly told I was "carb sensitive" and that I was just stressing too much and not allowing my body to come in. A few days before Montreal, I was extremely lean, definitely realized I am 100% fitness, but was determined to still have fun and look and do my best.
During my peak week, I was sodium depleted for the first time ever, then told to have tons of carbs every few hours, and went from vascular and lean to completely spilling over on stage and feeling like I embarrassed myself on my Pro Debut. I have yet to share pics from that show, because I was so embarrassed of how I looked, when I did everything I was "told". When I asked why I looked like that on stage, I was scolded and belittled and even told I was being "taught a lesson" to never compete in bikini and go against my genetics.
After Montreal, I was extremely sick and my body blew up quickly, going from almost no carbs most days, to a ton of carbs reintroduced at once. Again, I was "carb sensitive" and put on fasted cardio and told to just not stress. Worlds is not only my first time in Vegas, but my first appearance on the Pro Fitness stage.
At 7wks out, I couldn't take it anymore. There were lots of teary moments and discussions with my fiancé, and he reminded me it wasn't worth it and what we thought was so balanced, was actually far from that. With no other choice, I started doing a ton of research and educating myself on the body and nutrition. I realized my metabolism was in a very bad place and had been extremely compromised, and reached out to Layne Norton, in hopes he would help me for Worlds and reverse diet me out of my show and help me bring my metabolic capacity to where it should be.
I have made tremendous progress in the last 4 weeks, can now digest more foods than I have been able to have in a decade, and genuinely look better and am healthier than I have ever been.
But, 2 weeks out from Worlds, and now my body has been "stuck" for the last week. We are taking it one day at a time, not compromising my health or metabolism any further, and just seeing what my body tells us in these next 2wks. I would be lying if I didn't say it breaks my heart to be put in this position, for trusting in my previous trainer and doing what I was told, but regretting it won't change the position I'm in.
When I started working with Layne 4wks ago and switched my entire business to a flexible living and balanced approach, I wanted to make a big stand in doing so. That I knew what I was doing was unhealthy and had to change. Even if it meant not doing Worlds, I hoped that my story and the changes and stance I made, would speak to others and show that I won't compromise my character or my health when I know it's wrong.
Tomorrow is my birthday. We move to Seattle in 2.5wks. Our wedding is in four weeks. I have the support of so many incredible people, professionally and personally, and know I can only look forward. I am doing everything I can to get on stage in two weeks and look my best, but if my body just says NO, I want people to know the real story behind why.

Hillary Jones.
W PL jest to bardzo często spotykane dzięki niewiedzy i olewania pod opiecznych przez pseudo trenerów


11-08-14, 15:58

15-08-14, 01:48


15-08-14, 18:32
Failure is not an option. You do what it takes to get it done. I Like it:D

16-08-14, 02:21

18-08-14, 18:59
Często poruszany temat tu na forum


19-08-14, 12:01
Kontuzja obręczy barkowej to najbardziej spotykany uraz przy ćwiczeniach siłowych.
Jak wdrożyć cwicznia na obręcz w 5cio dniowy split


20-08-14, 17:08
Dla wszystkich co lubią ładować wysoki łg na śniadanie lub przed trenigowo :)


20-08-14, 18:53
no szkoda bo ja lubie owsianke z orzechami , owocami i wpc zjesc na sniadanie:(

20-08-14, 18:58
http://www.strengthsensei.com/the-meat-and-nut-breakfast/ to wyprobuje od jutra a co:D

20-08-14, 19:50
no szkoda bo ja lubie owsianke z orzechami , owocami i wpc zjesc na sniadanie:(

A jak sie czujesz po takim sniadaniu? Jak dobrze to nie musisz z niegl rezygnowac. Ja o niebo lepiej sie czuje po sniadaniu bez wegli np jajkach + olej lniany.
Co do arta 100 % prawdy tam

21-08-14, 18:59
wiem ze nie musze i nie bede rezygnowal;) choc jestem anty glutenowiec owsianka na mnie niezle dziala,cho sprobuje w weekend to co wyzej;)

22-08-14, 18:31
Carb manipulation


27-08-14, 22:21

28-08-14, 14:16

02-09-14, 17:06

09-09-14, 11:41

09-09-14, 18:53

08-11-14, 01:03

08-11-14, 11:57
good one

11-11-14, 02:14
BAM!! The big 4 and what you can do to maximize growth vs. exacerbate pain! These mods will not take away from your #Gainz, but rather keep your tendons and joints healthy so you can go harder, LONGER!! (that's what she said)

Train for Gains, Not Pains
The ability to master movement patterns has become extinct in gyms across the country, leaving our bodies deteriorating in the process. Staple lifts are now causing an epidemic of debilitating injuries. As a doctor of physical therapy, I treat these folks daily.

Here are the four most debilitating traditional exercises that are tearing down the bodies of lifters, plus how to intelligently modify these movements to live to lift another day. Spend some time training for gains instead of pains and you'll soon be able to re-introduce these exercises.

Fourth Most Damaging: Ass-to-Grass Squats

Before the "just squat bros" start warming up their fingers for an online battle royale, listen up. If your goals include maximizing your strength, packing on muscle, and keeping your lower back and knees from chronic pain and joint degradation, why would you choose to squat ATG over a traditional parallel squat?

Unless you're the guy who prides himself on lackluster results and taking full advantage of your hard-earned health insurance, it's time to rethink your depth!

Primary Site of Injury: Lower Back
You may as well tear up the risk-to-benefit analysis for squatting as soon as you choose to drop below 10 degrees parallel. In the physical therapy business, we refer to deep squatters as "lifelong customers."

Squatting unreasonably deep means spending more time in the position that's been shown to put the lumbar spine and surrounding tissues at an insanely high risk for injury.

Before you go all Paleolithic on me, yes, the human body is capable of the necessary mobility to reach ATG depths. However, the lumbar spine and hip complexes weren't designed to stabilize and generate force under heavy loads while in that position.

Continuing to do so is playing with fire, and the sensation of fire running from your back down into your legs after a nasty disc herniation is exactly what you might feel.

Remember, your actions must reflect your goals. The goals just don't add up to the results in this case, and no, your butt wink isn't cute. Every time your lumbar spine rounds, you're putting yourself at an unnecessary risk of injury.

Own your just-below-parallel squat if you want to reap the benefits of both worlds. There's a reason why powerlifting has adopted a strict set of rules for proper squat depth. It allows a maximal amount of strength to be expressed while keeping competitors in a relatively safe range of motion.

You're not smarter than the USPA, so do yourself a favor and follow their lead.

Programming Modification:
Heels-Elevated Front Squats with Straps

If your primary goal is to stay healthy and protect your spine, the front squat can be a powerful squat variation. Due to the load being anteriorly loaded, the spine must maintain a more upright and stable position throughout.

Cutting out limiting factors that cause a breakdown of form is the next step to squatting pain-free. If your ankle mobility resembles that of a stone, elevate your heels to enhance the entire kinetic chain.

If shoulder mobility is keeping you from epic high-fives with your fraternity brothers, the use of straps can improve your ability to keep your thoracic spine stiff and stabilized.

Third Most Damaging:
Bench Press

I have a theory. I think the exponential rise in people hitting the bench can be attributed to the removal of all bench presses from Planet Fitness' worldwide. You know what they say, if Planet Fitness isn't doing it, you damn well better make it a priority in your program!

Primary Site of Injury: Anterior Shoulder
The real problem with the bench press isn't the movement itself, but rather a lack of stability throughout the shoulders and core.

Mastering dynamic stability of one of the most mobile joints in the body isn't an easy task, but one that must be a prerequisite before approaching the bench. Whatever happened to first dominating bodyweight movements like the push-up and earning the right to stack a few plates on the bar?

Maintaining a strong tonic contraction throughout the "pillar" is a pivotal aspect of this lift. Without the ability to complete a strict push-up without looking like you're getting down and dirty with the rubber flooring, the chance of you being able to activate posterior rotator cuff stabilizers and position your shoulder blades in an advantageous biomechanical orientation is painfully slim.

Related: Do-It-Yourself Myofascial Release
No one is safe from the bench bug, not even advanced veterans in the strength game. Due to the chronic stresses posed on the anterior shoulder region during the press, the primary soft tissues and joints involved in the movement can become irritated and dysfunctional, making a debilitating injury much more likely.

Programming Modification:
Incline Dumbbell Press

A slight inclination of the bench allows a more advantageous position for the ball and socket joint of the shoulder to function. Without geeking out too hard, the head of the humerus (ball) is more centrated in the glenoid fossa (socket), allowing for smoother translations and a larger, broader surface area to work from during dynamic movements.

Also, by utilizing dumbbells instead of the barbell, your shoulders and upper extremities can move through a more authentic movement pattern.

Lastly, the dumbbells are single armed in nature, and loads are largely limited by your ability to stabilize them. Give it a few weeks, and when you're able to painlessly sleep through the night in a bed like a normal human, you'll know you're ready to hit the bench again.

Second Most Damaging:
Conventional Barbell Deadlift

There's a reason why soft commercial gyms like LA Fitness strategically purchase tens of thousands of dollars in hex plates to fill the metabolically-challenged boxes they like to refer to as health centers – they don't want you deadlifting!

Corporate fitness is willing to spend the extra time, effort, and money to keep you from having the slightest hankering to lift a load off the floor. Why? Because a majority of people can't be trusted to safely complete one of the most fundamental movement patterns known to mankind – the deadlift.

Primary Site of Injury: Lower Back
The conventional barbell deadlift creates the perfect storm for faulty movement patterns translating into debilitating injuries.

In this day and age, the average American can barely pick up their Amazon box full of Jillian Michaels DVDs without herniating a disc or two. No wonder gym owners drop a deuce in their Lululemon undies every time the iron hits the floor. It's just another expensive lawsuit waiting to happen!

If you've lost your ability to move effectively and efficiently, it's time to remediate and regain your ability to stay healthy and keep your training progressing.

Programming Modification:
Trap Bar Deadlift

One of the most basic ways to reteach a proper hip hinge and trunk stability pattern is through the programming of the trap bar deadlift.

The movement provides a slight variation in both joint angulation and the center of mass of the load, forcing your mechanics and form to clean up in no time. You'll soon earn the right to once again program deads with the barbell.

Most Damaging:
Seated Leg Press

Unless you're an 86-year-old grandmother rehabilitating a total knee replacement or Brach Warren working on showcasing another vein through his left VMO, you have no business on the seated leg press. It simply hurts people!

These are not the type of injuries that people get over in a few days. The leg press has the ability to cause massive structural damage to the spine that's likely to haunt your functionality for the remainder of your skinny-legged life.

Primary Site of Injury: Lower Back
Let's break down the mechanics of this movement from a practical standpoint.

The seated position, more specifically the 45-degree seated position, places the lumbar spine in a forward flexing position before your legs even begin pushing through that torturous 8-inch range of motion. This is the equivalent position to squatting with your chest facing the ground – I wouldn't recommend it if you want to remain ambulatory.

The accentuated deep flexion of the hip joints not only causes some heavy compressional forces shooting through the hips that cause joint irritation and degradation, but it also causes a dysfunctional compensation pattern in the lumbar spine, bringing it into further flexion as each segment buckles. Remember, this piss poor posture is just in the setup!

Adding a dynamic component to this setup is where this exercise becomes downright outrageous. Sure it's easy for some uncertified newbie personal trainer to program it because you just sit and push, similar to a bathroom break in the office.

The simplicity of this movement is what keeps it continually being brought back to life in an industry of alleged experts that are just as confused as the clients they're being paid to coach. The simplistic nature of little-to-no stability throughout the spinal column and hips is what intrinsically makes this the most debilitating exercise in the gym.

Bottom line, protecting the spine must be a primary focus at all times during any activity, not just weight training. The seated leg press not only lacks the ability to protect the spine, but also flaunts an unstable, maximally loaded nature that's a powder keg waiting to blow.

Programming Modification: Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
split squat
If your primary goal for programming a leg press into your routine is to isolate the quads for strength and hypertrophy gains, there are a number of superior programming options that accomplish the same thing while saving you from sitting and pressing your way to an invasive surgical spinal fusion.

One of the best alternatives to the leg press is the rear foot elevated (Bulgarian) split squat. The single-leg nature of this movement isolates the quadriceps for maximizing growth potential, but also trains the posterior chain to work alongside the quads to increase functionality.

With an extremely high metabolic demand and force output necessary to dominate Bulgarians under near maximal loads, you'll be able to sit back without pain and forget all about that lousy leg-press sled that takes up so much room in the gym! - John Rusin

17-11-14, 13:05

03-12-14, 17:16

03-12-14, 18:35
I tak się wole podciagac;)

13-12-14, 22:16

17-12-14, 19:41

22-12-14, 16:45
Uwielbiam jak klauny układają treningi te same każdemu, lub inne klauny myślą że kogoś trening będzie działał dla nich.


30-12-14, 23:26

22-01-15, 16:32

22-02-15, 16:33

Ciekawe podcasty

24-02-15, 20:47

01-03-15, 22:44
bdb podcast

02-03-15, 03:33
Warto wiedzieć zanim ktoś się uda do lekarza po izotretynoine na trądzik


04-03-15, 14:22
Uuu to takie leki jak Aknenormin, Axotret, Curacne, Isoderm, Izotek, Roaccutane, Tretinex odpadają.

04-03-15, 14:30
Zmiany nie wielkie. Duze dawki. Nie ma co panikowac

28-05-15, 18:23
Przysiad ma zajebisty, pomysl tez niezly robiles to? Dobrze weszlo?

29-05-15, 16:13

27-08-15, 18:21
Prowadzi strasznie to ten kolo ale spoko da sie looknac choc nic nowego

30-08-15, 14:29
Mnie by wquwial jak bym tam byl;)