Zobacz pełną wersję : glutamina a nitroprogen

07-04-10, 19:49
kochani, skoro piję na noc 40g nitroprogenu, tj 30 g białka z czego 15% to kwas glutaminowy więc pochłaniam niecałe 5g owego kwasu, to czy jest sens brania glutaminy na noc w tabletkach ?

slim shady
07-04-10, 20:18
kwas glutaminowy powstaje częściowo z glutaminy, więc 5 g tego kwasu to może być trochę mało, tylko kwas glutaminowy jest toksyczny w dużych dawkach

tylko pytanie w jakim celu chcesz się suplementować glutaminą, myślę, że z diety powinieneś wystarczająca ilość dostarczyć glutaminy

07-04-10, 23:19
w celu takim, że się redukuję więc jako antykatabolik żrę glutę z treca i bcaa, mimo że w nitroprogenie jest sporo kwasu glut oraz bcaa ale białka bezpośrednio po siłówce nie będę pijał.

07-04-10, 23:25
well, well, well

L-glutamina czy kwas glutaminowy
Z punktu widzenia chemii L-glutamina i kwas glutaminowy są bardzo podobnymi substancjami, które ulegają w organizmie wzajemnym przekształceniom. Bardzo duże znaczenie ma jednak to, którą z tych substancji suplementujesz. Kwas glutaminowy, w wysokich stężeniach działa niekorzystnie na układ nerwowy, czemu organizm musi przeciwdziałać. Ponadto, przekształcenie kwasu glutaminowego w L-glutaminę, sczególnie w warunkach stresu (a więc wtedy, gdy L-glutamina jest szczególnie potrzebna), nie zawsze jest możliwe w wystarczających ilościach. Składnikiem Twojego suplementu żywności powinien być więc nie kwas glutaminowy a aminokwas L-glutamina.

Występowanie L-glutaminy
L-glutamina występuje w prawie wszystkich białkach. Szczególnie duże ilości zawiera gliadyna (31%), kazeina (24%), białko serwatkowe (7%), białko z kukurydzy i z soi (6%). Kwaśny glutaminian sodowy często jest stosowany jako przyprawa.

08-04-10, 01:18
kochani, skoro piję na noc 40g nitroprogenu, tj 30 g białka z czego 15% to kwas glutaminowy więc pochłaniam niecałe 5g owego kwasu, to czy jest sens brania glutaminy na noc w tabletkach ?


08-04-10, 01:23
glute cza brac w dosc duzych dawkach zebyb yl jaki kolwiek sens.
albo NAG

08-04-10, 12:07
moja to kompleks NAG'a i peptydu.

skoro w dużych dawkach to wychodzi, że można z nitroprogenu plus osobno...

08-04-10, 20:04
glutamina nie działa i świadcza o tym badania

09-04-10, 17:05
glutamina nie działa i świadcza o tym badania

jakie badania ? gdzie 15 pedałów dostaje 5g gluty a drugie 15 pedałów 5g witaminy c ? jak ma działać glutamina ? zwiększyć przyrosty o 50 % ?

a bcaa działa ? bo ja nei widzę różnicy

slim shady
09-04-10, 17:25


The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of oral glutamine supplementation combined with resistance training in young adults. A group of 31 subjects, aged 18-24 years, were randomly allocated to groups (double blind) to receive either glutamine (0.9 g x kg lean tissue mass(-1) x day(-1); n = 17) or a placebo (0.9 g maltodextrin x kg lean tissue mass(-1) x day(-1); n = 14 during 6 weeks of total body resistance training. Exercises were performed for four to five sets of 6-12 repetitions at intensities ranging from 60% to 90% 1 repetition maximum (1 RM). Before and after training, measurements were taken of 1 RM squat and bench press strength, peak knee extension torque (using an isokinetic dynamometer), lean tissue mass (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) and muscle protein degradation (urinary 3-methylhistidine by high performance liquid chromatography). Repeated measures ANOVA showed that strength, torque, lean tissue mass and 3-methylhistidine increased with training (P < 0.05), with no significant difference between groups. Both groups increased their 1 RM squat by approximately 30% and 1 RM bench press by approximately 14%. The glutamine group showed increases of 6% for knee extension torque, 2% for lean tissue mass and 41% for urinary levels of 3-methylhistidine. The placebo group increased knee extension torque by 5%, lean tissue mass by 1.7% and 3-methylhistidine by 56%. We conclude that glutamine supplementation during resistance training has no significant effect on muscle performance, body composition or muscle protein degradation in young healthy adults.

Tutaj przeprowadzono badania na grupie 31 osób, w wieku 18-24 lata. Podawano im albo placebo (0.9 g maltodekstryny czyli węglowodanów na kg suchej masy ciała) - albo glutaminę (0.9 g na kg suchej masy ciała). Testy trwały 6 tygodni.

Prowadzono testy siły mięśni (max. na 1 powt w przysiadzie i wyciskaniu), porównano przyrost suchej masy ciała (mięśniowej). Pomiędzy grupami z placebo i glutaminą nie stwierdzono większych różnic.

UWAGA: 0.9 g na kilogram masy ciała to dawka kosmiczna. Oznacza to, że osoba 100 kg musiałaby brać 90 g glutaminy! Skoro nawet takie kosmiczne dawki nie działają, to co dopiero ilości glutaminy obecne w suplementach!



Twenty-nine (17 men, 12 women) collegiate track and field athletes were randomly divided into a creatine monohydrate (CM, n = 10) group, creatine monohydrate and glutamine (CG, n = 10) group, or placebo (P, n = 9) group. The CM group received 0.3 g creatine.kg body mass per day for 1 week, followed by 0.03 g creatine.kg body mass per day for 7 weeks. The CG group received the same creatine dosage scheme as the CM group plus 4 g glutamine.day(-1). All 3 treatment groups parti****ted in an identical periodized strength and conditioning program during preseason training. Body composition, vertical jump, and cycle performances were tested before (T1) and after (T2) the 8-week supplementation period. Body mass and lean body mass (LBM) increased at a greater rate for the CM and CG groups, compared with the P treatment. Additionally, the CM and CG groups exhibited significantly greater improvement in initial rate of power production, compared with the placebo treatment. These results suggest CM and CG significantly increase body mass, LBM, and initial rate of power production during multiple cycle ergometer bouts.

29 uczestników, podawano im placebo, kreatynę oraz kreatynę + glutaminę. Nie stwierdzono różnic między grupami z kreatyną, a kreatyną + glutaminą.

3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14636104

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a combination of effervescent creatine, ribose, and glutamine on muscular strength (MS), muscular endurance (ME) and body composition (BC) in resistance-trained men. Subjects were 28 men (age: 22.3 +/- 1.7 years; weight: 85.8 +/- 12.1 kg; height: 1.8 +/- 0.1 m) who had 2 or more years of resistance-training experience. A double blind, randomized trial was completed involving supplementation or placebo control and a progressive resistance-training program for 8 weeks. Dependent measures were assessed at baseline and after 8 weeks of resistance training. Both groups significantly improved MS and ME while the supplement group significantly increased body weight and fat-free mass. Control decreased body fat and increased fat-free mass. This study demonstrated that the supplement group did not enhance MS, ME, or BC significantly more than control after an 8-week resistance-training program.

Tutaj podawano przez 8 tygodni kreatynę, rybozę i glutaminę. Pomiędzy grupą kontrolną,a a z suplementacją nie zanotowano większych różnic w wytrzymałości mięśniowej (ME), sile mięśni (MS) czy też składzie ciała (BC); (PS. jest wiele badań w których kreatyna się nie sprawdziła, ale dotyczyły one głównie aktywności tlenowych/mieszanych).

4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11834123

This study examined the potential buffering effect of glutamine on lactic acid production during resistance exercise (to the point of momentary muscular failure).

One hour following glutamine ingestion (0.3g/kg), glycine ingestion (0.3g/kg), or placebo drink ingestion, the trained subjects performed 2 sets each of leg press (@ 200% body weight) and bench press (@ 100% body weight). This would equate to an average of ~23g of either amino acid ingested all at once, but there were no reports of GI discomfort.

Each subject consumed one of the three supplements before three separate testing sessions separated by a week. There was no effect of glutamine on number of reps performed compared to glycine or placebo ingestion. These results indicate that a high dose of glutamine ingested before exercise has no positive or negative effects on weightlifting performance in trained subjects.

Wysokie dawki glutaminy nie mają żadnego wpływu na efektywność zawodnika. Tutaj badani wykonywali wyciskanie sztangi leżąc (100% wagi ciała) oraz wyciskanie nogami (200% wagi ciała). Nie stwierdzono różnic w ilości powtórzeń między grupami z glutaminą, glyciną (KWAS AMINOOCTOWY) lub placebo. Podano glutaminę 0.3 g na kg m.c. (CZYLI WRĘCZ KOSMICZNE ILOŚCI 30 g glutaminy dla osoby ważącej 100 kg!

To tyle jeśli chodzi o glutamine i kulturystyke, ma kilka zalet pro zdrowotnych

jeśli chodzi o bcaa

Summary It was the aim of the present experiment to detect possible effects of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) on the endocrine response to 1 h of continuous running. Blood samples were collected from 14 long-distance runners (age 24-42 years) in two different trials performed at 1-week intervals. In both trials (E and P) blood samples were collected at the following times: 9 a.m. (basal values sample), 10.30 a.m. (sample 90), 11.30 a.m. (sample 150), 12.30 p.m. (sample 210); the athletes performed 1 h of running at a constant predetermined speed between samples 90 and 150. Following the basal sample a mixture containing BCAA (E trial), or not containing BCAA (P trial) was ingested. In both trials no hormone basal concentrations, except insulin, were changed before exercise. In P trial, following exercise (sample 150), human growth hormone (HGH), prolactin (PRL) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol (C) increased, while testosterone (T) decreased. In sample 210, after 1 h of rest, while ACTH, PRL and HGH had recovered to basal concentrations, C remained elevated and T displayed a further decrease. In the E trial a similar pattern of change was observed in sample 150 for HGH, PRL, ACTH and C; in sample 210 HGH and PRL displayed significantly lower values than in the corresponding P trial samples. The T was not modified by the running exercise and increased during the recovery period. It is, therefore, suggested that BCAA administration before exercise affects the response of some anabolic hormones, mainly HGH and T.

Key words: Hormones - Testosterone - Human growth hormone - Branched chain amino acids - Exercise

(Istituto di Fisiologia Umana, Universit&#224; di Siena, Via Laterina 8, I-53100 Siena, Italy)

BCAA (w dawce 10g na dobę przez 21 dni) przyczynilo się do wrsotu beztłuszczowej masy ciała (grupa placebo nie zanotowala takiego przyrostu):

Schena and colleagues [6] reported that BCAA supplementation (~10 g/d) during 21-days of trekking at altitude increased fat
free mass (1.5%) while subjects ingesting a placebo had no change in muscle mass.

I oto badanie pokazujące, wpływ BCAA na skład ciała:

This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation would minimize changes in body composition and alterations in plasma amino acid profile induced by prolonged exercises at altitude.
Twenty-four highly trained subjects parti****ted in six successive sessions of ski mountaineering (6-8 hr duration, altitude
2,500-4,100 m). Twelve subjects took a dietary supplement of BCAA (BCAA group) and 12 took a dietary supplement that was 98%
carbohydrate (C group). Body weight decreased in C subjects (-2.1%, p < .01), while the body weight loss recorded in the BCAA
group was not statistically significant (-1.2%, NS). Changes in body composition that resulted from repeated skiing exercise at altitude were not significantly minimized by BCAA administration. Peak power output recorded during an incremental bicycle
exercise decreased in C subjects but did not change significantly in BCAA subjects. Results of this study demonstrate that
neither changes in body composition related to the ski mountaineering program nor muscular performance during isometric
contraction was significantly affected by BCAA administration.

PMID: 8876349 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

(badanie wykonane w: Institute of Human Physiology, University of Verona, Italy.)

Badanie na dziesiecio-osobowej grupie niewytrenowanych, zdrowych mężczyzn, karmionych aminokwasami rozgalęzionymi przez 30 dni, po 14g na dobę. Preparat podawany złozony był w 25% z waliny, w 25% z izoleucyny i 50% z leucyny. Badania przed i po okresie suplementacjii prowadzone były pod pod kątem: masy ciała, wskaźnika masy ciała, wychwytu tlenu, beztłuszczowej masy ciała i siły. Odkryto, że siła chwytu i beztłuszczowa masa ciała badanych osobników wzrosła.

a oto wgląd w badanie:

No conclusive data are reported about the effects of long-term branched-chain amino-acids (BCAA) administration on metabolic and respiratory parameters during the sustained hand-grip test (SHGT). Bedside, few data are reported about the relationship between BCAA administration and body composition. Thus, BCAA (14 g/die; 50% L-Leucine, 25% L-Isoleucine, 25% L-Valine) were administered orally to 10 untrained male healthy subjects for 30 days. Before (T0) and after (T1) BCAA administration, oxygen uptake (VO2) and pulmonary ventilation (VE) were evaluated at rest ("baseline", B) and during SHGT. Body height and body weight, body mass index (BMI), fat mass (FM), fat-free mass (FFM), arm muscle area (AMA) and maximal voluntary contraction of orearm muscler (GS, grip strength) were also evaluated at T0 and T1. At T1 FFM increased significantly (T0: 62.3 +/- 7.6 kg; T1: 63.1 +/- 7.5 kg; mean +/- SD; p < 0.05), as well as GS (T0: 46.8 +/- 7.9; T1: 50.6 +/- 7.8; p < 0.01). At T0, VO2 increased significantly during the test (B: 271 +/- 36 ml/min; SHGT: 332 +/- 71 ml/min; p < 0.01), whereas at T1 no significant increase was observed (B: 271 +/- 50 ml/min; SHGT: 286 +/- 60 ml/min). We conclude that the physical fitness of
BCAA treated subjects was improved, because of the decrease of O2 uptake during SHGT. Moreover, in our subjects, BCAA seemed
to promote FFM-protein synthesis mostly.

PMID: 8709918 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

(Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale, Universit&#224; degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma.)

ps. to nie moje tłumaczenia

09-04-10, 17:40
ja biorę bcaa+glutaminę jako antykataboliki. reszta mnie wali ;] nie wierzę w żadne suplementy, nawet w kreatynę. mogę się z kimś założyć o flachę, że kiedyś sie okaże, iż kreatyna nie działa jako suplement.

co zwiększa siłe i wytrzymałość ? peezda na treningu i micha. pomijam sok

10-04-10, 01:10


The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of oral glutamine supplementation combined with resistance training in young adults. A group of 31 subjects, aged 18-24 years, were randomly allocated to groups (double blind) to receive either glutamine (0.9 g x kg lean tissue mass(-1) x day(-1); n = 17) or a placebo (0.9 g maltodextrin x kg lean tissue mass(-1) x day(-1); n = 14 during 6 weeks of total body resistance training. Exercises were performed for four to five sets of 6-12 repetitions at intensities ranging from 60% to 90% 1 repetition maximum (1 RM). Before and after training, measurements were taken of 1 RM squat and bench press strength, peak knee extension torque (using an isokinetic dynamometer), lean tissue mass (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) and muscle protein degradation (urinary 3-methylhistidine by high performance liquid chromatography). Repeated measures ANOVA showed that strength, torque, lean tissue mass and 3-methylhistidine increased with training (P < 0.05), with no significant difference between groups. Both groups increased their 1 RM squat by approximately 30% and 1 RM bench press by approximately 14%. The glutamine group showed increases of 6% for knee extension torque, 2% for lean tissue mass and 41% for urinary levels of 3-methylhistidine. The placebo group increased knee extension torque by 5%, lean tissue mass by 1.7% and 3-methylhistidine by 56%. We conclude that glutamine supplementation during resistance training has no significant effect on muscle performance, body composition or muscle protein degradation in young healthy adults.

Tutaj przeprowadzono badania na grupie 31 osób, w wieku 18-24 lata. Podawano im albo placebo (0.9 g maltodekstryny czyli węglowodanów na kg suchej masy ciała) - albo glutaminę (0.9 g na kg suchej masy ciała). Testy trwały 6 tygodni.

Prowadzono testy siły mięśni (max. na 1 powt w przysiadzie i wyciskaniu), porównano przyrost suchej masy ciała (mięśniowej). Pomiędzy grupami z placebo i glutaminą nie stwierdzono większych różnic.

UWAGA: 0.9 g na kilogram masy ciała to dawka kosmiczna. Oznacza to, że osoba 100 kg musiałaby brać 90 g glutaminy! Skoro nawet takie kosmiczne dawki nie działają, to co dopiero ilości glutaminy obecne w suplementach!



Twenty-nine (17 men, 12 women) collegiate track and field athletes were randomly divided into a creatine monohydrate (CM, n = 10) group, creatine monohydrate and glutamine (CG, n = 10) group, or placebo (P, n = 9) group. The CM group received 0.3 g creatine.kg body mass per day for 1 week, followed by 0.03 g creatine.kg body mass per day for 7 weeks. The CG group received the same creatine dosage scheme as the CM group plus 4 g glutamine.day(-1). All 3 treatment groups parti****ted in an identical periodized strength and conditioning program during preseason training. Body composition, vertical jump, and cycle performances were tested before (T1) and after (T2) the 8-week supplementation period. Body mass and lean body mass (LBM) increased at a greater rate for the CM and CG groups, compared with the P treatment. Additionally, the CM and CG groups exhibited significantly greater improvement in initial rate of power production, compared with the placebo treatment. These results suggest CM and CG significantly increase body mass, LBM, and initial rate of power production during multiple cycle ergometer bouts.

29 uczestników, podawano im placebo, kreatynę oraz kreatynę + glutaminę. Nie stwierdzono różnic między grupami z kreatyną, a kreatyną + glutaminą.

3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14636104

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a combination of effervescent creatine, ribose, and glutamine on muscular strength (MS), muscular endurance (ME) and body composition (BC) in resistance-trained men. Subjects were 28 men (age: 22.3 +/- 1.7 years; weight: 85.8 +/- 12.1 kg; height: 1.8 +/- 0.1 m) who had 2 or more years of resistance-training experience. A double blind, randomized trial was completed involving supplementation or placebo control and a progressive resistance-training program for 8 weeks. Dependent measures were assessed at baseline and after 8 weeks of resistance training. Both groups significantly improved MS and ME while the supplement group significantly increased body weight and fat-free mass. Control decreased body fat and increased fat-free mass. This study demonstrated that the supplement group did not enhance MS, ME, or BC significantly more than control after an 8-week resistance-training program.

Tutaj podawano przez 8 tygodni kreatynę, rybozę i glutaminę. Pomiędzy grupą kontrolną,a a z suplementacją nie zanotowano większych różnic w wytrzymałości mięśniowej (ME), sile mięśni (MS) czy też składzie ciała (BC); (PS. jest wiele badań w których kreatyna się nie sprawdziła, ale dotyczyły one głównie aktywności tlenowych/mieszanych).

4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11834123

This study examined the potential buffering effect of glutamine on lactic acid production during resistance exercise (to the point of momentary muscular failure).

One hour following glutamine ingestion (0.3g/kg), glycine ingestion (0.3g/kg), or placebo drink ingestion, the trained subjects performed 2 sets each of leg press (@ 200% body weight) and bench press (@ 100% body weight). This would equate to an average of ~23g of either amino acid ingested all at once, but there were no reports of GI discomfort.

Each subject consumed one of the three supplements before three separate testing sessions separated by a week. There was no effect of glutamine on number of reps performed compared to glycine or placebo ingestion. These results indicate that a high dose of glutamine ingested before exercise has no positive or negative effects on weightlifting performance in trained subjects.

Wysokie dawki glutaminy nie mają żadnego wpływu na efektywność zawodnika. Tutaj badani wykonywali wyciskanie sztangi leżąc (100% wagi ciała) oraz wyciskanie nogami (200% wagi ciała). Nie stwierdzono różnic w ilości powtórzeń między grupami z glutaminą, glyciną (KWAS AMINOOCTOWY) lub placebo. Podano glutaminę 0.3 g na kg m.c. (CZYLI WRĘCZ KOSMICZNE ILOŚCI 30 g glutaminy dla osoby ważącej 100 kg!

To tyle jeśli chodzi o glutamine i kulturystyke, ma kilka zalet pro zdrowotnych

jeśli chodzi o bcaa

Summary It was the aim of the present experiment to detect possible effects of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) on the endocrine response to 1 h of continuous running. Blood samples were collected from 14 long-distance runners (age 24-42 years) in two different trials performed at 1-week intervals. In both trials (E and P) blood samples were collected at the following times: 9 a.m. (basal values sample), 10.30 a.m. (sample 90), 11.30 a.m. (sample 150), 12.30 p.m. (sample 210); the athletes performed 1 h of running at a constant predetermined speed between samples 90 and 150. Following the basal sample a mixture containing BCAA (E trial), or not containing BCAA (P trial) was ingested. In both trials no hormone basal concentrations, except insulin, were changed before exercise. In P trial, following exercise (sample 150), human growth hormone (HGH), prolactin (PRL) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol (C) increased, while testosterone (T) decreased. In sample 210, after 1 h of rest, while ACTH, PRL and HGH had recovered to basal concentrations, C remained elevated and T displayed a further decrease. In the E trial a similar pattern of change was observed in sample 150 for HGH, PRL, ACTH and C; in sample 210 HGH and PRL displayed significantly lower values than in the corresponding P trial samples. The T was not modified by the running exercise and increased during the recovery period. It is, therefore, suggested that BCAA administration before exercise affects the response of some anabolic hormones, mainly HGH and T.

Key words: Hormones - Testosterone - Human growth hormone - Branched chain amino acids - Exercise

(Istituto di Fisiologia Umana, Universit&#224; di Siena, Via Laterina 8, I-53100 Siena, Italy)

BCAA (w dawce 10g na dobę przez 21 dni) przyczynilo się do wrsotu beztłuszczowej masy ciała (grupa placebo nie zanotowala takiego przyrostu):

Schena and colleagues [6] reported that BCAA supplementation (~10 g/d) during 21-days of trekking at altitude increased fat
free mass (1.5%) while subjects ingesting a placebo had no change in muscle mass.

I oto badanie pokazujące, wpływ BCAA na skład ciała:

This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation would minimize changes in body composition and alterations in plasma amino acid profile induced by prolonged exercises at altitude.
Twenty-four highly trained subjects parti****ted in six successive sessions of ski mountaineering (6-8 hr duration, altitude
2,500-4,100 m). Twelve subjects took a dietary supplement of BCAA (BCAA group) and 12 took a dietary supplement that was 98%
carbohydrate (C group). Body weight decreased in C subjects (-2.1%, p < .01), while the body weight loss recorded in the BCAA
group was not statistically significant (-1.2%, NS). Changes in body composition that resulted from repeated skiing exercise at altitude were not significantly minimized by BCAA administration. Peak power output recorded during an incremental bicycle
exercise decreased in C subjects but did not change significantly in BCAA subjects. Results of this study demonstrate that
neither changes in body composition related to the ski mountaineering program nor muscular performance during isometric
contraction was significantly affected by BCAA administration.

PMID: 8876349 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

(badanie wykonane w: Institute of Human Physiology, University of Verona, Italy.)

Badanie na dziesiecio-osobowej grupie niewytrenowanych, zdrowych mężczyzn, karmionych aminokwasami rozgalęzionymi przez 30 dni, po 14g na dobę. Preparat podawany złozony był w 25% z waliny, w 25% z izoleucyny i 50% z leucyny. Badania przed i po okresie suplementacjii prowadzone były pod pod kątem: masy ciała, wskaźnika masy ciała, wychwytu tlenu, beztłuszczowej masy ciała i siły. Odkryto, że siła chwytu i beztłuszczowa masa ciała badanych osobników wzrosła.

a oto wgląd w badanie:

No conclusive data are reported about the effects of long-term branched-chain amino-acids (BCAA) administration on metabolic and respiratory parameters during the sustained hand-grip test (SHGT). Bedside, few data are reported about the relationship between BCAA administration and body composition. Thus, BCAA (14 g/die; 50% L-Leucine, 25% L-Isoleucine, 25% L-Valine) were administered orally to 10 untrained male healthy subjects for 30 days. Before (T0) and after (T1) BCAA administration, oxygen uptake (VO2) and pulmonary ventilation (VE) were evaluated at rest ("baseline", B) and during SHGT. Body height and body weight, body mass index (BMI), fat mass (FM), fat-free mass (FFM), arm muscle area (AMA) and maximal voluntary contraction of orearm muscler (GS, grip strength) were also evaluated at T0 and T1. At T1 FFM increased significantly (T0: 62.3 +/- 7.6 kg; T1: 63.1 +/- 7.5 kg; mean +/- SD; p < 0.05), as well as GS (T0: 46.8 +/- 7.9; T1: 50.6 +/- 7.8; p < 0.01). At T0, VO2 increased significantly during the test (B: 271 +/- 36 ml/min; SHGT: 332 +/- 71 ml/min; p < 0.01), whereas at T1 no significant increase was observed (B: 271 +/- 50 ml/min; SHGT: 286 +/- 60 ml/min). We conclude that the physical fitness of
BCAA treated subjects was improved, because of the decrease of O2 uptake during SHGT. Moreover, in our subjects, BCAA seemed
to promote FFM-protein synthesis mostly.

PMID: 8709918 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

(Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale, Universit&#224; degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma.)

ps. to nie moje tłumaczenia

Dodam tylko, że jest to autorstwa Knife z *** ;-)

oprocz tego jest dużo wiecej badań przeciwko glutaminie

a za nie widziałem do tej pory jeszcze żadnego na sportowach (chyba jedyne sensowne badania za to te na ludziach z ciężkimi chorobami wyniszczajacymi)

10-04-10, 01:51
A tu jest , że działa :twisted:

University Department of Biochemistry, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Athletes undergoing intense, prolonged training or participating in endurance races suffer an increased risk of infection due to apparent immunosuppression. Glutamine is an important fuel for some cells of the immune system and may have specific immunostimulatory effects. The plasma glutamine concentration is lower after prolonged, exhaustive exercise: this may contribute to impairment of the immune system at a time when the athlete may be exposed to opportunistic infections. The effects of feeding glutamine was investigated both at rest in sedentary controls and after exhaustive exercise in middle-distance, marathon and ultra-marathon runners, and elite rowers, in training and competition. Questionnaires established the incidence of infection for 7 d after exercise: infection levels were highest in marathon and ultra-marathon runners, and in elite male rowers after intensive training. Plasma glutamine levels were decreased by approximately 20% 1 h after marathon running. A marked increase in numbers of white blood cells occurred immediately after exhaustive exercise, followed by a decrease in the numbers of lymphocytes. The provision of oral glutamine after exercise appeared to have a beneficial effect on the level of subsequent infections. In addition, the ratio of T-helper/T-suppressor cells appeared to be increased in samples from those who received glutamine, compared with placebo.

PMID: 9263279 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Glutamine-enriched intravenous feedings attenuate extracellular fluid expansion after a standard stress.
Department of Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA 02115.
A double-blind, randomized controlled trial was performed to determine the effect of glutamine (GLN)-enriched intravenous feedings on the volume and distribution of body fluids in catabolic patients. Subjects with hematologic malignancies in remission underwent a standard treatment of high-dose chemotherapy and total body irradiation before bone marrow transplantation. After completion of this regimen, they were randomized to receive either standard parenteral nutrition (STD, n = 10) or an isocaloric, isonitrogenous nutrient solution enriched with crystalline L-glutamine (0.57 g/kg/day, GLN, n = 10). Extracellular water (ECW) and total body water (TBW), determined by bromide and heavy water dilution techniques, were measured before the conditioning treatment and after termination of the intravenous feedings that were administered for 27 +/- 1 days. In addition electrical resistance (R, in ohms, omega) and reactance (Xc, omega) of the body to a weak alternating current were measured at these time points. Both study groups were comparable for age, weight, height, sex, and diagnosis. Initial TBW was highly related to electrical resistance (r = -0.93, p less than 0.001). After conditioning therapy, bone marrow infusion, and intravenous feedings, a 20% expansion in ECW was observed in the STD group (ECW: 18.0 +/- 1.1 L vs. 14.9 +/- 1.0, p = 0.012), and this fluid retention was associated with a marked decrease in electrical resistance (R: 514 +/- 28 omega vs. 558 +/- 26, p less than 0.05). In contrast the extracellular fluid compartment in patients receiving GLN-supplementation did not change (ECW: 15.8 +/- 0.9 L vs. 15.4 +/- 0.8, p = 0.49), and the body's resistance was maintained (R: 552 +/- 27 omega vs. 565 +/- 23, p = 0.42). Expansion of ECW could not be related to differences in fluid or sodium intake, or to the use of diuretics or steroids. Patients receiving the STD solution, however, exhibited a greater number of positive microbial cultures (p less than 0.01) and a higher rate of clinical infection compared with the GLN patients (5/10 vs. 0/10, p less than 0.05); the fluid expansion in infected STD patients was greater compared with uninfected individuals (delta ECW: + 5.0 +/- 1.4 vs. 0.7 +/- 0.5, p = 0.007). In this model of catabolic stress, fluid retention and expansion of the extracellular fluid compartment commonly observed after standard total parenteral nutrition can be attenuated by administering glutamine-supplemented intravenous feedings, possibly by protecting the host from microbial invasion and associated infection.

The emerging role of glutamine as an indicator of exercise stress and overtraining.
Department of Microbiology, University of Western Australia, Perth.


Glutamine is an amino acid essential for many important homeostatic functions and for the optimal functioning of a number of tissues in the body, particularly the immune system and the gut. However, during various catabolic states, such as infection, surgery, trauma and acidosis, glutamine homeostasis is placed under stress, and glutamine reserves, particularly in the skeletal muscle, are depleted. With regard to glutamine metabolism, exercise stress may be viewed in a similar light to other catabolic stresses. Plasma glutamine responses to both prolonged and high intensity exercise are characterised by increased levels during exercise followed by significant decreases during the post-exercise recovery period, with several hours of recovery required for restoration of pre-exercise levels, depending on the intensity and duration of exercise. If recovery between exercise bouts is inadequate, the acute effects of exercise on plasma glutamine level may be cumulative, since overload training has been shown to result in low plasma glutamine levels requiring prolonged recovery. Athletes suffering from the overtraining syndrome (OTS) appear to maintain low plasma glutamine levels for months or years. All these observations have important implications for organ functions in these athletes, particularly with regard to the gut and the cells of the immune system, which may be adversely affected. In conclusion, if methodological issues are carefully considered, plasma glutamine level may be useful as an indicator of an overtrained state.

PMID: 8775515 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



brano tylko 100miligramów na 1kg /mc czyli na 100kg gościa 10g gluty

a bcaa działa ? bo ja nei widzę różnicy

Department of Physical Education, Odense University, DK-5230 Odense M; and Copenhagen Muscle Research Center, Rigshospitalet, August Krogh Institute, University of Copenhagen, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

Madsen, Klavs, Dave A. MacLean, Bente Kiens, and Dirk Christensen. Effects of glucose, glucose plus branched-chain amino acids, or placebo on bike performance over 100 km. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(6): 2644-2650, 1996.---This study was undertaken to determine the effects of ingesting either glucose (trial G) or glucose plus branched-chain amino acids (BCAA; trial B), compared with placebo (trial P), during prolonged exercise. Nine well-trained cyclists with a maximal oxygen uptake of 63.1 &#177; 1.5 ml O2 &#183; min-1 &#183; kg-1 performed three laboratory trials consisting of 100 km of cycling separated by 7 days between each trial. During these trials, the subjects were encouraged to complete the 100 km as fast as possible on their own bicycles connected to a magnetic brake. No differences in performance times were observed between the three trials (160.1 &#177; 4.1, 157.2 &#177; 4.5, and 159.8 &#177; 3.7 min, respectively). In trial B, plasma BCAA levels increased from 339 &#177; 28 &#181;M at rest to 1,026 &#177; 62 &#181;M after exercise (P < 0.01). Plasma ammonia concentrations increased during the entire exercise period for all three trials and were significantly higher in trial B compared with trials G and P (P < 0.05). The respiratory exchange ratio was similar in the three trials during the first 90 min of exercise; thereafter, it tended to drop more in trial P than in trials G and B. These data suggest that neither glucose nor glucose plus BCAA ingestion during 100 km of cycling enhance performance in well-trained cyclists.

Tu masz o tym ,że BCAA aminy przyjmowane przed oraz w trakcie nie dały lepszych wyników niż napoję węglowodanowe jeśli chodzi o wydolność :twisted:

Phillip Watson1, Susan M. Shirreffs1 and Ronald J. Maughan
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK
Accepted: 8 July 2004 Published online: 2 September 2004
Abstract Eight males were recruited to examine the effect of branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation on exercise capacity in a glycogen-depleted state in a warm environment. Following a exercise and dietary regimen designed to reduce glycogen availability, subjects returned to the laboratory the following morning and remained seated for 2 h, before cycling to volitional exhaustion at 50% VdotO2 peak in a warm environment [30.0 (0.2)°C; mean (SD)]. Four 250 ml aliquots of a 12 g l–1 BCAA solution or placebo were ingested at 30 min intervals prior to exercise, with an additional 150 ml consumed every 15 min throughout exercise. BCAA ingestion had no effect on exercise capacity [placebo 103.9 (26.9) min; BCAA 111.0 (29.2) min; P=0.129). No difference in heart rate (P=0.345), core temperature (P=0.628), or weighted mean skin temperature (P=0.114) was apparent between trials. Ingestion of the BCAA solution produced a marked increase in plasma BCAA immediately prior to exercise [+1126 (158) mgrmol l–1; P<0.001) with this difference maintained throughout. Consequently, a significant reduction in the plasma concentration ratio of free tryptophan to BCAA was observed during the BCAA trial when compared to the placebo (P<0.001). Plasma ammonia concentration was significantly elevated during exercise throughout the BCAA trial (P<0.001), with no change from rest apparent during the placebo trial (P=0.608). Blood glucose (P=0.114) and lactate (P=0.836) concentrations were not different between trials. Ingestion of a BCAA solution prior to, and during, prolonged exercise in glycogen-depleted subjects did not influence exercise capacity in a warm environment.

A tutaj jest mowa o tym ,że podczas przyjmowania czterech porcji 250ml 12g baa /na 30min przed treningiem oraz podanie jeszcze w 150ml na 15min przed blaa,blaa,blaa wynik nie ma różnic pomiędzy placebo na wydolność wysiłkową w ciepłym 30stopni(wachania 0,2) otoczeniu.

A wniosek z tego wszystkiego taki ,że dobra micha to dobra micha :rockon:

10-04-10, 01:57
na wszystko mozna znalesc jedne jak i drugie badania:)
ja tam glute szamie
15-20gr dziennie i dobrze mi z tym
z takich rzeczy jak gluta czy kreta nie schodze.

10-04-10, 02:01
Gluta to chyba na system odpornościowy dobrze działa i HMB też :twisted:

10-04-10, 02:32
a macie pierdy straszne po glucie ? bo ja nie wy3muje i twarda kupe mam a cale zycie wolne klocki walilem. nawet nie klocki a ciapy takie

10-04-10, 03:25
a macie pierdy straszne po glucie ? bo ja nie wy3muje i twarda kupe mam a cale zycie wolne klocki walilem. nawet nie klocki a ciapy takie

Ja tam wcale tego nie zjadam wystarczająco już ma w żarciu :)

10-04-10, 05:02
gluta rowniez wspomaga uklad pokarmowy gdzies pisali. wiec moze dlatego masz sraczki:) ja tam juz nic nie ma po niczym:)

10-04-10, 10:11
Też uważam, że gluta działa odpornościowo. Nie pamiętam kiedy ostatnio chory byłem, a cały czas prawie glute/tran/witaminy podjadam :)

10-04-10, 15:23
gluta rowniez wspomaga uklad pokarmowy gdzies pisali. wiec moze dlatego masz sraczki:) ja tam juz nic nie ma po niczym:)

nie mam sraczek a twarde

10-04-10, 15:35
gluta rowniez wspomaga uklad pokarmowy gdzies pisali. wiec moze dlatego masz sraczki:) ja tam juz nic nie ma po niczym:)
Tylko po superpump250 http://www.otofotki.pl/img12/obrazki/xp140_ddd.gif

11-04-10, 15:35
A tu jest , że działa :twisted:

University Department of Biochemistry, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Athletes undergoing intense, prolonged training or participating in endurance races suffer an increased risk of infection due to apparent immunosuppression. Glutamine is an important fuel for some cells of the immune system and may have specific immunostimulatory effects. The plasma glutamine concentration is lower after prolonged, exhaustive exercise: this may contribute to impairment of the immune system at a time when the athlete may be exposed to opportunistic infections. The effects of feeding glutamine was investigated both at rest in sedentary controls and after exhaustive exercise in middle-distance, marathon and ultra-marathon runners, and elite rowers, in training and competition. Questionnaires established the incidence of infection for 7 d after exercise: infection levels were highest in marathon and ultra-marathon runners, and in elite male rowers after intensive training. Plasma glutamine levels were decreased by approximately 20% 1 h after marathon running. A marked increase in numbers of white blood cells occurred immediately after exhaustive exercise, followed by a decrease in the numbers of lymphocytes. The provision of oral glutamine after exercise appeared to have a beneficial effect on the level of subsequent infections. In addition, the ratio of T-helper/T-suppressor cells appeared to be increased in samples from those who received glutamine, compared with placebo.

PMID: 9263279 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Glutamine-enriched intravenous feedings attenuate extracellular fluid expansion after a standard stress.
Department of Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA 02115.
A double-blind, randomized controlled trial was performed to determine the effect of glutamine (GLN)-enriched intravenous feedings on the volume and distribution of body fluids in catabolic patients. Subjects with hematologic malignancies in remission underwent a standard treatment of high-dose chemotherapy and total body irradiation before bone marrow transplantation. After completion of this regimen, they were randomized to receive either standard parenteral nutrition (STD, n = 10) or an isocaloric, isonitrogenous nutrient solution enriched with crystalline L-glutamine (0.57 g/kg/day, GLN, n = 10). Extracellular water (ECW) and total body water (TBW), determined by bromide and heavy water dilution techniques, were measured before the conditioning treatment and after termination of the intravenous feedings that were administered for 27 +/- 1 days. In addition electrical resistance (R, in ohms, omega) and reactance (Xc, omega) of the body to a weak alternating current were measured at these time points. Both study groups were comparable for age, weight, height, sex, and diagnosis. Initial TBW was highly related to electrical resistance (r = -0.93, p less than 0.001). After conditioning therapy, bone marrow infusion, and intravenous feedings, a 20% expansion in ECW was observed in the STD group (ECW: 18.0 +/- 1.1 L vs. 14.9 +/- 1.0, p = 0.012), and this fluid retention was associated with a marked decrease in electrical resistance (R: 514 +/- 28 omega vs. 558 +/- 26, p less than 0.05). In contrast the extracellular fluid compartment in patients receiving GLN-supplementation did not change (ECW: 15.8 +/- 0.9 L vs. 15.4 +/- 0.8, p = 0.49), and the body's resistance was maintained (R: 552 +/- 27 omega vs. 565 +/- 23, p = 0.42). Expansion of ECW could not be related to differences in fluid or sodium intake, or to the use of diuretics or steroids. Patients receiving the STD solution, however, exhibited a greater number of positive microbial cultures (p less than 0.01) and a higher rate of clinical infection compared with the GLN patients (5/10 vs. 0/10, p less than 0.05); the fluid expansion in infected STD patients was greater compared with uninfected individuals (delta ECW: + 5.0 +/- 1.4 vs. 0.7 +/- 0.5, p = 0.007). In this model of catabolic stress, fluid retention and expansion of the extracellular fluid compartment commonly observed after standard total parenteral nutrition can be attenuated by administering glutamine-supplemented intravenous feedings, possibly by protecting the host from microbial invasion and associated infection.

The emerging role of glutamine as an indicator of exercise stress and overtraining.
Department of Microbiology, University of Western Australia, Perth.


Glutamine is an amino acid essential for many important homeostatic functions and for the optimal functioning of a number of tissues in the body, particularly the immune system and the gut. However, during various catabolic states, such as infection, surgery, trauma and acidosis, glutamine homeostasis is placed under stress, and glutamine reserves, particularly in the skeletal muscle, are depleted. With regard to glutamine metabolism, exercise stress may be viewed in a similar light to other catabolic stresses. Plasma glutamine responses to both prolonged and high intensity exercise are characterised by increased levels during exercise followed by significant decreases during the post-exercise recovery period, with several hours of recovery required for restoration of pre-exercise levels, depending on the intensity and duration of exercise. If recovery between exercise bouts is inadequate, the acute effects of exercise on plasma glutamine level may be cumulative, since overload training has been shown to result in low plasma glutamine levels requiring prolonged recovery. Athletes suffering from the overtraining syndrome (OTS) appear to maintain low plasma glutamine levels for months or years. All these observations have important implications for organ functions in these athletes, particularly with regard to the gut and the cells of the immune system, which may be adversely affected. In conclusion, if methodological issues are carefully considered, plasma glutamine level may be useful as an indicator of an overtrained state.

PMID: 8775515 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



brano tylko 100miligramów na 1kg /mc czyli na 100kg gościa 10g gluty

Department of Physical Education, Odense University, DK-5230 Odense M; and Copenhagen Muscle Research Center, Rigshospitalet, August Krogh Institute, University of Copenhagen, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

Madsen, Klavs, Dave A. MacLean, Bente Kiens, and Dirk Christensen. Effects of glucose, glucose plus branched-chain amino acids, or placebo on bike performance over 100 km. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(6): 2644-2650, 1996.---This study was undertaken to determine the effects of ingesting either glucose (trial G) or glucose plus branched-chain amino acids (BCAA; trial B), compared with placebo (trial P), during prolonged exercise. Nine well-trained cyclists with a maximal oxygen uptake of 63.1 &#177; 1.5 ml O2 &#183; min-1 &#183; kg-1 performed three laboratory trials consisting of 100 km of cycling separated by 7 days between each trial. During these trials, the subjects were encouraged to complete the 100 km as fast as possible on their own bicycles connected to a magnetic brake. No differences in performance times were observed between the three trials (160.1 &#177; 4.1, 157.2 &#177; 4.5, and 159.8 &#177; 3.7 min, respectively). In trial B, plasma BCAA levels increased from 339 &#177; 28 &#181;M at rest to 1,026 &#177; 62 &#181;M after exercise (P < 0.01). Plasma ammonia concentrations increased during the entire exercise period for all three trials and were significantly higher in trial B compared with trials G and P (P < 0.05). The respiratory exchange ratio was similar in the three trials during the first 90 min of exercise; thereafter, it tended to drop more in trial P than in trials G and B. These data suggest that neither glucose nor glucose plus BCAA ingestion during 100 km of cycling enhance performance in well-trained cyclists.

Tu masz o tym ,że BCAA aminy przyjmowane przed oraz w trakcie nie dały lepszych wyników niż napoję węglowodanowe jeśli chodzi o wydolność :twisted:

Phillip Watson1, Susan M. Shirreffs1 and Ronald J. Maughan
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK
Accepted: 8 July 2004 Published online: 2 September 2004
Abstract Eight males were recruited to examine the effect of branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation on exercise capacity in a glycogen-depleted state in a warm environment. Following a exercise and dietary regimen designed to reduce glycogen availability, subjects returned to the laboratory the following morning and remained seated for 2 h, before cycling to volitional exhaustion at 50% VdotO2 peak in a warm environment [30.0 (0.2)°C; mean (SD)]. Four 250 ml aliquots of a 12 g l–1 BCAA solution or placebo were ingested at 30 min intervals prior to exercise, with an additional 150 ml consumed every 15 min throughout exercise. BCAA ingestion had no effect on exercise capacity [placebo 103.9 (26.9) min; BCAA 111.0 (29.2) min; P=0.129). No difference in heart rate (P=0.345), core temperature (P=0.628), or weighted mean skin temperature (P=0.114) was apparent between trials. Ingestion of the BCAA solution produced a marked increase in plasma BCAA immediately prior to exercise [+1126 (158) mgrmol l–1; P<0.001) with this difference maintained throughout. Consequently, a significant reduction in the plasma concentration ratio of free tryptophan to BCAA was observed during the BCAA trial when compared to the placebo (P<0.001). Plasma ammonia concentration was significantly elevated during exercise throughout the BCAA trial (P<0.001), with no change from rest apparent during the placebo trial (P=0.608). Blood glucose (P=0.114) and lactate (P=0.836) concentrations were not different between trials. Ingestion of a BCAA solution prior to, and during, prolonged exercise in glycogen-depleted subjects did not influence exercise capacity in a warm environment.

A tutaj jest mowa o tym ,że podczas przyjmowania czterech porcji 250ml 12g baa /na 30min przed treningiem oraz podanie jeszcze w 150ml na 15min przed blaa,blaa,blaa wynik nie ma różnic pomiędzy placebo na wydolność wysiłkową w ciepłym 30stopni(wachania 0,2) otoczeniu.

A wniosek z tego wszystkiego taki ,że dobra micha to dobra micha :rockon:

1. Chodzi tylko o odporność, tutaj sie zgadzam, może mieć wpływ na odporność. Za to taka kuracja bedzie bardzo droga, moim zdaniem lepiej kupić witaminy i minerały, echinacea czy nawet dhea (i jej metabolity) które bardzo dobrze podnoszą odporność.

2. Drugie badanie jest na osobach z nowotworem, które przeszły naświetlenie itd. Jak to się ma do sportowców? NIJAK. Jak pisałem wcześniej - glutamina (doustanie) wydaje się pomagać właśnie tylko ludziom ciężko wyniszczonych chorobami.

3. To wogole nie wiem o czym ma świadczyć, bo chyba nie o suplementacji doustnej glutaminą? Tutaj tylko piszą, że u przetrenowanych osob można zauważyć jakiś tam spadek glutaminy w osoczu czy cos takiego. Ok, ale suplementacja doustna glutaminą nic tutaj nie poradzi.

Jak widać nadal nie widziałem badań na normalnych ludziach/sportowcach za glutaminą.
Także nie ma tutaj za - ale dużo przeciw.

11-04-10, 15:49
1. Chodzi tylko o odporność, tutaj sie zgadzam, może mieć wpływ na odporność. Za to taka kuracja bedzie bardzo droga, moim zdaniem lepiej kupić witaminy i minerały, echinacea czy nawet dhea (i jej metabolity) które bardzo dobrze podnoszą odporność.

2. Drugie badanie jest na osobach z nowotworem, które przeszły naświetlenie itd. Jak to się ma do sportowców? NIJAK. Jak pisałem wcześniej - glutamina (doustanie) wydaje się pomagać właśnie tylko ludziom ciężko wyniszczonych chorobami.

Ma się tak ,że działa tylko nie każdy wie po co.Poprawia odporność ,a więc działa.Kwestię mięśni,pomijam ,bo sam uważam ,że cena jest nie warta i łatwo dostarczyć z pożywienia to samo z witaminami.Witaminy działają w inny sposób niż białka,aminy.I oba są potrzebne więc to tylko twoje zdanie.Ja bym się bardziej spierał czy warto dostarczać z supla czy wystarczy z diety,ale to osobny temat.Tak jak carbo na które mi kompletnie szkoda kasy i to dużo bardziej niż na resztę supli ,a ty to np. łykasz.

3. To wogole nie wiem o czym ma świadczyć, bo chyba nie o suplementacji doustnej glutaminą? Tutaj tylko piszą, że u przetrenowanych osob można zauważyć jakiś tam spadek glutaminy w osoczu czy cos takiego. Ok, ale suplementacja doustna glutaminą nic tutaj nie poradzi.

Poradzi w kwestii odporności.Co do ludzi ,a sportowców ma się tak ,że w obu przypadkach zachodzi zwiększona potrzeba na pewne składniki,więc nie mów ,że nijak.

Jak widać nadal nie widziałem badań na normalnych ludziach/sportowcach za glutaminą.
Także nie ma tutaj za - ale dużo przeciw.
No jak nie widziałeś ,przecież pierwszy link jest o tym hehe.Nie ma jak własne podsumowanie ;)

11-04-10, 20:11
Ma się tak ,że działa tylko nie każdy wie po co.Poprawia odporność ,a więc działa.Kwestię mięśni,pomijam ,bo sam uważam ,że cena jest nie warta i łatwo dostarczyć z pożywienia to samo z witaminami.Witaminy działają w inny sposób niż białka,aminy.I oba są potrzebne więc to tylko twoje zdanie.Ja bym się bardziej spierał czy warto dostarczać z supla czy wystarczy z diety,ale to osobny temat.Tak jak carbo na które mi kompletnie szkoda kasy i to dużo bardziej niż na resztę supli ,a ty to np. łykasz.

Poradzi w kwestii odporności.Co do ludzi ,a sportowców ma się tak ,że w obu przypadkach zachodzi zwiększona potrzeba na pewne składniki,więc nie mów ,że nijak.

No jak nie widziałeś ,przecież pierwszy link jest o tym hehe.Nie ma jak własne podsumowanie ;)

1. Przecież mowimy o kwesti wspomagania wysiłku sportowego czy wkład w sylwetka a takich wniosków w tym badaniu nie ma.

2. Jak właśnie wykazały liczne badania - to co pomoże ludziom wyniszczonym nie koniecznie ma jakiś wkład u ludzi zdrowych.

3. Ciagle nie wiesz oco mi chodzi? Przecież mi chodzi o WPŁYS SUPLEMENTACJI GLUTAMINY NA ROZWÓJ SYLWETKI I OSIĄGÓW SPORTOWYCH i w tym kontekscie się wypowiadam, bo w takim celu ludzie najczęściej ją stosują.

11-04-10, 20:35
1. Przecież mowimy o kwesti wspomagania wysiłku sportowego czy wkład w sylwetka a takich wniosków w tym badaniu nie ma.

Jak dla mnie regeneracja czy odporność to bardzo istotna kwestia u sportowców.

2. Jak właśnie wykazały liczne badania - to co pomoże ludziom wyniszczonym nie koniecznie ma jakiś wkład u ludzi zdrowych.

Mówimy o ludziach gdzie jest zwiększone zapotrzebowanie na pewne składniki ,a więc ludzie w stresie ,chorzy,sportowcy,osoby uprawiające sport rekreacyjnie.

3. Ciagle nie wiesz oco mi chodzi? Przecież mi chodzi o WPŁYS SUPLEMENTACJI GLUTAMINY NA ROZWÓJ SYLWETKI I OSIĄGÓW SPORTOWYCH i w tym kontekscie się vwypowiadam, bo w takim celu ludzie najczęściej ją stosują.

Ja odniosłem się do podanych badań gdzie stwierdzono ,że nie działa tylko tym ,że działa nic więcej :) i nie musisz pisać wielkimi literami bym widział co jest napisane ;).Można powiedzieć ,że odporność ma istotny wpływ na osiągi :)

11-04-10, 21:19
A powiedz w takim razie, czy cyztałeś to co napisałem za pierwszym linku do fragmentu z odpornością?

Ok jakoś tą odpornść moze podnosić, ale sportowcy nie biorą jej w tym celu, tylko zmaksymalizować osiągi, poprawić sylwetke, a w tym nie pomoże.

Do podnoszenia odporności jest sporo suplementów itd tylko, że o niższej cenie - echinacea, probiotyki, witaminy i minerały, Inulina czy nawet dhea (a konkretniej jej metabolity)
wiec jaki sens wydawac tyle kasy tylko na glutamine w celu podniesienia odpornosci (dodatkowo nie wiadomo w jakim stopniu jest podniesiona)

11-04-10, 21:39
Dobra MolderDist, to teraz napisz po co jadłeś 10 puszek Bcaa Xtra z glutą ? Skoro same aminy można kupić taniej ?

11-04-10, 22:59
zobacz na sklepie kfd.pl

2 puszki Bcaa Xtra 89 zł

i kupuje na zapas
ja zawsze kupuje wszystkie produkty po promocji w sumie, duzo tez wygrywam na innym forum

aha i dodatkowy bardzo duzy plus dla mnie to dlatego, ze jest w prochu - a pije akutalnie podczas treningu 50 g Bcaa Xtra rozpuszczone + czasem dołoże coś jeszcze np. size-on podczas treningu i jest petarda

12-04-10, 01:10
A powiedz w takim razie, czy cyztałeś to co napisałem za pierwszym linku do fragmentu z odpornością?

Ok jakoś tą odpornść moze podnosić, ale sportowcy nie biorą jej w tym celu, tylko zmaksymalizować osiągi, poprawić sylwetke, a w tym nie pomoże.

Do podnoszenia odporności jest sporo suplementów itd tylko, że o niższej cenie - echinacea, probiotyki, witaminy i minerały, Inulina czy nawet dhea (a konkretniej jej metabolity)
wiec jaki sens wydawac tyle kasy tylko na glutamine w celu podniesienia odpornosci (dodatkowo nie wiadomo w jakim stopniu jest podniesiona)

Czytałem ,ale odniosłem się do stwierdzenia początkowego jak i końcowego ,że nie działa.Zawsze można zaznaczyć co poprawia.Równie dobrze mógłby napisać ,że np. omega3 nie działa ,bo nie rosną po nim mięśnie.

Te produkty,które wymieniłeś podnoszą odporność w inny sposób i mają inne zadanie.

Zależy o jakich sportowcach mówisz.I do do czego pan Nowak stosuję to mało mnie interesuję ,skoro według tego badania po zawodach u osób spożywających glute 19% się rozchorowało w ciągu następnego tygodnia,a u nie biorących odporność spadła do tego stopnia ,że skala wzrosła do 51% coś znaczy.Ja np. czytałem ,że co poniektórzy właśnie po to ją stosują by nie być osłabionym.Także takie argumenty są bez sensu,bo jedni po to stosują inni nie.

12-04-10, 14:11
a ja mam takie pytanie czy BCAA Xtra + Gluta można stosować cały czas... czy tylko 5- 7 tyg. i opoczywamy od tego supla ?
P.S Jak tak to co można jeszcze wrzucić do stałej suplementacji... bo już dawno wypadłem z supli i mam mizerne pojęcie o nich.
I ostatnie pytanie nie związane z tematem, przepraszam... : czy, np. można znowu powrócić do monohydratu kreatyny i zrobić na niej cykl mimo tego, że już zjadło się już parę stacków kreatynowych itd. ale na samym monohydracie nie robiłem cyklu ze 3 lata...

12-04-10, 23:16
Ja stosuje Bcaa Xtra od jakiegoś roku
tylko, że ja piłe tylko w dni treningowe, w nie treningowe nie ruszam

i myśle, że można spokojnie stałą suplementacje prowadzić w taki sposob

monohydrat - możesz jak najbardziej ;] przeszkod nie ma, sam ocenisz czy stacki są warte swoich piniędzy czy też nie

13-04-10, 01:17
dzięki za odpowiedź, skusze się na tego mono ale dopiero gdzieś we wrześniu... :)